
My cold and grumpy husband is actually my childhood sweetheart

every story has its own twist just like this two lovers , Ho- min and Lee kang-dae. after being betrayed by her bestie Ho-Min was forced to break her boyfriend's heart and left him. on the night of her graduation she was drugged and framed by her so called bestie, who would have thought that, that night produced a cold boy and a sweet girl. eight years later it was time to face reality, the main reason why she broke up with her lover, her arranged marriage with her family friend's son, the heir of the Lee family, Lee kang-dae. who would have thought that her husband was her lover from before and the father of the twins.

Jain_Ran · Urban
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6 Chs

chapter 5 Mommy who's my dad

After leaving her parents house Ho Min drop the kids off at school and then she went to her company.

although Ho Min loves her children there was a problems Ho Ha-Ra was always constantly bullied by her colleagues in school.

elementary school

"okay kids today's the day, so bring your father in according to your number, okay" their teacher said in a childish manner.

after all the the children's dad came in and said their occupation it was finally Ho Ha-Ra and Ho Ga-Him's turn and Ho Ha-Ra went out and said " I forgot to tell my mommy today's bring your father to school day" .

After what Ho Ha-Ra said everyone laughed at her and she felt hurt and ran out of the class while crying as her brother excused himself so he could comfort his sister.

After being comforted by her brother Ho Ha-Ra came back to the class with swollen eyes and red eye balls , thankfully her class mate were shunned by the teacher to not laugh at Ho Ha-Ra and Ho Ga-Him.

Before the teacher could comfort Ho Ha-Ra the bell rang for closing time and she ran to her car and the teacher was surprised to see such luxurious car and knew that her students messed with the wrong girl and thought to her self "is her parents that rich".


" Ho ha Ra, Ho Ga-Him you're home" Ho Min said with a smiley face and went to hug her children that was when she noticed Ho Ha-Ra's red swollen face and asked what happened, she replied by saying " mommy who's my dad".

Ho Min was shocked to hear her daughter's question but she didn't let it show on her face, she then closed her eyes and took a very deep breath and then she remembered when she when she was still a very young girl.


A girl in her mid teens with pink hair, snow white skin,with long eyelashes she was health and fit her name was Alicia.

" Alicia hold on for me" a girl also in her mid teens called after her , the girl's name was Nicole.

" sister let's play a game , I will hide somewhere and I will give you a clue of where I am so you can find me , okay." Alicia replied with a mischievous smile on her face.


"Ha Ra I am aware of what happened in your class today. Your class teacher told me everything , but you know what you father is a very good person , he told me he will come and visit you but you might not recognize him so I will help you cheat , you know you dad is playing a game with you guys so I'm not to tell you what he looks like but I can't see you cry like this so I will tell you a little secret about your dad more like a clue to find your dad , you if you see a man that looks like you and behaves like you brother then ....... oh I think I'm saying too much." Ho Min explained to her daughter to lessen her pain but deep down she is feeling hurt although she explained to her daughter with a smile but she didn't feel at all happy about leaving her children to get married.

"Mommy so you mean dad's playing a game with us , wow.... it sounds fun." Ho Ha-Ra replied all smiley.

" okay babies let's go to the park to have some fun"

" but mommy we are eight years old e

we are not babies" Ga Him said in his defense.

Ho Min : I know but you will always be my babies understand , now lets get going.

" okay mommy" they both said in unison.