
My Copies Fight For Me

In a world of Swords, Magic, and Dragons, Drac uses an unusual power to fight back. The ability to multply himself.

RMLionheart · Action
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36 Chs

Chapter 27: Learning

Marina leans on a wall early in the morning. Her arms covered in her vambrace, folded. She yawns loud, wiping the crust in her eyes from a long night at the dirty tavern. Marina looked out into the street, bored. She sighs. Marina expected more action. She wanted to follow Drac. He attracted trouble as always. Having fun while she was relegated to babysitting duty. Drac went on and on about how she needed to protect his old friend. And how she was the best person possible for the job. Ofcourse Marina reluctantly agreed, as it is the duty of the strong to protect the weak. Marina turns to Maki talking with her associates. She wears a brown gown to her feet, black petticoat around a white blouse. Maki and her acquaintances bring out maps and exchange notes. Chatting for long periods of time until they scatter away.

"Ok, let's go." Maki calls for Marina.

"Finally, I thought I was going to melt into the wall." Marina gets off the wall with an exaggerated motion. Maki giggles.

"Sorry for making you wait so long." Maki and Marina walk on.

"Where to next?"

"My School."

"What's that? Gang code for your very secretive hideout?" Marina asks.

Maki smiles. "Something like that."

Maki and Marina walk down the street, passing many city goers. The Foushire citizens walk by and ride in carriages saying their greetings to Maki. She stroll down the road waving back, while her bodyguard grows impatient.

One more turn on a pavement leads them to an open area of grass. A small building sits in the centre. A large tree grows next to it. Children play by it on the swings. Hammond supervises them, sword by his hip. The children catch sight of Maki and run as fast as they can to her. They crowd around hugging her legs.

"Miss! Miss! Are you okay!? We heard what happened…" One the children said.

"Good morning children. And I am fine. Just a few bumps and cuts." She points to the bandage on her head. Several kids cry aloud, Maki and Hammond try to sooth them as best they can. Maki turns to Marina who stands back confused.

"My students sure are crybabies."

Two hours passed and it's time for a break for the children. They exit the class in a rush to play outside. Hammond runs after them. Marina sits on the floor, hair ruffled, clothes pulled and exhausted.

"You do this everyday? How are you not tired?" Marina fixes her hair.

"Almost everyday. And how can I be tired playing with these precious children." Maki picks up the toys.

"A gangster teacher.... Pretty bad-arse."

Maki giggles. "No, no I am no gangster." Maki goes to clear the black board. "I am just an ordinary person who doesn't want gangsters tearing up our neighbour. The Aristocrats and city guards won't help us, so we help ourselves."

Marina stands, brushing her trousers. "A daughter of a Broker doesn't sound ordinary."

"Yes.." Maki looks down. "We can't choose our parents' jobs." She said as she went back to her desk.

"You were right about this being a hideout, you know." Maki looks around at the children's drawing on the wall. "This place is an escape. From the world. The world of crime, of killing I hate so much. But that world follows me. Threatens what I care about so I fight back."

Marina looks at the person she guards with new found respect. Teaching these rugrats day in and day out sounds like hell to her.

Children scream outside.

"God no… " Marina and Maki spin around at the sound of swords clashing. Marina runs outside. Maki takes out a sword from under the Desk. and follows Marina.

"Children! Run Inside Now!" Maki shouts.

Hammond Faces four Bones alone. A sword stuck in his side. The Bones push it deep till the sword is fully through hammond. Hammond falls, pushed by a man with sunken eyes.

"Hammond!!" Maki screams. Once the children are inside, Maki springs into action.

"Kill them all!" The sunken bone orders his men.

The men move around the two women to enter the school.

Marina uses Murus to erect a wall of blue around the building. Three men bounce off the wall.


Marina uses Ignis to create an inferno, incinerating the Bone close to her. She keeps the Murus in shape with her left hand. With Marina unaware, the enemy gets close and with a dagger, a slice from his right. Marina steps back agilely. A vambrace fist pounds the attacker's face. Blood spurts from the man's nose. The Bone attacks again from his left. Marina blocks with her armoured forearms. The force pushes her back further. Marina creates a condensed fireball by her knuckles. The man swung up to be blocked by her brace. The mage steps in. Winds her right arm back. Aura flows into her muscles. Her metal fist snaps in the chest of the attacker. Ignis connects with his body, blowing his body apart.

Marina scans around looking for the third man. She finds him bloody. Multiple cuts to his body. She looks around again for Maki. A figure in the distance dances in a long dress. Sword in hand, the woman redirects powerful Aura strikes. What the woman lacks in pure Aura strength she fills with her technique. Her sword a brush, painting blood on the man with the sunken eyes. Maki cuts her opponent's wrist. A sword falls to the ground. A cut to the knees drops the man. Maki levels her sword to the Bone's neck.

"Why....?" She said with tears.

The man smiles. "We return in kind."

A sword to the chest downs the gangster. Marina walks towards the school, skirt streaked with blood. "Are the children ok?"

Drac runs through an alley A dozen bones following. Their eyes are murderous and full of revenge. Drac sprints down the dirt alley, jacket flowing behind. He sees an opening to the road. He runs faster. Another dozen or so Bones block the way and run after him. Drac halts and starts walking back. With both ends of the alley bookended by the enemy, Drac stands his ground. He pulls his sword out. Stance up, Drac breathes heavily. His enemies bring the daggers out. Teasing the lone fighter. Making it known to him that he has no way out.

Two Dracs stand on the ledges of both buildings that make the alleyway. They unsheath Heilong. Both of them step off the edge. Using levitation they crash into the Bones, flattening a man each. Landing in a mess of bodies, groups turn into whirlwinds of body parts. Red marks the walls and floor. Screams reverberate till silence comes.

Back to Gove's Tavern.