Chapter 99: knocking on hell's door 2
"Excuse me?" Mckenna murmured and blinked.
Maybe this was a joke, a very cruel joke because it couldn't be real.
Because there was no way the girl that Jason spent years pinning for was standing in front of her door while she was wearing a wedding dress.
There was just no way, the universe couldn't play that cruel game on her while her family was barely holding it together.
This was a game and she was going to tell this Tamara Jones wannabe to go and play the nasty game with some other family, because the Yagazie-Donna family has had enough drama.
Mckenna was interrupted by the fraud in front of her.
"Hi" Tammy murmured.
Mckenna watched her as she stood there looking tall and gorgeous. her age should fit the lost Tamara's since she was older than her.
Mckenna's attention was called to the child standing beside her. She looked to be about….