
My Collection Of Poems

This book contains the poems I've written that have themes about life, love, heartache, and many more. It is a compilation of my poems in different genres that can be enjoyed by anyone. However, there are words in my poems that contain explicit or vulgar words, so please read with caution and guidance. Please be informed as well that I do not authorize anyone to use or republish my poem without my written permission. Please be reminded that plagiarizing can put you into trouble.

uwak · Urban
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23 Chs

Hidden Desire

Do you have any idea how addicted I am to you?

You're like a drug that I can't resist even if I want to.

Even the simple gust of wind give me a cue,

Finding you in the tranquility of darkness covering the bright hue.

Sniffing you a little drives me insane,

Like a masochist person who's addicted in pain.

But I'd rather be called in terms such as lunatic and insane,

For without you lady, life would feels like in vain.

Despise me not, for making you hurt and bleed,

Cry out, mourn, clamor like a lost kid.

I didn't want you for love but for myself to feed,

I am sorry lady, but your blood is what I really need.