
am I really crazy?

Okay so I remember this and it is scary just thinking about it. So I found out subtly that he thought I was crazy on Facebook. So it was a shared post and what was on it was when someone plays country music in the car and it is a man jumping out of the car.

And I thought it was about me cause it just happened to be from a page called Psycho girls and it had to do with country music and it was there and I saw it and then later I see he has unliked the page and hadn't seen the post for a long time. Like it was meant for me at the time. Concidence or not? I don't think so because also he was friends with me on Facebook so he could've saw my posts about country music.

Also, I remember I messaged him on Facebook one time and remember I had OCD so I was repeating things. So I was messaging him like just being nice and all. So I ask what are you doing? And as my OCD goes is like it isn't right change it again and I keep changing it and remember the delete button only deletes it on your side of the story not theirs so yeah it keeps going until he is like text yelling me stop and it is scaring me and I am about to cry and the conversation goes like "you are trying to be stalker" and I am like really tired and saying I am not a stalker. I was just trying to be polite. And I am trying to plead and I drop the bomb and say I have anxiety and OCD and he asks like he doesn't even know what OCD has to do with it and I am like trying to explain but I have mental problems and it never made since and I got blocked and I even told him I was sorry. He never did. I got called a stalker for heaven's sake!!!!!! He kind of played with me when I thought he would be willing to talk to me. I should've known by the just seen thing that comes up. See got manipulated two times maybe even more who knows!!!!!! So I got blocked and now he is blocked.