
My Clan of Husbands

Zara is a beautiful young girl that awoke in a strange land after an accident and met a handsome man who called himself a wolf. Not only that, if she wishes to survive in an unknown land she must add males to her clan. Otherwise different dangers approach her!

TheRomanceAddict · Fantasy
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24 Chs


"Hey Ayan do you think we can make stew tonight?"

"Are you sure? The weather is still pretty warm for stew." Ayan asked.

"I know but if you mix in vegetables with the meat you brought it will be a lot more filling!" Said Zara.

"Of course! Anything for you my female! Should I go out now to look for vegetables?"

"Hmm how about I go out to get them and you prepare the meat? I still remember where we went last time to get those potatoes." Said Zara.

Ayan stared at her with a frown.

"You're not planning on leaving and making a contract with another Beastman are you? Not before me!" Ayan exclaimed.

"Of course not, I thought this way it would be more efficient, plus it's a way for me to get out of the house for a little bit."

"Well if that's all...but don't take too long, and don't talk to other males, and be careful on the road, and-"

"Don't worry! It's not too far from here, and I'll be back soon! Promise!" Said Zara.

"It's always so hard to shake off Ayan for while, but I have gotten used to his presence now more than ever.... no, what am I thinking?" Zara shook her head.

"Right now my goal are those potatoes!" Zara laughed to herself.

Along the road she could see that many of the males she passed caught their eye, but with the fear that Ayan instilled in them, none of them dared to get close to her.

Zara made it to the forest and found the spot where the potatoes grew.

"Wow there's so many here! I wonder why I'm the only one that eats these....even the females don't eat them here as much. Well there's plenty more for me!"

Zara ended up digging out so many potatoes that she ended up out in the forest longer than she anticipated.

"Did I get a little greedy with the potatoes?" She asked herself.

"Either way time to go!" She said as she hoisted the big bag of potatoes over her shoulder.

"Errrrrr" Zara grunted, "maybe I should have asked Ayan to come after all, but I didn't think I was going to bring so many."

"Huh? When did it get this dark? I must have taken too long digging the potatoes out. I need to hurry back otherwise Ayan might actually cry soon."

As Zara started making her way through the forest she had a eerie feeling that something was close by. She started getting anxious.


"Ayan? Did you come looking for me?"


Suddenly she could hear someone coming up behind her running ferociously, she turned her head and saw Beastman! A snake? This Beastman had the form of a large snake!

"A predator?!" Zara shouted out.

Zara immediately dropped the sack of potatoes and started running out of the forest as quickly as she could.

Just as soon as she was about to make it out, the large snake Beastman used his tail to grab Zara by her ankle. He dangled her upside down by her leg.

"What do you want!?" Zara shouted.

"I was merely looking for a snack is all and I happened to stumble upon you...oh? No contract marks? It must be my lucky day! Be glad female, you get have a contract with a Beastman such as myself before you turn into my dinner." The snake hissed.

"What?! He couldn't possibly be talking about...raping me?!" Zara thought while trembling.

The snake started getting closer to Zara when, SWISH!

Something sliced off the tail of the snake Beastman sending Zara flying off midair.


"Oh? I thought you didn't need a male to stand up to such Beastman?"

Zara looked up, "Reiner! What are you doing here?"

"Would you prefer I let that snake force a contract upon you?" He asked.

"That's not what I mean!"

"Very well then female, I'll finish this snake Beastman off for you and you can thank me afterwards." Said Reiner.

"The nerve of this guy!" Zara thought to herself, "but he did just save me.."

Zara finally came out of shock a little to get a good look at Reiner for the first time, he was in Beastman form, the form of an eagle with large wings and claws that had easily sliced through the snakes tail.

"He really is that strong, isn't he?" Zara thought.