
My Crazy roommate

Advika Kapoor who is the daughter of Mumbai's biggest business man but because of some past incident, she has reached Delhi University as a boy "Advik Kapoor", there she meets the most arrogant and arrogant person of the college. From 'Ayaan Singhania' for whom power, fame is everything, what will happen when both have to share the same hostel room? Will Ayaan find out that Advik is not a boy but a girl? Does Advika have any purpose in coming to Delhi? To know keep reading 'My Crazy Room mate

Avani_Singhal · Fantasy
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13 Chs

on the first side he stole my heart

Advik who was surrounded by shameless boy, and he wanted to spoil his character on the very first day in college by calling Advik..

.. That's why Ayaan was coming from behind with great attitude with his hand in his pocket, he came near those people and took off his sun glasses and looking at the boy (Anuj) who was teasing Advik, said, Am I also gay in your eyes, because till date I have not even touched any girl.

When Anuj (that boy) saw the most famous Ayaan Singhania in front of him, he suppressed his anger within himself, because Anuj never liked Ayaan, both of them always had a silent cold war. ,

Both Anuj and Ayan were studying in the same school since childhood, Anuj used to be a little scared because he belonged to a middle class family, and Ayan used to like to trouble people since childhood. .

Ayan used to harass Anuj a lot in school, he used to get all his work done by Anuj, and in this way Anuj's heart developed hatred towards Ayan.

Ayaan looked at Anuj and said, "You will be able to make me bow down in front of you by humiliating the people around me, Anuj." Stop behaving like children, you will never be able to get away from me with such antics..

Then he looked at Advik standing nearby and said, and I am going to make a difference for an hour due to his being sad, so there is no need to target him because of me..

Having said this, he left with his full attitude.. The same Anuj also went to the auditorium with a frown..

The same Advik's mouth remained open on seeing both of them.. He was not able to understand whether he should be happy that Ayaan saved him from Anuj's absurd question or angry because Anuj targeted him also because of Ayaan. Was..

Advik was thinking the same thing when he heard the announcement of Mike going to throw the auditorium.

Putting all the things aside, Advik first left for the auditorium.

Downstairs, when Advik went to the convocation hall (auditorium).. he saw that all the girls started staring at him together.. Advik had become used to girls staring at him in a month, he quickly turned away ignoring all the hot eyes. sat on a chair..

Today, Mansi's words were coming true, Advik had become the apple of many girls' eyes at first sight, passion of some, dream boy of some and prince charming of some.

Because no girl had the courage to talk to Ayan, because Ayan was always known for his bad behavior all over Delhi.. So now his new target for him was Advik..

That's why all the hostler's wardens came in the convocation hall.. and fitness teachers came,..

He lectured them on a lot of rules and regulations,

Ayaan, who was sitting merrily listening to the speech of the PT teacher, became completely serious. Because PT teacher had told everyone that all those people have to get up at five in the morning and go for trekking.

Everyone will go to two partners and your partners are your room partners.

But Ayaan's senses were blown away by the fact that if anyone breaks even a single rule, the complaint will go straight to his father.

And Ayan did not want to pass his complaint to his father under any circumstances.

After a while the teacher left after giving his lecture.

All the children also left one by one, when Advik was going out of the hall, then he bumped into a girl.. Advik quickly caught that girl in his arms, and that girl was simply spellbound. Who was only being seen...

Different romantic songs were playing in his ears,

That's why Advik made him stand right and asked in a very soft voice, are you alright?

That girl shook her head lost in Advik.

Hearing her yes, Advik left for the canteen.

And that girl was just standing like a statue of herself touching both her hands where Advik had caught her..

That girl kept her hand on her cheek and started saying.. Oh how handsome he is.. He stole my heart from me at first sight ❤ Then she blew her hair and said to herself with great style Come on, Gargi Ayan Bhaiya will have to be convinced that who was that boy...

The same Ayan is determined in himself that he will live here with all the rules and regulations and no matter what happens, he will not allow Mr. Singhania to come here.

Ayan also went towards the canteen thinking all this in himself.

Most of the people there had sat down to eat,

The same Advik who was taking food with a plate, when he saw his favorite dosa in his food, he immediately put it in his plate..

Advik took all his food and sat on a table.. he kept his food.. and went to wash his hands,

After her departure, Ayaan who also loved dosa, when he saw that Advik had taken the last dosha, he took advantage of her departure, put it on his plate and sat in front of Advik's chair.. and enjoyed his dosa. Started eating..

And when Advik came back, he saw Ayaan in front of him, who was eating his Dosha by flashing his teeth.

Advik did not ignore her and sat down to eat. As soon as he looked at his plate, his dosa had disappeared..

Then his attention read on Ayaan who was eating his food with pleasure, who had eaten more than half of his dosa.

Advik was getting very angry on this act of Ayan, because first he had collected his own and then Ayan's salmon.. He was already very tired, and now he was very hungry.

When he saw face to face, many people were sitting and eating food..he didn't want to create any ruckus here..he didn't say anything to Ayaan..and just drank water and went from there without seeing Ayaan..

The same Ayaan who was happily eating dosa to tease Advik, and was ready to fight with Advik.. his hands stopped eating dosa, seeing Advik leaving without arguing with him.. he saw that Advik Didn't eat anything from his plate.

Now even Ayaan could not get a bite out of his mouth, the truth was that he was not feeling well that Advik went away ignoring him like this..

He immediately put food in Advik's plate.. and started going to the room to feed Advik...

While taking the food, he started muttering.. Brother, he throws tantrums just like girls do, now who flaunts on such a small thing..

And I don't even know why I am taking food for him, that's why he answered his question to himself and said. Yes, I am just taking food for him because he helped me to keep clothes in my cupboard..

Yes yes that's why I am taking, otherwise bed boy Ayaan Singhania doesn't care about anyone..

Ayaan reached in front of his room.

When he went to the room, a painful scream came out of his mouth.. Ahhh. ,

To be continued..
