
My cruel sex master

"Where's she?" Master Khalid asked as he trailed his eyes around for his target. He found her beside her sister but still walked by and went to lean against a table. "Come over" he ordered and Octavia knew the order was for her. But when she tried to move, she noticed her legs were too heavy. Oh damn it! She needed to do this. She swallowed hard and forced her legs to move, walking closer to him. And as she approached him, she noticed the rings on his fingers. He had gold rings on all his left handed fingers. She got to where he was and stood before him, her gaze low. A mixed smell of cigarette and delicate fragrance clunged around him. "You want to be a part of my clan, huh?" He asked and Octavia only nodded - slowly. "Hm",- he moved from the table. "You have a lot to learn, young lady" he spoke calmly as he moved behind her. Octavia brows arched,,wondering why he was going to stand behind her. Suddenly, he touched her hair. "First", he held and yanked the hair and Octavia winced. "When you're talking to me, you don't just nod. You make use of your tongue". Octavia nodded in deep breaths, but getting a grip of herself, she quickly added: "yes master". Khalid huffed and let go of her hair, then went to stand in front of her. He lifted his hands to her chest and Octavia's eyes dimmed. "What?" She almost called out, but bit her lips to prevent her from talking. Khalid got hold of her b**bs and pinched her nipple and Octavia couldn't help but wince out. "Ah" she gave a very slight sound and was almost forced to move away from him. "Still a virgin?" He asked and she nodded but quickly added "Yes Master". Khalid chuckled immediately, alongside his boys who actually laughed. "Are you being serious?" A dark smirk still lingered on his lips. "You can't be a virgin and work for Master Khalid. You'll need to chose one". * Khalid was known as the cruel leader of his group of bad companions - a group known to be involved in all forms of illegal activities. They were worst than a mafia group. Innocent Octavia shows up one day and begs to be a part of his group for reasons best known to her. But in order to achieve that, she had to let go of her innocence, had to let go of her cold lifestyle and act like one of them. She had to obey all the Master's rules.

Dark_Queen07 · Teen
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76 Chs

CH 76: Finally home

Was Khalid behind this?

She kept wondering and pondering as the driver started the car and took off immediately with two boys sitting beside her at the backseat.

She couldn't tell if the drive was long or not because she had been thinking the whole time - thinking her brains out.

But when the car pulled to a stop, she jolted out of her thoughts and looked around the famiiar sorroundings.

"That should be them. Bring her out" the driver said and the boys beside her opened the door and helped her out.

That was when she noticed a red car parked in front of them.

The boys led her towards the red car and two boys came stepped out from it as well.

Hah! They were people from her clan!

This was indeed, a rescue!

"Stop right there and let her walk all by herself" one of the boys from her clan said and the two boys beside her stopped walking.

Knowing what to do, she continued walking alone to the red car and as soon as she got to them, they brought out a dictator and ran it through her body, trying to make sure she was free or any device.

After a safe confirmation, they made her enter the red car and next, they drove off immediately.

Octavia exhaled deeply as she sat in the moving car. She couldn't believe it.

"How're you feeling, blue eyes?" The driver asked and Octavia didn't realize her hands went straight to her tummy.

"I'm... I'm fine" she muttered.

"Am I being... taken to the clan?"

"Of course" the boy beside her chuckled.


The rest of the drive was a little silent, but it wasn't long before they drove into the gate.

Oh goodness! She was really back to the clan! She was released!!

How did it happen??

The boys parked the car and stepped out with her and Mica who had been waiting the whole time, came running to her immediately.

"Octavia!!" She called as she ran towards her and Octavia quickly turned to look at her.

They met and embraced each other so tight, Mica unable to let her go.

She couldn't believe it. Her sister was back. She never thought she was ever going to see her again.

"Oh God! You're back" she said ruefully, still clutching her tight.

"That's enough, Mica. We need to go. The Master gave specific instructions to bring her to his room as soon as she's back" one of the boys said as he separated the hug.

Mica's eyes dimmed.


"Come on" the boy interrupted them as he held Octavia's arm.

Mica wanted to tell her Khalid was aware of the pregnancy, but there was no time...

"Let's go" the boy said and started taking Octavia away, while Mica watched anxiously.

She couldn't pass the information to her!

What does she do?




Octavia kept thinking throughout the walk to the Master's room. She couldn't deny feeling so nervous, so so nervous.

What if he wants to punish her for leaving the clan? Or punish her for making him do whatever he did to bring her out?

Oh! She felt she was in a lot of trouble.

And the worst part, she was feeling so sick and tired.

With the guard still holding her arm, they arrived at his doorstep and knocked and after some seconds, his deep, yet sweet masculine voice replied:

"Let her in".

The boys understood he wanted only Octavia in and without hesitation, they opened the door and signaled her to go in and she did.

She took in a deep anxious breath as she walked into the room which was a little dark. The dim lights were the only things helping matters else, it would've been completely dark.

Unlike the other times when she'd have been welcomed by acrid smells of cigarette, this time around, it was a sweet fragrance. Seems Khalid wasn't smoking today.

She looked and found him in front of the table, pouring himself some drink.

"G...Good evening, Master" she greeted with a bow immediately, holding her hands together so they don't visibly shake.

He decanted the amount he wanted, then lifted the half filled glass and walked towards her.

She noticed he was looking a little different. His dark eyes didn't change tho, but there was something different.

He stood in front of her, not saying a word, just staring into her face.

Octavia's gaze was lowered to the floor,

wondering why he was staring that way at her. Could he be thinking of the right punishment to serve her?

Well, what else could it be if not s*x?

And in her state, she wasn't ready to have s*x. She might not survive it. So, that'd really be a big punishment to her.

Khalid sipped from his glass, then finally asked:

"Why did you go back to the hospital, Octavia?!"

Octavia's heart skipped along with the question.

Oh! Of course, she's been expecting it;

expecting that question.

She bit her lower lip, hoping she gets pass this moment.

"I'm... I'm sorry Master, I was just... I still needed to go back for check up for the... problem I told you about" she gulped hard, her head bowed the whole time.

"What problem?" Khalid scoffed. "You never told me the exact name of your problem"

To that, Octavia couldn't say a word. So, she just kept her head bowed, awaiting the worst.

Khalid sipped from his drink again and looked at her, down to her toes.

"You covered in dirts" he said. "Go take a shower".

Octavia felt a little relief, but was surprised tho. He really wanted her to take a shower? Meaning...he was letting her go? Maybe for the meantime?

Oh! Of course, he wanted her to shower and make herself clean so he could use her properly.

"T... Thank you, Master" she bowed and tried walking away.

"Use mine" his cold voice stopped her and she looked at him.

Hold on; Whaaat??? Use his??? Is he...ishe being serious?? Or just playing with her emotions?

He drank from his glass again and walked away, leaving her to wander all she wanted.

And when Octavia was done wandering, she thanked him and walked into the bathroom.




To be continued!