
My Clan of Husbands

Zara is a beautiful young girl that awoke in a strange land after an accident and met a handsome man who called himself a wolf. Not only that, if she wishes to survive in an unknown land she must add males to her clan. Otherwise different dangers approach her!

TheRomanceAddict · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Home Sweet Home?

After 20 more minutes of walking Zara and Ayan arrived to a small stone house that had barely anything inside of it.

There wasn't even a door, just a large piece of cloth covering the entrance. The only thing that seemed to be in there was a large pile of hay and a few blankets that Ayan seemed to sleep on. As well as some candles for lighting.

"I apologize if it's not to your liking, as I had not joined a clan yet, there isn't much in here that a female would need." Ayan stated.

"But please anything that you need don't hesitate to ask."

Zara couldn't make out Ayan at all, one minute he seemed very serious and at other times he was almost like a puppy begging for attention.

"Hmm it'll be okay as long as I have a roof to sleep under." Zara said.

"And now down to business."

"Huh?"Zara replied.

"I won that fight fair and square so now I have the right to be your first male!" Ayan exclaimed.

"Wait a minute, I never agreed to that in the first place!" Zara could feel all the blood rush to her face as she was so embarrassed.

"Why not? You don't have a clan yet and I'm one of the most powerful Beastmen in the city, I could definitely protect you! Or if it's children you want I can do that as well!" Ayan pouted.

He almost seemed like a child.

"You don't even know my name yet." Zara told him.

"Sure I do! It's uhhh...."

The room fell silent.

"Aha! See you don't know my name, actually we don't know anything about each other yet! How can you expect me to enter a contract with you when I don't even know you?" Zara said.

"But..." Ayan almost seemed like he was going to cry.

"No buts, I'd rather get to know you first before entering a contract." Zara said.

"So what you're saying is you will eventually enter a contract with me!" Ayan said happily.

"Wasn't he just pouting a minute ago?" Zara thought.

Just the thought of Zara allowing him to make a contract with her was enough for Ayan at the moment. He couldn't help but smile the whole time.

"I'm going to be the first male to the most beautiful female ever!" He thought while drooling.

"Why is he smiling like that? It's almost creepy," Zara said under her breath.

"Wait! But you have to promise not to take in any other males right now! I want to be the first one and your only one for a while, I won't let anyone else have you!" Said Ayan.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to accept anyone else." Zara said while smiling.

Zara couldn't even think about taking in several males anyway, how in the world would that work? Not to mention how she would have to complete the contract was enough to make her ears turn red.

She really was in a different world now wasn't she? And the only person she had to rely on was this wolf Beastmen. Her friends and family back home would never believe this, she thought as she chucked to herself.

If she was going to survive in this world she had to know more about it and not just rely on the strength of Ayan alone.

Zara decided that the next morning she would venture out into the city of Alma to see how things were really like.

She was determined to survive no matter what!

Now the only issue was the wolf beast next to her that wouldn't take his eyes of her. But that was a problem for another day she thought.

Zara laid down on the stack of hay and pulled a blanket up to her, she was so tired from everything that had happened today the she almost fell asleep instantly.

The next morning as she woke up Zara had almost forgot where she was. She was instantly reminded when she saw Ayan laying down next to her. He seemed as beautiful asleep as he was awake. But wait he's naked? On top of that she could feel something else poking at her.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!" Zara shouted.