
My Copies Fight For Me

In a world of Swords, Magic, and Dragons, Drac uses an unusual power to fight back. The ability to multply himself.

RMLionheart · Action
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36 Chs

Chapter 25: Auction

"Deal? What nonsense are you on about?" Gove scrunched his eyebrows in confusion.

"I will help. In exchange for you helping me track Toren's Employer

Gove goes behind his bar. He fills two cups with ale, and offers one to Drac. Drac refuses politely. Gove empties the cups in two gulps.

"Four, what kind of herb did you consume before coming here? Your 'helping' will not change anything. In fact it undoubtedly makes things worse! Now that you killed a whole group as you say there will come for you. For revenge. They come for everyone who dare embarrass them" Gove fills another cup. A Drac reaches for the ale tap to turn it off.

"I can help."

A second copy entered the tavern carrying supplies to aid the injured. Drac lets his Aura go. An iridescent glow forms around him. The crowd that fills the tavern, stares in amazement at the spectacular event. Drac's copy begin to glow as well

We've gotten stronger… Try a bit harder.

Drac pushes his soul. His energy pulses faster through his veins. Like lightning, his aura reaches out from him. The wooden floor cracks under his feet.

"OK, OK! We get it already! Can you stop destroying my floor please?" Gove shouts from the counter. Drac contains his aura. His copies disappear.

Kneeling down assisting a lady of the night, Maki looks up at Drac, her face stunned. Her eyes wide and mouth slack. Drac looks at her with a smile and shrugs.

"Gove. No need to be stubborn any longer."

Gove huffs.

"I have a hunch that the slave buyers I am looking for are connected to the recent appearance of this gang. Maki, did the Bones only come to destroy the business?"

Gove pauses from drinking. "Slaves?"

"No… some of the girls were weirdly kidnapped." Maki said sombrely.

"Four, tell me more about these slaves." Irritation settles on Gove's face. Drac explains to the two about what had occurred these past weeks.

Drac continued "And on a note, instructions for the bandits, younger girls was a priority."

The tree sits in silence till Gove finally speaks, his voice filled with grief and regret.

"The auction…"

"Paintings and the like?" Drac asks.

Gove looks at the Drac then finally a Maki. Maki comes to a harrowing conclusion.

Its people. They sell people.

"I had heard… rumours. Rumours of a place where the elite of the north gather. They have fun, take their drugs, have their woman and buy their people."

Gove sighs, folding his arm he sits on a stool by the counter

"There was… Information broker. A good friend and fantastic worker. A better man than me. His extended family suffered from a kidnapping. His brother's young daughter was taken. In broad fucking daylight! Stressed out of his mind, he did what does best. Find information. He followed the trail and clues, Interviewed witnesses. A week of tirelessly looking around, The broker follows a Bones leader. They end up in a richer part of town. He follows the Bones leader to a place of horrors."

Drac goes around the counter to give himself a drink.

"He came back to me. Told me all. The debauchery, the madness, all of it. The broker was left half mad by the experience, knowing his niece could be in there. I offered to help in my own way. He was already recruiting. His plan; to storm the auction. He wouldn't hear that it was a stupid plan and went with it anyway. It was a fucking disaster.

Drac offers a drink to Gove. After hesitating for a moment Gove grabs the cup from Drac and swigs the Ale and bashes the empty cup on the counter. Maki joins in the drinking.

"The people behind the auction waited for the broker and his hired guns. Kill everyone but the broker and a snitch. That was when the nightmare started. The broker's entire family was rounded. I am talking about three generations. Old and very young, family members close or distant. They didn't give a damn. Their heads chopped off in the middle of an arena on the north side. The broker was made to watch it all. And right when it was to be his turn on the block, Toren walks up to the tied and muzzled broker. His arms on a small girl's shoulder.

Tears fell from Gove's tired eyes.

"Haven't never seen her since…"

I can murder them all with my conscience clear.

Gove hand squeezed on the cup handle. Tear drops fall on his lap.

"And I couldn't do shit… " Maki goes to comfort him.

"Uncle Trev… That's what happened to him?" Maki mumbles.

A nod. "People of the slum cannot enter the North side but I had my ways."

Maki rubs his back. Gove wipes his eyes and straightens up.

"That's how I witnessed it all. They celebrated my friend's death like a finale to the performance. Their names were not called, their faces covered. Just criminals of the slums."

Gove stands, looking up at Drac.

"I was willing to sit by the sideline and not tread past my reach so my family would be safe. And they have come for her anyway. So… I must fight back and assist you. Four, can you help me protect my daughter?" Gove offered a hand to shake.

Drac shakes Gove's firm hand. "I will help."

The door is forcefully opened. Drac's hand on Heilong waiting for danger.

"What the fuck is this?" A crass short blonde sunters into the tavern.

"There you are! Do you know how long it took to find this place? The people of Foushire are so rude and so bad with directions." Marina walks further into the tavern looking at the injured on mats. Bob follows behind, stone faced as always. "Bob. Wanna help out while I chat with our deserter."

"Yes, Marina." Bob steps towards a lady of the night. Scared of the giant man, she flinches away.

"It's going be ok. I am here to help." A soft deep voice rumbles. Soft amber glow spreads from Bob's calloused hands, healing the girl of her ailments.

Everyone, from sex workers to the old tavern owner stare at the glow that outshine the lamps.

Four… Who are they?

Drac has a big smile. Meeting his travelling companions again brighten hsi sour mood.

"They are my friends."

Marina goes to the bar and jumps on a stool.

"Hey old man. Ale, if you please. Walking around got me thirsty."