
My Collection Of Poems

This book contains the poems I've written that have themes about life, love, heartache, and many more. It is a compilation of my poems in different genres that can be enjoyed by anyone. However, there are words in my poems that contain explicit or vulgar words, so please read with caution and guidance. Please be informed as well that I do not authorize anyone to use or republish my poem without my written permission. Please be reminded that plagiarizing can put you into trouble.

uwak · Urban
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23 Chs

Peaceful Conquest

And so the land that our heroes fought for,

Is now a ground of the foreign races.

Though not a battlefield but a dance floor,

Home of unrecognizable faces.

Bodies that were really covered before,

Are now like books with just only pages.

Faces are painted with colors, more and more

This land has really changed through the ages.

The youth who were the hope of the Motherland,

Are now lost, changed their path with big paces.

Were offered help, but chose the other hand

Followed unrighteousness, left no traces.

People threw freedom, it's peace they adore

They hate war and so tried building bridges.

The land is now quiet, unlike before

But we're like birds, silenced in each cages.