
My Consort Has Gone Mad!

Before entering the body of Imperial Consort Pan Yu Mei, Ju Ming only remembered three things from her old life; how to make sleeping pills, love pills and fragrant pouches. Her once carefree life roaming the city came to an end. Died by accident, now stuck in the body of the unfavored consort. Ju Ming strives to live to the fullest. A woman who cared more about food than her husband. Not paying him any attention will only attract his attention. What happens when a carefree and simple girl meets the handsome but cold prince. *First time attempt at light, fluffy and slightly humorous* Picture taken from: https://www.pinterest.se/pin/339740365620600461/

Lotuspalm · History
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135 Chs


Yu Mei and Pei Nan were walking alongside each other awkwardly, as if something was preoccupying their minds. It was indeed like that. The people Yu Mei sent to look into the maid who accused her came back yesterday night. That maid's mother suddenly moved from the rural village. First there were no traces of the maid's death, and now her mother had disappeared. Even if Pei Nan was next to her, she could not focus on anything else.

Pei Nan on the other hand was having a mental battle with himself. A part of him wanted to ask about the pendant but the other part of him didn't want to be disappointed at her answer.

Their only option was to walk slowly and silently. This had been going on for about 15 minutes.

Pei Nan grabbed her hand out of nowhere, leaving Yu Mei a bit startled. She looked up. Her heart was beating mad crazy. Looking into his dark deep eyes, she wondered why she never noticed how handsome he was.

Pei Nan was too anxious to realize what kind of glare she was giving him. It was a glare full of compliments.

"The lantern festival is coming up soon and I've been thinking about what to get mother." He started to explain.

"I had completely forgotten." Yu Mei scratched her head and sighed. Such a joyous event and she had completely forgotten all about it. "Should we get her something together?" Her eyes beamed with hope.

"I was thinking about getting her a jade pendant. I recalled the one in your room. I think mother would like something like that. I have to trouble Consort Pan to tell me where you got it?" He coolly asked without being suspicious.

Yu Mei's entire face stiffened. Why was he asking about that jade pendant all of a sudden? This was putting her in a difficult position. She couldn't randomly say a shop's name because he would know she was bluffing. And she couldn't say she stole it from Gu Shao, that would get him and her in trouble. What was she to do?

It was true she said she forgave him but that didn't change the fact that he didn't trust her in the first place. She had to admit, she was touched by his sincere apology but somewhere deep down...Yu Mei was still pained. Who knows what havoc she would be creating for herself if he found out she held a bit of resentment towards him.

Pei Nan tried to keep his composure as he continued to look at her face, waiting for an answer.

She made up her mind. Only when he accused her did she realize he never trusted her to begin with. If he wasn't going to trust her then, why would he trust her now? There was only one way to settle this...

"I got it from a friend." She casually said. "So I don't know where it's from. I hope his highness isn't disappointed." Yu Mei really wasn't lying. Gu Shao was indeed a friend and she really didn't know its origin. The two had just gotten over a misunderstanding, she didn't want them to start another war over Gu Shao. Of course Pei Nan didn't know what was going through her mind. Instead, this answer made Pei Nan's body burn with jealousy and disappointment.

He forced a smile. "A friend?"

[Gu Shao is a friend to you?] he wanted to ask in reality.

"En." Yu Mei nodded.

"It's a pity then." He turned his body to face the road once more.

Once again the atmosphere became deadly and silent.

Yu Mei could feel something was off. Even though he lightly shrugged it off, it wasn't like him. He should have either called her an idiot for not remembering or scolding her for taking something. Seeing him believe it so quickly was too fishy.


That night, Yu Mei was lying in bed thinking about his strange action. Did he know something? Did he catch her lying? Why didn't he call her out on it? So many questions were floating in her head.

Pei Nan on the other hand was outside kicking the poor pillar outside by the corner. "A friend? You dare call Shao a friend?" He harshly kicked the pillar once more. "Who says you can have Shao as a friend? Don't you know that man is playful? Why are you so stupid Yu Mei!" he kicked the pillar once again.

Only when he was done venting did he go back to his room.


The next day went by without Pei Nan and Yu Mei meeting each other. Instead she was greeted in the morning by the presence of Fei Ning and Ming Yan. The two arrogantly walked into Yu Mei's Southern Palace without prior notice.

After being announce by a maid, Fei Ning and Ming Yan proudly walked into the main hall where Yu Mei was currently painting. "Sister Yu Mei, I have not seen you in a while. It seems you are still doing fine." Fei Ning greeted.

With a fake smile, she walked over to look at the painting on the table.

Fei Ning and Ming Yan were not impressed.

Yu Mei set her brush down and looked at Fei Ning and Ming Yan with their smug looks. She didn't bother to smile at them. "What brings Consort Su and Consort Wan here so early in the morning? Surely you didn't come here with good intentions? Right?" Yu Mei arched her brow.

*Chuckle* Fei Ning covered her mocking laughter behind her sleeve. Ming Yan also laughed softly yet haughtily. "We came here with good intentions. Seeing that his highness was over at Sister Fei Ning's place yesterday...we were worried and came over to see if you were dying from a broken heart. I'm so glad you have the will to be leisurely painting." Ming Yan cursed her.

Chu'mei put her hands on her waist and was about to say something when Yu Mei held her back.

"Sister Ming Yan is right. We were worried for you and came. When his highness came over last night, I couldn't help but imagine how angered you would feel. I had to come." Fei Ning reached her hand to comfort Yu Mei but Yu Mei took a step back. Seeing the blank look on Yu Mei's face made her happy. She was ready to see Yu Mei ball her eyes out. When she didn't get a response, she made another attempt.

"Surely Consort Pan isn't mad that his highness slept over at my Northern Palace. His highness did show a little bit of interest in you but that was about it. Hopefully you didn't think he favored you? Did you?" Fei Ning reminded her.

"Right! Yu Mei, his highness will never favor a wild reckless person like you over the virtuous Fei Ning." Ming Yan wrapped her arms around Fei Ning. "You can stop dreaming about his highness."

Chu'mei couldn't understand why her lady was just standing there taking the insults.

"Are you listening?" Ming Yan rudely asked.

Still no response.


"Chu'mei, why are there so many dogs barking in the morning?" Yu Mei pretended to clean her ears out. "Did you let the wild crazy dogs out again?"

"Xiaojie, A'fu and A'bu (Two dogs in Yu Mei's courtyard) must have gotten loose. Those crazy dogs. I ought to put them on a leash and slap them in the mouth a few times to shut them up." Chu'mei said. She exaggerated by pretending to slap in front of Ming Yan and Fei Ning. Of course she would never hit her dogs, she was clearly speaking about Fei Ning and Ming Yan.

*eeeeek~ Two high screeching voices escaped Fei Ning and Ming Yan's voice. "You two crazy master and servant, how dare you call us dogs." Ming Yan accused them.

"You uncultured maid, you surely don't want to live any longer." Fei Ning added. She was beat red from anger.

She was already this angry yet Yu Mei didn't apologize to her. Instead she got a confused look from both Yu Mei and Chu'mei. "Dog? I didn't call you a dog? I was talking about A'fu and A'bu. I would never compare Consort Su and Consort Wan to two crazy dogs barking early in the morning. Right, Chu'mei?" Yu Mei smiled.

Fei Ning tried to stay calm. She was the beautiful Consort Su. She wouldn't let this nobody get the better of her.

"Yu Mei, did you not hear a single word I said? His highness shared a romantic night with me." Fei Ning quickly changed the subject.

"I heard but it has nothing to do with me. What does it matter to me whether his highness visits you or not. He has two legs; they can go wherever they want. Besides, your palace is always opened for business." She casually implied that Fei Ning's palace was like a brothel.

"You…" Fei Ning pointed at her.

"If you are done, you may leave. I will not escort you out." Yu Mei turned back to her painting and picked up her brush, dipping it in the ink.

"Let's go back. No use fighting with a discarded and unrefined consort." Ming Yan tried to pull Fei Ning away. But she would not take it. She took two steps towards Yu Mei and grabbed her shoulder. She forcefully turned Yu Mei around, ready to hit her when something wet touched her cheek. The "startled" Yu Mei had both her hands covering her mouth, paintbrush still in hand.

"Ahhhh…." Fei Ning touched her left cheek and then looked at the black paint on her hand. Yu Mei actually slapped her with the brush.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I was so startled by your sudden touch that my hand jerked for a second. Let me clean that for you." Yu Mei reached inside her sleeve to grab her handkerchief. It wasn't as fast as Fei Ning's words though.

"I'm going to tell his highness and let him deal with you." Fei Ning shouted once more before storming out.

Sorry guys, slow updates. Will update when I have free time.

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