
My crown,your kingdom

,,I love you,I love you so much but I can't do this!'' ,,Yes you can!If you loved me so much as you say you would give all of this up and be with me!'' he said looking at her hoping to get a good answer. ,,You don't understand!This is my family!This is my home!I'm sorry.'' she says leaving,tears filling her eyes. ~My crown,my kingdom~ is a story about a princess who falls in love with a poor librarian but her brother doesn't agree with their relashionship,so he does everything to break them up.Even if it all seems pink and pretty,things are getting though and out of control.

Tatiana_B · Teen
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5 Chs

It's a nightmare disguised as a dream

As she walked by all the guests,she could feel their cold gaze.Her brother,the soon to be king was smiling proudly,feeling like he's on top of the world.Gabriela was happy for her brother yet a strange and overwhelming feeling came up on her.This reminded her of her deceased parents and every time she thought about them it would only make her sadder than she already is.Her life may seem pretty and pink but everything was wrong about it.Yes,she was a princess after all and she was rich and she was of course grateful about it but she had no friends,no lover,no normal life.

After the coronation,Gabriela quietly went to her room,wishing to be left alone.She jumped on the bed and took her favorite book and started reading.Sometimes she would wonder what happen if she were a character in a book.Everybody considered her just a spoilt little rich girl but they were wrong.She loves books and animals and she hates money and royalty.She swore that one day she would runaway from all of this and go live in a cottage,in a peaceful place with a special someone,even though she knew that there are not a lot of chances of this happening.

A knock on her door was the thing that awakened her from her beautiful thoughts.

,,You may come in!'' she almost yelled.

,,Miss Devine,dinner is ready and his highness said he expects you to be there because he wants to talk to you.''

,,Thank you.Tell him I'll be there in a second.''

As her maid,Helena left she quickly went to her closet to change as she knew her brother would probably yell at her if she didn't.They were quite the opposite of each other.He wanted power and he would always compete with her at everything but Gabriela had such a good heart that even with all the hate he threw at her,she still loved him.

She went down the stairs and saw an angry Louis.

,,Hello,brother.You wanted to talk to me?'' she asked innocently.

,,Oh Gabriela drop the act!'' he yelled and punched the wall next to him while Gabriela flinched. ,,I get named king and you don't even bother to say congratulations?You go to your pretty room and do what,huh?I am your king now!'' he says and goes up to her. ,,And you'll do as I say!'' he yells and grabs Gabriela's hair and throws her on the ground.

,,Congratulations!'' she says with tears and her eyes while running to the backyard.

She sits on one of the beautiful benches and starts crying.She couldn't believe him.She knew that something would happen eventually and he will abuse her like he always does but for a simple congratulations?

,,Honey,are you okay?'' says a voice next to her.

Gabriela looked up and saw Ruth.Ruth workes here,at the castle but to Gabriela she is so much more than that.She is a kind,old lady who is like a second mother to Gabriela,she always has been.Ruth has seen her at her worst and best.She fell into Ruth's arms and started sobbing.

,,Is it Louis again?'' Ruth asked looking into Gabriela's beautiful green eyes.She simply nodded,trying to control her emotions.Ruth held her tighter as she whispered that everything will be okay.

Gabriela said goodbye to Ruth and decided to take a walk in the town,to calm down.As she walked slowly,all people staring at her but she didn't care,she saw a beautiful library.Gabriela went inside with a shocked face.The library was big,the small,circle shaped windows were dusty yet the sun was still able to shine through them,bringing some light in the brown,old place.There were no tables or chairs as she expected but comfortable sofas.She took a few more steps,thinking nobody was there but in her surprise she saw a guy standing there on the sofa reading.She looked at him closely.His eyes were deep blue,his hair was blonde,smooth skin,dressed very casual,making her feel uncomfortable that she is wearing a long and fancy dress.He closed his book and looked up to see a beautiful girl,green eyes and brown hair, porcelain skin,dressed quite elegant for a day at the library.She met his gaze and got a sudden feeling,one that she never felt before.Not sure what it was Gabriela broke the eye contact.

,,Hello!I'm Gabriela Devine!I came here to look for some books.Do you work here?''

,,Ah yes,your highness!I'm Jack Clark.'' he said and bowed.

,,Oh please,it gets old.My brother goes by these things,I go by Gabriela.''

She knew it was wrong to tell him to call her by her name because she was in fact a princess and if her brother heard about it he would probably yell at her again and tell her that those filthy people are not on the same level as us and we should be treated with respect.

,,Well,I do work here actually.Are you looking for a specific book?'' he asks.

,,Yes I am.I read Romeo and Juliet but I was very annoyed by the fact that it wasn't the original one,by Shakespeare.I was wondering if you have it,I heard it's hard to find.''

,,Today is your lucky day.I actually do.Would you like to purchase it or borrow it?'' Jack said looking at her,more like admiring her.He couldn't believe that a princess came to buy a book from his library.Don't they have loads of books?

The conversation went by really fast as it was very enjoyable.Gabriela actually felt happy for a few minutes while talking to him. 

,,Will I see you again tomorrow?'' he asks with hope.

,,I'll let you figure that out.'' she said and left the library.

All night she kept tossing and thinking of the same person.Him.Jack.Gabriela couldn't sleep at all.One word said by him made her stomach fill with butterflies just flying around in a loop.