
my creation system.

please don't expect regular updates, this is a passion project and I'm already stressed out, throwing regular updates on that would be difficult o say the least mike came from another world with a chance to live a better life. his background was riddled in abuse and neglect. mike works hard in a new work to grow stronger but can he measure up? ( this is heavily influenced by pocket hunting dimension, and while others cultivate I level up in my sleep using the doungen system) please check these out if you like this novel.

Lukas_Fields · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

1. a new life

" I hope you both have a very fun time in hell together" he said before he stabbed the knife into Mike's skull instantly killing him.

Mike floated in a blackness for what he felt was An eternity. then he began to think. in this what's after death. man I thought it was absolutely nothing but I'm able to think. mike kept floating and thinking untill he heard something.

*ding* "would host like to reincarnate into a new body." a robotic voice rang out

right after this voice a menu appeared in his vision. a leap of hope jumped into him and he thought. damn I can't press the yes button. God damn it.

*ding* "the host is being reincarnated into a new body on the world hemlock." said the robotic voice

mike instantly felt a sucking as if he was being sucked into a black hole the he landed on his feet in a new earth. everything was huge. the trees were hundreds of times the size of the ones on earth.

"man this world is Hugh!" mike screamed

*ding* "incorrect. this is your mind dungeon." the system corrected

" wait, what are you?" mike asked in a confused voice

*ding* "I am your system. I oversee your growth and I'm tasked with keeping you alive." the system stated

" tasked, who tasked you?" mike asked in a confused voice.

*ding* "I'm sorry but your level is to low to view this information." said the system

" where did you come from" mike asked

*ding* "I'm sorry but your level is to low to view this information" repeated the system

" why was I chosen by the system" asked mike getting frustrated.

*ding* "I'm sorry but your level is to low to view this information." the system said in a robotic voice

"then what the fuck can I ask!" yelled mike

*ding* "the host may ask simple questions and to view his complete status." said the system

" status? what's a status?" asked mike a little later

*ding* "a status is the hosts info including level, hp, mp, strength, durability, skills, traits, and special skills.

would the host like to explain further" the system said

a menu the appeared in from on him. it read please select what to explain. mike understood most of it from playing video games but only one was new to him. he then selected special skills.

*ding* "a special skill is one that is only learned or passed down to the host. in that way the host will be the only one to ever be able to use that skill." the system said in a monotone voice

mike smiled and looked around him.

"so this is my mind dungeon if I got that correct. if that's so how do I level up?" asked mike

*ding* "the host can level up by cultivation or killing beasts." informed the system

"beasts. what type of beasts?" asked mike

*ding* "beasts range from evil rabbits to dragons. it depends where the host is in in the mind doungen." reported the system.

"so where can I find some evil rabbits?" asked mike wanting to start very small.

*ding* the host is currently in rabbit territory, all he has to do is look and if the host finds a hole that is a rabbit base." said the system

" what's a rabbit base?" asked Mike's with a imagine of 5 rabbits hopping underground

*ding* "a rabbit base may hold up to 200 rabbits and 10 large rabbits." the system informed.

"ok I guess I will start looking for rabbits." Mike said to himself as he started looking around.

soon he found a large 1 meter rabbit and thought the system really meant large rabbit. mike then walked up to the rabbit as quiet as possible trying not to scare it off. when he got within 10 meters of the rabbit though. the rabbits head jerked around and looked at mike with beady little red eyes and showed its sharp teeth. the rabbit charged at mike and was clearly trying to kill him. mike than ran twords the rabbit and punched with all his might at the rabbit instantly killing it.

" wow I guess my mom was right about those karate lessons.

*ding* the host has leveled up to level 1 and gained the stat peering ability along with 10 gold and 10 system points and the mind doungen inventory.