
My Collage Boyfriend Is A Gange Star

This is a complex love tale it one of my very best works the content are heart touching. Light a 18 year old you lady both parents believes father a pastor mother a pastor wife. All her life she had been walking in her parents footsteps being the party scent mary of their church. she decides to run away from everything she knows and take a different turn to had a little bit of excitement to her life she decides not to go to a private university rather a public university of Lagos state ( Unlg ) Anthony A.K.A ( Baba Lola) the most handsome bad boy in his faculty mysterious rear blue eyes for a black guy. A roget street guy coming from a poor middle class bar ground. because of life problems he decides to give up on God and lives a reckless life. Read this beautiful intense love novel of Love, romance, friendship,faith , miracle,rape, cultism, campus life all packed in one . Your author going to live you all in tension,tears .

Mary_Stephens_4547 · Urban
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72 Chs

Angel Please Attend

Everyone left their class room heading out to the halls the lectures done for the day but the celebration period wasn't over for them.

Guys walked forward going on their knees with roses handing it over to their crush's some brought large teddy bears and heart shaped balloons.

Light admired the scene thinking of her best friend imaging the large teddy bear she most have gotten from her own boyfriend.

" Tania let go home I don't think we are part of the val celebration" Light turned to face her new friend taking her by the hand.

" it seems so " She responded staring at the love birds admiring the romantic gestures.

The both turned to leave Anthony had been resting by the front railing of the wall. Steven smiled tapping his guys on the shoulders.

" Wish me luck I hope she says yes " He smiled feeling a bit nervous his one hand togged into his pants pocket.

" You have a val Steven " Peter looked surprised so as Anthony and the others.

" Yes I do and you all may already know her " He smiled taking the large red teddy bear and a roses flower with a black box from one of his class mates.

" Wow ( Who she be ) " Peter asked staring at the stupid smile on Steven face.

" You will find out " He smiled responding to peter before heading off the all watched him.

Light and Tania were about to leave the hallway when four guys dressed in all red stood in their part. They both stared at themselves wondering why the guys were blocking their way.

" Sorry boy but what up " Light smiled asking the students standing in their way.

when the head humming sound someone was singing from behind them.

The guys cleared the way for the guy it was Steven humming a love song a bright big smile on his face.

He stopped before them going on one knee as the guys raised a banner one my one asking the big question.

" Will you be my val Tani " Steven asked waiting for her response.

Tania froze in place not expecting anyone to ask her out mostly Steven he never for once talked to her or looked at her direction she felt it was some jock she took her eyes staring behind her maybe their was someone else he was asking.

Light lightly hite her on the shoulders to bring her attention back to the gentle man kneeling.

His gang whistled cheering him on with a chant.

" Say yes " Jbabe first screamed starting the chanting the other joining then the whole students joined in.

Tania felt a bit flustered blushing a bit staring at light for help.

" Say yes Tiana don't leave him hanging his proposal is cute " Light smiled encouraging her to accept.

" Yes I be your val " She smiled responding to the guy question pushing her glass to the bridge of her nose shyly.

" Cute ! " Anthony moated out taking her eyes of the scene staring at the opened filled.

Steven handed the gift to Tania hugging her as everyone clapped their hands in cheers.

Light smiled lightly feeling a bit down that she was maybe the only girl who wouldn't be asked out.

" I have to go Tani see you tomorrow have fun " She spoke hugging Tani her friend felt also bad for her.

" Okay byee we see tomorrow" She waved light as she stepped onto the opened standing walking off.

Becky smiled seeing light gone that meant anything was going to ask her out instead other student felt the same admiring Becky for her achievement at list the were happy Anthony didn't choice light am them all it would be a slap to their faces.

Anthony started his count down in his head then jumped down from the railing to the floor running to the filed going after light all the students were shocked mostly Becky and the other ladies out of curiosity the all rushed after him.

Peter smirked already knowing were he was heading too , Light suddenly stopped when she head a loud sound of a beat playing ahead.

Meaning students from already faculty walked towards her holding heart balloons and mean roses in their hands.

Anthony suddenly appeared placing her part with his hand turning her over he smirked staring down at her.

He slowly turned rounding her watching her eyes stay on him in shock as he clapped with the beat playing from a jam box

Music By ( Fave )

🎵 Steady your face Jor for me ,I wanna take a picture

🎵so this could last longer for me ,take my secrets guard them like precious money

🎵I never want to see you quite,so I write songs for you

🎵 And I believe,Yes I believe

🎵 I'm falling for you like a thief ,weak in the knees

🎵 Cause when I see you ,I fit to steal keys to your heart again.

🎵 My bad ,My Good

🎵My Baby all the things I need ,my baby buss up the silence oo , My baby buss up the silence o

🎵My bad ,My Good

He clapped dancing around smiling sweetly as his group sang along with him as he sang on.

Light didn't know how to react the beat stopped he stood Infront of her staring into her eyes.

" Look up angel " He spoke with a smirk on his face watching her take her eyes up to the sky.

The students heard a loud bang in the hair a rocket was shoot up in the sky spelling out be my val my angel boosting into the sky.

The other student from different faculty walked towards her surrounding her in a circle going on their knees with the roses in their hands raised upwards at her some handed her different balloons and chocolate packs the held a heart cake are favorite strawberry icing she wondered how he knew her type of cake.

She was more surprised when he took a large giant teddy bear she had seen the other day in the store when he had brought her home from the clinic she didn't expect him to buy it for her.

" I won't go on my knees because I can't stain my white jeans " He jokily spoke placing his hand gentle to her face robbing his finger lightly on her cheeks.

" Did you think I wouldn't ask you out for val stone head your way precious to me than you think even more special than money " He laughed hugging her in present of everyone.

Becky blood boiled folding her hands into a fist storming off out of the crowed of people.

"Please angel attend val tonight with me don't turn me down it will break my poor heart " He spoke still keeping her in his arms.

Most of all the students were surprised Anthony was openly showing a girl attention confessing out feelings he wouldn't tell anyone the wondered how light did it the all had amazed expression on their faces.

" I...I.. d... don't know Anthony this all to much you see this as someone game or what " She spoke pulling away from his embrace her eyes filled with water tears about to fall from her eyes.

Anthony wasn't expecting such expressions or reaction from her he had put all his efforts in planning this special surprise he hoped in his heart she wasn't about to turn him down in presence of everyone standing it would be a big slap to his face and ego.

" What are you say light I did all this for you do you think am jocking right know am dem serious don't tell me you want to turn me down that would be on fair " He didn't know why he was suddenly getting angry his voice raising in anger by her attitude.

" it just all about you Anthony. I'm sorry but I didn't ask for any of this and I don't plan on attending the party tonight so ask someone else. stop confusing me just let me be " She spoke sighing before pushing her way passed him.

The students standing on the field felt sorry for Anthony they all saw light as proud and stupid to have turned down such a offer. The ladies had a deeper resent against her even more and the guys were thankful they weren't in Anthony shoes.

Peter walked over to Anthony who stood frozen with a cold plain expression he was about to place his hand on Anthony shoulder to comfort him but his hand was slapped away instantly.

" Anthony.." Peter tried to speak but his words were cut short by Anthony raised hand.

" Don't...I don't want to hear your pity talks I don't need a shoulder to cry on it not a big deal do what ever you like with the presents and gifts " He spoke in a cold tone storming off not looking back once.

Light head was hung low a ear piece plugged into her eyes as she listed to the music Anthony had just sang for her. she felt her heart twist in her chest she couldn't say yes because her own feelings were missed up at the moment her mind filled with questions that she couldn't get answer's too the fear of falling and being hurt terrified her enter being.

She got to her apartment opened the door getting into the room only to meet Abigail crying her make up totally destroyed she looked terrible.

Abigail ran into her friends arms crying even more loudly light seemed confused but feeling emotional as well she joined her in crying.

Anthony screamed in anger punching the wall in his room feeling a sharp pain his chest it hurt someone bad he bite his arm to stop himself from scream out even more his eyes turning blood short red in rag he suddenly coughed out a tear drop rolling from his eyes.

Out of shock he placed his finger on his face feeling the wetness he stared at his finger feeling shocked he had just cried for a woman it looked so unbelievable that was when he finally realized he was to late he had totally falling for light and their was nothing he could do about it than to accept that fact.

" What Have You Done To Me Light . I don't want to fall in love with you no I can't fall for you I can't do that to you. I don't have the fucking time on my hands anymore" He screamed hitting everything in his part trying to vent as much as he could.

Light and Abigail laughed seeing the messy pile of toilet wipe lettered on the floor filled with their tears their laughter died down staring at them self feeling low in spirit.

" Abi what happened to you your meant to be happy today didn't val go great what wrong" She asked feeling consigned watching her best friend eyes tear up again.

" H...he..bro.. broke..up...with ...me light " She hugged her again crying loudly " Why would he break up with me what did I ever do to him "

Light looked confused by the news feeling sad for her best friend and mad at her friend boyfriend for duping her best friend on valentines.

" We're is he tell me so I can go break his bones how dare him hurt you" Light spoke boiling with rage.

" Forgot about me what happened to you did Anthony do something this time that upset you" Abigail asked wiping the tears off her face.

" We had a fight he asked me out for val in the most beautiful grand way ever I want to say yes so badly but I couldn't my feelings wouldn't let me the kept screaming at me to turn down his proposal so I did I can't be played with anymore abi I just can't. I don't think what I feel for him can work " Light spoke biting on her lower lips unable to stare into her friend eyes.

" What are you saying light he asked you out he could have choice any other girl but he choice you can't you open your eyes and see he as falling in love with you not all feels are expressed with words values does more who does more for you than scream out how the feel all the time to the world I learnt that the hard way today" Abigail spock holding her by the shoulders

" But what if " Light didn't want to run into a trap and get torn apart.

" No but your going for that party tonight infact we are going for that party tonight why did you come to university of Lagos state it because you want to try something different so light be someone different just for tonight let them all see a very different side of you " Abigail encourage feeling broken but she wasn't going to stand by and let her friend loss a wonderful guy.

Light nodded hugging her best friend as the both cried for the second time.

Thanks for reading everyone byeeee ♥️