
My Clever Wife Is Sweet

Su Xi, the eldest daughter of the influential Su family falls in love with an orphan Ye Huo. After 18 years, they are happily married with three lovely children. But one day, Ye Huo is shot, leaving everything to Su Xi to manage including their business. To safeguard her children and herself from the enemy, she ran to states with her children. ...... After 2 years, Su Xi is a successful businesswoman who is feared in the business world because of her way of dealing with work and people. She is trying to find the killer of her husband. But what happens when she meets a man who has the SAME FACE as that of her husband who died 2 years ago? Why that person is claiming himself to be Gu Yan? Is that her husband or her enemies are playing a trick on her to bring her down? Will she be able to fight with her enemies and bring her husband's memory back? Will she be able to endure the betrayals of her loved ones? ... Extract- "You are not my husband? Are you really sure about it? Then why do you have such an effect whenever I'm around you? Why did you save me there?" Gu Yan can't explain to her his feelings and thoughts on this. That the instant reaction of his body and mind and he was not able to think or control it. If he had then might things had been different from now. Su Xi held this confidence in herself that she knows everything but it was a false idea. "Now that I know you have a love for me, even if that is attraction, I will not let you go like this anymore. I will have you in my life back and one day, your memory will surely come back. This time, we will be Gu Yan and Su Xi instead of Ye Huo and Su Xi. Remember this very well." ....... *My Kidnapped Bride, new novel* *Editing going on too!* My Another Book: High School :Way fo Forever!

Amaira_Knight · Urban
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386 Chs

Well Wisher!

Su Xi was confused. What has she received? 'Secretary Wan has already sent me files then who else is it?'

"Young Madam, should I send it to you?" Butler asked her again. She was brought back to her senses.

"Yeah. Send it to my room." Butler nodded.

Su Xi received a small box. No address was written from where it came from. Su Xi was somewhat suspicious. But she had to open it also. She took gloves from the drawer and wore it

'What if it has poison?' Su Xi was afraid so she took all precautions. She sprayed it sanitizer. (Be safe! Go out with the mask on!)

Su Xi slowly opened it and she saw a letter in it. She started reading it.

'Mrs. Ye, you can consider me as your well-wisher. I want the best for you and your family. I'm debited to you and your husband so I have to tell you the truth.

Gu Yan is indeed none other than your Ye Huo. He never died. But I can't tell you much. I have my problems. Your Ye Huo went through a lot during these 2 years. He has LOST HIS MEMORY.

Ye Huo was never an orphan. He is the eldest child of Gu Yan. I don't have any proof to show you or send you. I can just ask you to trust me. You know me but I can't reveal my identity.

Trust me in this, Su Xi! Make Gu Yan yours again. He can be yours again just make him fell in love with you again.

Take care. I want to see you and your family safe. Protect yourself from enemies. Your loved ones can be your enemies also. Don't trust someone easily around you.

-Your and Your family's well-wisher.'


Su Xi fell on her knees on the ground. This was shocking. Her Gu Yan has seriously lost his memory!

Her wish came true! He wasn't acting. He lost his memory.

But still, Su Xi sat there in a daze. She was thinking about the main hint behind the letter. This was to warn her against her loved ones. But who is going to harm her?

She knew she has to protect herself well against everyone. She can't let her guards go down at this moment. She will win back Gu Yan!!

Su Xi got up and shouted Ye Shing and Ye Nian's name and asked them to come to her room.

"Mom, what happened?" Ye Shing was attending his classes online but he came running to his mom when she called.

"Where is Ye Nian?" Su Xi asked.

"She is coming." Just then, Ye Nian came.

Su Xi told them everything and read the letter aloud. Everyone was shocked! Who this well-wisher was? And why is he giving such dangerous signs of protecting against loved ones?

"Mom, Do you have an idea who has written this?" Ye Shing was speechless hearing this. He never thought this would happen.

"Yes, mum. I have a suspicion. Why don't you just leave it, mum? Maybe it is wrong?" Ye Nian said.

Su Xi sighed.

"My inner voice is saying this is true. I can feel. I want to trust this person, maybe is he or she is wrong but my heart is saying to trust it. This is the truth."


Gu Yan was working in his office when he received a call from Lin Jua, that too on his personal number.

I'm really exhausted now!! Its late here now... I will update late tomorrow.

But please keep on voting for the novel!!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

PS- Now, we will see sweet moments and Su Xi will court Gu Yan....

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