
MY COUNTRY: The fate of a young mother

My country [A suffering young mother] Synopsis. When a young school teacher needs money to pay for her child's critical condition which surgery was needed,she seeks help from a dubious man to raise the money, then she will have to face dark consequences. This story, is all plotted in Nigeria. Will this woman, make it through the dark consequences? Will she loose her daughter?? How will life be for her?? Let's read this interesting story to find out.

Testimony_Elman · Urban
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4 Chs

The raid

A guy who was sitting close to his mother, from his looks you could tell that was among the area boys, had his phone ringing. He pulled out the cigarette from the corner of his mouth.

" I dey I dey ( meaning I'm in, I'm in)." He Chanted, and stood up and dashed out of the house.


Another guy walking through the market areas heard his phone ringing, he picked it up and a feminine voice said.

"Eke, please show up we have a job at hand, and mind you, it's just twenty minutes." The voice said.

"I'm coming!" He half yelled and started running.


Not too long after, the whole squad was complete. They headed for their hideout which was an uncompleted building. Although this building had a secret underground lair, and that was their hideout.

They got in and started arranging their weapons, fixing bullets into them while the cigarettes from almost all of the corners of their mouths gave the lair a smoky effect.

"What is the plan." Matt simply asked while mortuary handed over a bottle of whiskey to him.

He waited for few seconds, but there was still no reply from his gang, then he spoke.

"Alright, listen up everyone. We have forty five seconds to make this hit happen. Are you all hearing me?" Matt asked

"We dey hear ( meaning we are hearing)." They all chorused.

"Forty five seconds, no mistakes." He turned his face to two guys and said.

"Blade and Stone, as we double cross, you hold the driver. If he makes noise, you know what to do." He said and then faced two other people.

"Eke, Smally, you guys are to hold the right wheel strong." He said and then faced three other people.

"Tee, scorpion, spider, you guys know where the money is and I don't want mistakes!."

"Mortuary, you are with me. Guys, let's do this." He finally said and they all picked up their already loaded weapons and started climbing out of the lair.

****** Jane's house.

"I hope what you are saying is not just to show off? Cus if you leave this place with a mind of escape,..." Jane's mum said and scoffed.

" Jane here doesn't know my house, my parents or my friends. If I wanted to run, I wouldn't have come this far." Felix said.

******** Road sixty six***

A black jeep was driving in an up-down way as a result of the bad road. The next thing that happened was a very small car who had several scratches doubled cross them, making the car to give a screeching sound cus of the automatic break held by the driver.

Blade wasted no time in shooting the driver while the rest surrounded the car, keeping their eyes on alert.

Matt went towards the back seat door and opened it, reveling a young youth boy.

"Come down and be fast." Matt yelled.

"See your head, you no get respect abi? I'm under the sun while you are inside their receiving air conditioner and enjoying yourself, I even had to open the door." Matt said and gave an evil smirk.

"Please don't shoot me." The young youth said.

"Because you are an ASP child right? And your uncle is the deputy governor. If I shoot you now, they will say that small bullet likes blood. You just have luck that I'm in my happy mood today.

Later you guys will say that boys are armed robbers like as if you guys aren't pen robbers. Small boy like you, see the car you are driving, with tinted glass even, and you have the guts to carry such huge amount of money inside booth." Matt said almost angrily.

" Please don't shoot" the young youth said while rubbing his palms against each other in an apologetic manner.

Matt used his eyes to signal scorpion, she quickly understood and then headed to where the money is.

Immediately they grabbed the money and stuffed in their small car, the young youth entered his car and brought out a pocket sized gun and shot one of the girls on her chest leaving her dead instantly.

The whole squad became very much alert and raised their weapons towards him. Matt raised his hands to the air signalling that they should all drop their weapons, which they did.

Matt quietly walked towards this young youth. "You shot her? No let me get this straight, you shot her?" Matt asked angrily.

"I'm sorry, it was the devil's handwork, I didn't mean to ...." Before he could finish his statement, Matt fired him two times, on at the head and one at the chest, making him dead instantly.

"Then go meet the devil over there." Matt said and spat on his face before leaving.

Soon, police sirens were heard and the squad took to their heels. The police came down from their hilux and started giving the squad a hot chase, making people around also running to their heels.

~~~~~ ASP' office

A police man came and saluted her before talking

"Good day ma."

"Yes, how may I help you." She said while lifting her eyes from what she was writing.

"Information just got to us that your son has been shot, by some hoodlums." The police said and the ASP just gave an expressionless face, before removing her glasses.

****** Media house****

"We interrupt your regular cooking delight program to bring to you this breaking news. The death of Mr Tony Mela an industrialist has been confirmed this afternoon on road sixty six in kabume, where he was ambushed. Mr Tony Mela was the only son of the state commissioner of police, Mrs Preye Mela. Our reporters were unable to reach the comments. "


Mrs Preye paced round her office with displeasure written all over her face, just then, a police officer came in and saluted her.

"One of the survivors confirmed that they are from kabume."

"That accursed place?" She asked

"Yes ma. He said that the leader of the team is a guy called Matt Odili popularly known as small bullet."

"Where is he?" She asked.

"He got away with a bullet wound."

"Oh my God!" She exclaimed as she hit her hand on her table.

"Kabume, having filled with low lives and scum, today I'm adding a feather to it's cap. I want every unit, anti robbery, neighborhood patrol, bomb all of them in kabume. Their mission is to terrorize every street, nooks and crannies and eliminate everyone that qualifies as a suspect male or female. They take one of ours, you take a thousand of them. Break kabume until it's only fit for scavengers and insects." Mrs Preye said and then took her seat.