
My Cruel Husband | Author –Aavya

This is the story of "Christopher" and "Shailavi." Both are completely different from each other. On one side, Christopher is an unbeatable football champion who has won almost half the world with his hard work. But on the other side, he is the king of the dark world, where people fear his name alone. Christopher is a heartless person who doesn't care about anyone's life and has an intense hatred for women. On the other hand, we have our Shailavi, who is extremely innocent and compassionate but strong-willed. However, due to a mistake, she gets trapped in a forced marriage with Christopher. Will Shailavi be able to escape from Christopher's clutches? Or will she remain imprisoned in this situation? To find out, read "My Cruel Husband"

Aavay · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Ch 11–"A Devil "...

Hello, my dear friends, how are you all doing? 

Now, let's know more about the story..!

Daniel immediately ran over to Christopher and bowed his head, ready to listen to his command. Christopher ordered him to get the CCTV footage of the entire villa within the next five minutes.

Daniel responded affirmatively and hurriedly left to fulfill Christopher's request.

Five minutes later...

Christopher was sitting in front of his laptop, and in front of him, the CCTV footage was playing. It showed the complete recording of Shailavi's actions, from climbing down to sitting in the trunk of a car and leaving.

After watching the clip, Christopher remained calm for a moment and then, with a dangerous smile, said, "Your attempt was commendable, but you can't go far from me. No matter where you run, you'll have to come back to my captivity."

He laughed like a devil and called Adam on his phone, instructing him to quickly find Shailavi and bring her back here. He then turned to Daniel and remarked, "Seems like you have forgotten your job. You need to remind yourself. Go back to the camp and complete your one-month training."

Saying this, Christopher left the room. Daniel knew that one-month training at the base camp meant going through a dangerous and challenging process. However, he had already experienced that before coming here, so it was nothing new to him.

Christopher's base camp was not an ordinary one; it was a training ground for all members of his dark world. Only a select few could pass through, while others would either die during training or give up.

Those who gave up were immediately killed right there. Only a few chosen ones made it through. Adam, Daniel, and Kevin were among those few.

Flashback end...

Back in the present...

In the evening, at Christopher's villa...

Shailavi was sitting in her room, contemplating everything that had happened in the past two months, when a maid came in and offered her some clothes to get ready.

Shailavi looked at the clothes for a moment but declined to get ready. The maid insisted, but Shailavi firmly refused and asked her to leave the room.

Around four o'clock, Christopher returned to the villa and inquired about Shailavi's readiness from the maid. The maid told him everything that Shailavi had said.

Upon hearing the maid's account, Christopher became furious and immediately climbed the stairs to Shailavi's room. He entered and angrily asked her why she wasn't ready.

Shailavi retorted back in anger, saying, "Why should I get ready? I'm not going anywhere with you!"

Hearing her response, Christopher calmed down and sat on the bed, sarcastically saying, "Today, you should get ready. After all, today is our wedding day, and you are marrying me."

Shailavi was shocked to hear Christopher's words and looked at him with astonishment, saying, "What did you say? Marry you? Never in my life!"

Shailavi, with a mocking tone, says, "You expect me to marry someone like you? I wouldn't even pause for a minute, and you're proposing marriage to me? This is ridiculous!" Her face started showing anger.

Christopher, smiling evilly, responds, "You'll have to marry me, whether you like it or not."

"And talking about one day," he continues, "you'll have to stay with this person for a whole year, so get used to the idea."

Confused, Shailavi looks at the paper he handed to her and starts reading it, becoming more and more furious as she progresses. Angrily, she exclaims, "What nonsense is this?"

"You'll have to enter into a 'contract marriage' with me for one year, and then I'll take my child and leave you after a year. I will never give you my child, no matter what," she translates the content of the paper.

In response, Christopher grabs her hair, stands up, and yells in his insane voice, "You know what? I think you're crazy, otherwise, no normal person would even consider such a terrible marriage."

Christopher said, "you'll marry me, like a crazy person, whether you like it or not because it doesn't matter to me what you want. Here, it's what I want."

"I'll raise our child in my lap for a year, and then I'll give the child to you, and after a year, you won't have any say in the child's life. How dare you even think that I would give my child to you? Never, I will never give you my child."

Saying this, Christopher took out his phone from his pocket and showed it to Shailavi. Seeing the video playing on the phone, Shailavi angrily asked, "Who is this? Where is my sister? What have you done to her?"

Christopher smirked and replied, "She's fine for now, but who knows what the future holds. And you should know that I keep my word, whether I say it or not."

Ignoring Christopher's words, Shailavi grabbed the phone from his hands and exclaimed, "This... This is my sister! Where is she? What have you done to her?"

Christopher grabbed her hands angrily and said, "I told you not to answer my calls again. Otherwise, things won't end well."

While Christopher was doing something on his phone, the chair to which Kanak was tied with ropes slowly started to come down. Kanak was unconscious at that time.

Seeing this, Shailavi started trembling and begged, "Please, let my sister go. Don't do anything to her. She's very innocent and young. Please don't harm her."

Crying loudly, Shailavi turned to Christopher and said, "I should meet you ready in the next twenty minutes, or else you'll be responsible for whatever happens next."

Saying this, Christopher swiftly left the room, and Shailavi sat on the bed, crying. After some time, she got up and started preparing while crying.

Twenty minutes later, she was ready. She wore a red-colored saree, had tied her hair neatly, and though she was dressed simply, she looked very beautiful.

The story continues...

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To read the next part of the story, stay connected with "My Cruel Heartless"...

With love and regard