
how it started

"Whore" my father said while throwing a empty beer bottle at me- oh hi I'm sorry my name is noah as you can see my family isn't the best I don't really have anybody any more I just have my so called father he doesn't even go by that title. Imma tell you how all of the abuse started

It all started when I was two years old my father was drunk and driving me and my mother was in the car as well all of a sudden we went off of the bridge that my father was driving on we fell into the ocean my mom grabbed me and got out of the car and she swam all the way to the surface when we got to the surface and on land my mom fainted on land I yelled for help no one showed up for hours finally this one woman saw me and my mom she called an ambulance and she picked me up

A few days later... the woman that's been taking care of me gets a call from the hospital and she's told that my mom died and that they found my dad he's in the hospital but he's gonna go to jail so the Woman that's taking care of me try's to tell me without making me cry she said "your mommy's in a better place now " I just said ok and we started to play.

11 years later... yes I'm 13 and I'm in 7th grade right now I came out a few days ago it didn't go well.. my caretaker doesn't like gays or the lgbtq+ community apparently this is what happed she slapped me and said "freak! Gay faggot" and she kicked me out and now I live with my boyfriend and his parents I'm now going to his school that accepts the lgbtq community but his parents fight a lot so me and him aren't home a lot we go to are friends house all the time.

five years later

Me and my boyfriend have are own house now we're so close my dad got out of jail but then he came and tried to find me but he dose not know where I am or where I live but then *knock knock knock* at the door I came and opened the door but then there's my dad standing there with a gun "come home or I kill you" I was scared and I replied "y-yes s-sir" I went to his house he hasn't stoped abusing me.