
My Collage Boyfriend Is A Gange Star

This is a complex love tale it one of my very best works the content are heart touching. Light a 18 year old you lady both parents believes father a pastor mother a pastor wife. All her life she had been walking in her parents footsteps being the party scent mary of their church. she decides to run away from everything she knows and take a different turn to had a little bit of excitement to her life she decides not to go to a private university rather a public university of Lagos state ( Unlg ) Anthony A.K.A ( Baba Lola) the most handsome bad boy in his faculty mysterious rear blue eyes for a black guy. A roget street guy coming from a poor middle class bar ground. because of life problems he decides to give up on God and lives a reckless life. Read this beautiful intense love novel of Love, romance, friendship,faith , miracle,rape, cultism, campus life all packed in one . Your author going to live you all in tension,tears .

Mary_Stephens_4547 · Urban
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72 Chs

Sinless Kiss

Abigail walked into her class room taking her bag off her shoulder when four ladies rushed over to her direction with bright smiles on their faces.

" Hey Abigail have you seen the trending news going around campus" Kate spoke almost screaming stretching her hand forward showing Abigail her phone screen.

It was a picture of peter and her turned into a cartoon comic the titled the headline.

Head line " Cross Worlds Hot couples " Abigail read the head line her eyes flashing a mixed emotion Kate took the phone away.

" Are you two dating now please tell us he is one of the hottest guys on campus how did you both meet or huck up " innocent spoke in a excited voice.

Abigail pictured the dirty scene of last night playing in her head she felt so dirty and used seeing both their pictures merged together made her feel even more foolish peter was way off her liege Anthony gang members were specially picked their guys were drop dead handsome while the ladies looked like seductive god's she couldn't compete with them .

" Hey abi are you alright " Kate gentle spoke tapping Abigail on the shoulders.

She snapped out of her daze turning to the girls direction.

" Hey...I'm fine just lost in thoughts" She smiled half hearted taking out her books.

" We will see you later after class bye abi " bianca smiled as the all walked off leaving her side.

On the other hand light and Anthony bounced true the halls Anthony hands crossed over her shoulder the looked like a bad ass couple ready to steal the sport light.

Students staring at their direction in their mouth almost opened gossip spreading true the halls.

The finally got to their class door Anthony bent to his knees helping light tier are shoe laces properly. students watching them from the front door.

He got to his feet gazing into her eyes with his both hands togged into his pants pocket.

" We don't want you tripping over even do am certainly going to cash you if you do " He spoke holding her hand as the both stepped into the class room.

He didn't care about the eyes staring at their direction, he walked with light to her sit helping her hang her bag on the chair he brought out a lunch box.

Light was surprised to see him handing her a childish lunch box a gentle smile appearing on her face it was thoughtful of him.

" Thank you" She spoke bitting her lower lips shyly he was acting like a doting boyfriend trying to spoil his girlfriend abit.

" You don't eat in class just take this as my thank you for last night " He smiled leaning in placing a sinless Kiss on her forehead but the reaction he got was rewarding light expression was sport on.

Smiling radiantly he walked over to his sit.

Becky couldn't take the scene anymore she banged her hands against the table growling in rage .

The students in the class turned over to the sound staring at becky with confused look on their faces.

": Why is everyone staring at me like am some alien you all should be staring at that witch strangely what spell as she casted on our sweet Anthony" Becky was fuming mad in rage and hate towards light.

Tania didn't like the way Becky was bad mouthing light again she got to her feet placing her glasses properly.

" A bitch is calling someone a witch have you checked your self in a mirror if no one as told you how you look like let me spill out to you. your look worst than a vulture you are just jealous that light could make Anthony care about her more than you could" Tania spoke in a loud angry tone crossing her arms against her chest.

Sarah got up to her feet defending Becky lashing out on Tania.

" So the bug face finally speak up I thought you were a mute ba...ba..ba.. wasn't that the only thing you could say sheepy don't speak when ladies her talking it is considered rode "

Faith spock rolling her eyes glaring at Sarah.

" Short your trap just short up we all now you are already wasted who would care to stay with a low life bitch like you light is beautiful descent mature and intelligent proud and way sexy than you could ever be so get the fuck out " Faith short mean words at becky and her troops.

Faith ,Tania and many other girls who were intelligent students and hardly spoke up or retaliated when Becky scud spoke mean words at them.

They were all cursing out at them confident defending light without her saying a words Anthony smirked seeing the gentle smile on her face she was surprised to see the number of ladies who had her back.

She finally got up to her feet and the class fell silent.

" Didn't I warn you the last time to stay off my trail " Light walked slowly over to Becky and her girls having a cold plain stare in her eyes.

" I...wi...will " Becky stammered trying to form a word but her words were cut up in her trout.

" You will what with just a snap of my finger sweetheart I could make you rote in prison and I promise you I have my way don't take my niceness for stupidity am warning you for the last time stay of my tracks and that of my friends if not I will bite you were it hurts" Light spoke in a high pitch tone harding the authority in her voice and confidence she looked scary and sassy.

Becky didn't now what to say she sat down on her sit feeling stupid and defeated her eyes going over to Anthony direction he gave her a blank stare like she was an enemy she couldn't believe that she had shamelessly given herself to him just for him to choice this flat face church girl over her.

She felt like the ground could open up and swallow her hole.

Anthony whistled as light walked back to her sit with a wide grain on her beautiful face.

" You were amazing stone head " He spoke playfully watching her frown glaring at him he chuckled enjoying the look on her face.

" He devil " She spoke rolling her eyes smiling widely as well.

" Do you like to go out on a date with me tonight" Anthony whispered waiting for her response.

Light though about it for a while she didn't know what changed his behavior towards her but she was pleased about his open display of affection.

" Yeah I don't mind what time should I be expecting you" She spoke turning to face him with a blush face.

" I pick you up by 5:00 on a dot not a minute late " Anthony responded taking his eyes away from her to stare forward as the lecture stepped into the class for the day.

Peter was absent minded from everything that was going on in the class room after the rain had stopped he couldn't even wish Abigail good bye because she slept in the bathroom and didn't come out even after hearing him leave.

He didn't know why he was so bordered suddenly by her it wasn't someone to care so much about a lady feelings he was best at punishing people he on wondered what he could do to make it up too her.

" Peter what wrong with you stop bordering your self about that lady you both had nothing to do with each other so let it go you have bigger issues at hand you need to get your head back in the game " He spoke to himself in a angry tone wanting Abigail sad face gone from his mind.

He needed to see the leader of the yellow side he knew Jonathan approaching light wasn't some mistake their was a motive behind it and he was going to find out what it was.

The lectures for the day went really smoothly the closing hour finally arrived students packing their things and heading home.

Anthony and light walked hand in hand on the field chatting and laughing happily Anthony was really funny when he wasn't trying to be too tough and cold light was enjoying their moment together.

" So who was your first kiss " Light asked waiting for his response.

" Is it possible for someone to have three first kisses" Anthony responded have a silly smile on his face.

" En... how is that even possible" She spoke not understanding what he meant by being kissed by three people.

" Well my mum his my first kiss infact everyone mum is thier first kiss but if your speaking of an intimate kiss I got kissed by two girl when I was just a kid that how I lost my first kiss " Anthony responded gazing ahead the wind blowing both thier faces.

" How is that still possible being kissed by two girls " Light spoke wanting an explanation a frown appearing on her face having an imagination of two girls kissing Anthony at the same time she didn't like the thought of it one bit.

" When I was eight I was very fortunate to be in a big kids class because I was to intelligent for my age so I was promoted to primary five were they had big kids way older than me but I was already tall and too mature for my age I fit in perfectly you would only notice I was younger by my cute face but it didn't matter for the girls in my class my eyes were the key point " He narrated the story of how he lost his first kiss.

" One day we had a naughty game of truth and dare still being a church boy back then I didn't want too play but my guy friends laughed at me and called me a scaredy cat and I didn't like that one bit so I made them swallow their words by daring those my guy friends girlfriend to both kiss me I was a cunning little boy I played the two off them the two girls didn't mind taking turns in kissing me and knew I was a good kisser " He spoke graining widely going back to memory lane light smacked him on the back of his head .

" You have always being a cunning mice how am I not sure you been dreaming of kissing your friends girlfriend you kissed girls older than you at the age of eight " Light spoke face palming herself staring at the grain on his face.

" You didn't ask me if the kiss meant anything to me I have kissed a lot of girls can I even tell you something dirty " He wanted to spill out dirty rubbish light hand landed in his face covering his lips.

" Short it.. I don't want to hear any of it just tell me have you ever kissed someone you truly fell for like had a kiss that made you high and leave you wanting more " Light asked waiting for a answer that didn't have a sly story to it .

" well let me see " He spoke stopping in his tracks turning light around to face him leaning having a smirk on his face as he gazed into her eyes his fingers gently caressed her lips.

" wh...what... a...are ...y..y..you doing Anthony" Light spoke feeling butterflies fly around in her tommy the memory of their passionate kiss under the rain kept flashing true her eyes.

" Let me see can I kiss you maybe you might just be that special someone" Anthony spoke staring at light lips feeling his body heat up his breathing turning rigid he realized she had so much power of him he hadn't even kissed her yet and he was already so excited.

Light stepped back placing some distance between them she coughed loudly pretending to have something stock in her trout.

* Are You alright * He was consigned robbing her back gentle.

" I'm fine don't worry your self just felt sore in my trout but now am okay " Light spoke changing the awkward topic.

The got to light gate he sighed pulling her into a hug resting his head on her shoulders.

" Don't ever hate me no matter what happens in the future know I care about you always" Anthony smiled raising himself up properly as she walked into the compound he stood for a while before turning to leave..

Thanks for reading stay tune guys byeee ♥️🥰