
My Codependent Yandere Multiverse Adventure

Tereda Chouju just wanted a nap. Instead, he got a front-row seat to the apocalypse. When the world's greatest hero snaps and blows up the planet, Tereda finds himself trapped in a time loop, reliving his death over and over. But death is just the beginning of his journey. Armed with a mysterious cultivation technique, and his undying love for his blue-haired Oni companion, Rem, Tereda navigates a multiverse teeming with danger and opportunity. Follow this chaotic good pair of codependent Yandere's as they accidentally blow shit up while trying to be good! --- Hi, guys, this is my dream fanfiction. I have been working on this idea for years and the outline for over 300 chapters is written in atleast portions. I have poured my heart and soul into this project and I really want people to enjoy it! I did power scaling for multiple universes, made sure that lore matched up between events, made sure that the butterflies and the events they created made actual sense! I would absolutely love it if you guys would love this story as much as I love it!

InterPlanarGod · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs


I swear to god, when my parents named me Tereda Chouju I don't think this is what they meant!

Yes, certainly, fulfill my wish for an abundantly long life by making me float through outer space dying over and over.

What kind of sick joke is this? I was having a nice nap, and all of a sudden everything is exploding!

The worlds greatest superhero somehow snapped and blew up the world!

Again, this is really extremely horrible and it just won't end.

Oh, cool, I just died again. So wonderful.

First the explosions of the planet stopped killing me instantly. Which made me suffer, but not for long as the vacuum of space shredded me in an agonizing way.

Oh cool, there we are again!

Sitting up from my bed, I don't bother to do anything, because I know what's coming.

I look out the window to see a kneeling alexandria staring at the big golden idiot who keeps killing us all.

"You needed worthy opponents." He said, whatever the hell that means.

Following which eidolon the 2nd greatest hero fell to the ground in absolute despair.

Then hundreds of capes from all over were portaled in.

Then thousands.

Countless of them swarmed Sion and then everything exploded after a bright gold beam hit the surface of the planet.

The shockwave slightly bumped me as if I was lightly punched by an out of shape toddler.

That obviously would have shredded someone without an 11.46 times resistance to it from dying 52 fucking times to the same damn thing!

A few moments later I was floating in outer space again.

Well, cold doesn't really kill me anymore and neither does heat.

That's right, fucking sun boiling me my ass on one side while outerspace freezes my front.

The radiation, decompression, or asphyxiation gets me every time though.

An hour passed and I still hadn't exploded, imploded, or suffocated.

Well, it's been an hour so even if I died I would be in outer space this time.

2 more hours passed and I felt like I needed to take a breath.

30 minutes later, and that was my end.

Floating in space.

3 hours… boring.

Wow. dead.

I think it was the radiation this time.

Okay what's that over there?

A book was floating in the air and it was hurtling towards me at great speeds.

It smacked me in the head and-

Did I just die from a book slamming into my face?

I really fucking did.

On the four hour mark, every time, I just got fucking smacked in the face by a book.

Which doesn't make sense because the book should be getting closer each time or I should miss it due to being reset at a nearer and nearer time.

I frowned as the book hit me again at the same immense velocity.

4 hours later- ow my nose!

Well, at least I didn't die this time.

Well, let's see the title of this sturdy fucker.

'Time-Space Divine Death Law?'

I tried to speak the name out loud, but there is no air, so-

I shrugged.

The more I read, the more interest I had for it.

'I, Eternal Emperor, Heaven-Chaser Star-Devourer, Have reached the end of my journey. Though I feel there must be at least one realm above the eternal Emperor realm above this one. I shall cast this manual between chaosworlds and hope it finds a worthy successor. This is one of 108 inheritances I shall throw to the eternal winds between realms. This can only be used by someone with at least initial understanding of the dao's of Death, Time, and space. One must restart their cultivation entirely to use this as well. Good luck, this is one of many cultivation techniques I wish I had when I had started.'

Many crazy ass diagrams and body positions as well as weird words in strange poems followed.

I followed along as best I could.

10 hours passed, and I still didn't feel chi.

I didn't sleep for a long time and eventually I died of sleep deprivation for the first time.

Wow, what an amazing milestone.

I scoffed and continued to try to use my only hope.

I did it! I sensed chi! Now draw it in like-

I died? How did i die? What the fuck.

I drew in chi and- I got the sense that I did something wrong that time and my body bulged and-

Okay, don't do it that way clearly.

I tried multiple methods until one worked.

Why does in the palm of the asura mean pull it in through your fucking thumb?!

I continued to do this for about an hour and then-

I died again.

What did I do this time?

Okay so apparently my stomach is not my dantian.

I was turning my stomach into a bomb.

When I tried to break through my stomach just exploded and all the chi blew me to bits.

Okay, wow I actually saw that strange organ this time, but it's immaterial.

It's like my dantian is there and not.

Okay, this time I needed a lot less chi.

Okay. good, a bunch of gunk spewed out of my body then it evaporated and burned away.

Why the fuck do I hear thunder? We're in the middle of spa-

I died again.

But hey!

I was still at the start of stage 1 Houtian.

I can progress faster and- oh fuck, what's that rumbling?!

This time I glimpsed an electric discharge and died just as fast.

This repeated.

I died, fried crispy 3 times.

I survived the first bolt, only for the sky of what the fuck space to shoot another one at me.


It kept zapping me.

Subjective hours later, I could finally survive the 3rd bolt. I was nice and crispy, but still alive.

Then a portal opened and swallowed me whole.

The portal went on for a while.

I died mid-flight through my electrical burns.

I woke up again, I was in the sparkly rainbow colored corridor flying forward.

Thank god I was out of that eternal space of lightning and such.

All of a sudden I was spat out.

I stumbled forwards into a guy in a tracksuit pointing at a child in front of a moving carriage that looked medieval. He flew into the way of the carriage and was splattered.

"OH SHIT!" I shouted, as the carriage stopped.

A guard in medieval armor ran to the scene.

He rolled in front of the carriage and saved the kid.

I was frozen as a beautiful woman in an elegant red dress and blonde hair done up in a fancy style approached me with rage on her face.

"Listen I didn't mean to push the guy I-"

"HOW DARE YOU DIRTY MY CARRIAGE WITH PEASANT BLOOD!" She put her hand forward and shouted, "Fura!"

I died again to a whirlwind of green shining energy. It was as if I was in a whirlwind of cutting blades.

I was spat out of the portal.

It hadn't been an hour but I was here all the same.

I sighed and looked around.

No sign of the tracksuit guy, but I saw the same scene of the guard saving the child.

The carriage went on by, and I decided I needed info. I saw a sign that said 'Tavern' in front of it.

The letters were weird but for some reason I knew they meant tavern.

"When in shitty fantasy rome. Do as the shitty fantasy romans do."

So then, Tereda Chouju began his journey. Not quite from zero, but it was pretty damn close.