
My Chronicle

"A story of involuntary transmigration with the aid of a hud de loot, in a medieval high fantasy world." "A young adult 20-year-old history student, who has just finished the last episode of GOT, thinks childishly about an adventure. Like everyone, he thought it was beautiful shit, but unlike everyone, he didn't curse on Twitter or anything, he just went looking for another series or movie to see how a normal human being is. Thinking about what it would be like if he lived in the fantastic medieval period, well whom he wants to deceive, is clear that he knows how he would be killed, from hunger, disease, murdered for various reasons, whether they are just or not, and this is clear in the normal medieval era if were it in a fantasy your ways of dying would increase exponentially. So, he thinks, - "and if I had a system, a help hud/system, to help me live and develop a being beyond everyone, that would be fun", - he thinks smiling. Little did he know that his childhood thinking would come true, and how he would live a story of adventure, action, death, and satisfaction, his own story, his legend, his chronicle." "Disclaimer: This story is inspired by the "A Song of Ice and Fire" and "Games of Thrones", it will not be the same as the two, as I intend to add more fantasy and mysteries, monsters, creatures, and magic. I will initially build my story away from Westeros, and it will also not be initially a political game, but a creation of a brotherhood, which by chance may want to establish itself in a place or places." "Disclaimer 2: English is not my first language, so with the help of the Google translator, I am translating from Portuguese to English since this site does not have this option in its application." "Disclaimer 3: I will be using the Grammarly app in the English version of 'My Chronicle', to improve the experience for English speakers." "A / N: Hi, my name is Victor, and this is my first time writing something and publishing it, so I hope readers understand, I also hope for constructive criticism. I don't intend to let this story drop, or go on an eternal hiatus. I write in my spare time and I intend to make big 10k word chapters for more, so it will take me a long time to write and post. until the next chapter that is under construction at that moment, I cannot give an exact date, but it is close, so add it to your libraries and stay tuned. "

HerPingus · Book&Literature
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Chapter 2: The New Life

It was night, cold in the clearing where there was a modest hut with a garden and a vegetable garden outside, a simple house, a separate toilet, and toilet area, inside, a medium kitchen on the left side of a common room, and to the side right two bedrooms, both 3x3. In the bedroom on the right is a bed big enough for two people, a table with papers and books, shelves with more books, a wardrobe, and a chest. The bed is occupied by one person, a child, very small, somewhere around 2 to 3 years old, shoulder-length white hair and white skin, clearly Targaryen features, but here in Lys, they would be Valyrian features and very pure, these traits wouldn't come as a surprise as several dragon knights have had their bastards and/or children with the beautiful women of Lys. Lys, where the former Valyrian dragonlords are considered a kind of paradise for its women, landscapes, and extremely fertile land.

The boy, lying on his bed covered in thin duvets, was sweating profusely, his closed eyes moving wildly, mumbling nonsense, words in foreign languages ​​long dead or lost. Suddenly the murmur ends, and his eyes snap open before rolling into their orbits, and his arched back goes down indicating he's passed out.

In the morning the boy wakes up, his head aching, his mouth dry, his heart beating fast, he tries to get up, but falls, his head throbs like never before in his life, an alien delight to the outside world, his head is playing with memories of 3 years of life, knowledge, emotions, feeling, everything quickly, causing the maddening headache. The boy stands up, still dizzy, but firmer now, he opens his eyes, light green eyes with silver hues, straightening and looking around the room he says. "Holy crap." - He laughs in despair. – "I can't believe this happened, really this was supposed to be impossible, I somehow came to another world, and on top of the world of GOT, it's beautiful that I remembered the boy's life, the strange beings, and monsters roaming around there, I'm fucked." - He falls with his hand on his face in despair, and in silence he cries, remembering what he left behind, family, home, friends, everything he had, and lost it.

In his moment of sadness, a blue window with HUD written in the middle, appeared out of nowhere, without warning or sound, and from the window, a man appears, the same advertising man, looking closely now he looks like Erik Satie the French pianist, only younger than how he is presented; he says. "Hello, Victor, good morning to you" – in a cheerful tone he says – "I ask you not to despair and calm down, I will explain everything to you".

"You" – Victor says with anger written all over his face. – "Did you bring me here?".

"Yes, I brought him here, as you wished, a fantasy world, where you can live as you please, write your own stories and assemble your chronicle." - Erik speaks dreamily.

Victor stops to think, and realizes that the man is right, he wanted it, but he thought it was just a joke, a passing thought, he didn't want to go to a fantasy world and dies in many different ways, he loved the comfort of his home, the comfort of technology, he loved his life, and now everything has changed by a bad joke of some being or God who took him from the comfort of his home, his world, and put him in a species of a parallel universe from Game of Thrones. "I'm fucked" - Victor thought.

"No, you're not, I'm here to help you, I'm your guide/helper/friend" – the man says.


"Calm down Victor, I'm not the one who sent you here, don't blame me for your desires, I'm just a construct of the HUD to guide you through your life and beyond, I'm the only person you can fully trust without blinking, I'll be with you forever, so yes I'll be your best friend in this world" – Erik speaks slowly and succinctly. – "So, relax, and let me explain your new situation and what HUD is.

"Very well 'friend' tells me I'm listening"

"HUD, contrary to its thinking, is not a God, we are desire, dream, and passion, we are an institution formed from desire, each human being who desires and dreams naturally gives strength to HUD, we are an entity that manages their dreams, each night when you sleep you enter the HUD, your wish is transmitted from your subconscious to us and we make your dreams and send it to your conscious, and you, dream."

"What" – Victor says dumbfounded.

"Which part did you not get?" – says Erik – "I got everything, but this is kind of hard to swallow, I'm a little surprised and not knowing what to do with this information" – Victor replies as he sits on the bed.

"Well Victor you can just accept" – he laughs – "I regret not having given an option, but this is how this institution works, not everyone is accepted into HUD, you are the number 40th person to be accepted into HUD, in their entire existence, only 40 people were accepted to live their dreams and desires, and each of these people has a guide, I am their guide, each guide has a personality and appearance that resembles its user. I chose Erik Satie because you love his music and do almost everything listening to it, especially Gnossienne No.1, you love that song and also think Erik is very stylish, which I agree" - he says laughing and adjusting his glasses – "See Victor I know everything about you, your dreams, desires, knowledge, feelings, and emotions, I'm practically a copy of you in a different appearance. So, there's no way to hide anything from me the same way I won't hide anything from you, I'll give answers to your questions, but there are still things I don't know, which means you must look for your answers, remember this Victor I'm yours guide you on your adventure, and the HUD is your tool to make your adventure enjoyable, so any questions?"

"Okay, I'll forget you're some kind of clone of me." – Victor stops to think about what's happening to him, he lies down on the bed and talks to himself, and he comes to the conclusion that it's a new experience and if he has the help of this HUD, he can enjoy it, Victor sits down again and says - "Okay Erik, what kind of help can you and HUD offer me?"

"I'm glad you asked, see HUD likes to offer the chosen ones an almost guaranteed method of success, almost because, in the end, your success depends entirely on you, this method comes in the simple form of a game system."

"What do you mean a game system, THE GAMER?" – Victor asks in surprise, 'this is very absurd.'

"Exactly like this manhwa, or in random fanfics out there."

"But why?"

"Well. Because it's the easiest way for someone to develop, and it's the best option we can think of to offer, one that gives you the chance to be what you want. And I know you like this system." - He laughs.

"You're right" – Victor laughs – "So how does it work?".

"Like anyone else, say 'shreet' or 'status', and a window will open for you. But before that you must choose a class, don't worry it doesn't limit your "Gameplay", it will only give better-starting bonuses, compare with the beginning of Skyrim."

"Okay, what are my options?"

"I'll open the screen for you." – Erik takes a step back and opens a screen with three options, Mage, Warrior, and Rogue. – "Classic, but it's a base remember this."


[Novice Mage] – A mage or sorcerer can use mana for multipurpose, mages are uncommon, every 1 out of 100,000 humans can circulate mana in their body, and just over 30% becomes a functional mage, and less than 5% of the 30% become

grandmaster mages.

• +1 in Intelligence and Wisdom per LevelUP.

• +20% Mana and Mana recovery.

[Novice Warrior] – A fighter is the most common combat occupation there is, but without proper training or decent support a fighter is still a cannon fodder, an unimportant infantry soldier, or at most a low-ranking officer patent. A well-educated and well-supported warrior be a high-ranking officer, royal guard, a mercenary with a large band, or a famous swordsman.

• +1 in Strength and Vitality per LevelUP.

• +30% HP and HP recovery.

• +20% SP and SP recovery.

[Novice Rogue] – A rogue is an expert at gathering intelligence, stealth, and murder, a rogue is a born spy, like the cult of the God of a Thousand Faces, a rogue infiltrates and executes the target without anyone noticing, a rogue must charismatic, intelligent and fast, every noble court must have a rogue, either to execute plans or to impede.

• +1 in Dexterity and Charisma per LevelUP.

• Grants the [Sneak] ability.

• Every Rogue trait skill has +10% effectiveness.


"They are good options, with the system I can get instruction and support for all classes, a warrior would be my choice if I were in Westeros, and rogue would be my school if I were in Braavos, but in Lys where it is famous for its mages, alchemists, and brothels, I think magician will be the right choice for me." – Victor says while he pours himself some water.

"The mage class would be the better choice for you, as this body comes from a noble Valyrian bloodline." - Erik speaks while looking around.

"Like this?" – Victor asks, who has already finished his glass.

Erik looks at some books, and points and a screen appears.


Race: Human Dragon Lord Clan Malreos - you are directly descended from a dragon lord of ancient Valyria, a magical warrior race famous for being dragon knights, Clan Malreos is famous for its magical craftsmen and powerful sorcerers, the Clan Malreos were the best at old Valyria magic items, most lords tried to be in the good favor of the Malreos, no one wants an enemy who can enchant marble-sized bombs or feed an army of weapons and armor and mighty servings for men and dragons. Clan Malreos offers the player:

• Sub-Class [Artificer] is unlocked.

• Grant the title [Malreosborn].


"This is a surprise, hope I don't have any problems later." – Victor speaks dumbfounded and whispers the last part – "What is this title?"

Erik now near the door points again.


[Malreosborn] – As a born Malreos your body is special, empowered by mana, increasing amount and recovery. Malreosborn is excellent Artificers, even if subconsciously you still demonstrate talent and genius in the field. Grants the bonus:

• Your Sub-Class [Artificer] is twice as effective.

• Being Malreosborn mana runs through his veins, +20% Mana and Mana recovery.

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"Mage, I choose mage." – Victor presses the wizard option on the other screen. His body immediately changes, his green eyes become brighter, his veins momentarily turn light blue, his perception of the world changes, it's like a new sense is born, he could feel magic, and it's beautiful, perfect, passionate, and every time he does. I wanted to feel more and more, it was almost addictive. Coming out of his trance Victor is extremely excited. – "Wow, Erik, this is amazing." – Victor Laughs.

"Of course, it is, HAHAHAHA" – they laugh at the same time with crazy people.

"So, can I open my status and stuff?"

"Of course, just before that take a look at these explanations." – Erik points once more.

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[Explanation of Status]

[Strength] – Increases physical strength and your body capacity, muscles, bones, organs, veins, etc. Your whole body is improved to absurd levels, but not losing its normality. Effects:

• Each physical attack must be calculated (Strength + weapon damage) + Skill/title/class = total damage).

• The bigger it is, the more weight can be lifted, supported, or exercised.

[Vitality] – Increases cell vital force, cell regeneration and cell resistance, if force increases energy production vitality increases energy output. Effects:

• HP should be calculated (Strength + Vitality + Skill/Title/Class) x10 = total health).

• HP regeneration must be calculated (Vitality + skill/title/class) x10 ÷ 8 = HP regeneration per minute).

• SP must be calculated (Vitality + Agility + skill/title/class) x10 = total stamina).

• SP regeneration must be calculated (Vitality + skill/title/class) x10 ÷ 8 = SP regeneration per minute).

• The bigger it is, the more resistant the player is to physical debuffs.

[Agility] – Increases control, speed, and body flexibility, if the force increases energy production, vitality increases energy output, agility controls, and scales energy output. It is made:

• Bigger, faster more accurate, and faster reaction speed.

[Intelligence] – Increases the speed and efficiency of brain functions, memory, thinking, and motor functions. It also increases the "pool of mana" of your body and soul, increasing its quantity and purity. Effects:

• MP should be calculated (Int + Skill/Title/Class) x10.

• The higher the learning and development speed, the higher the critical thinking, IQ, and memory.

[Wisdom] - Increases your general knowledge and deepens it, Wisdom also controls and scales the mana in and out of your body and soul, High wisdom can make mana pass into your body with ease. Effects:

• MP regeneration must be calculated (Wisdom + Skill/title/class) x10 ÷ 8 = MP regeneration per minute).

• The higher it is, the easier mana passes through your body increasing magic resistance by 1% every 10 wisdom points.

[Charisma] – Increases your dynamic in conversations, guiding it in your favor, bargaining something, commanding subordinates, etc. High charisma can change how people view you. It also makes you notice nuances in speech or actions. Effects:

• The bigger it is, the easier it is to dominate conversations, to make someone believe you.

• The bigger it is, the easier it is to spot lies or unusual things.

• High charisma changes the way people see you, enemies find you terrifying, and allies see you as a charismatic and strong leader, this change is not physical but mental.

[Luck] – Increases the random chances of something going right, luck doesn't just change the chance for better items and effects, luck changes the universe and the probability in your favor. Effects

• The bigger it is, the greater the chance that the drop is good, and the greater the chance that self-made items are better.

• The bigger it is, the more chance of inverting Murphy's law.

[Spirit] – Increase your will, a high spirit is unshakable.

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"Wow, this is amazing, even more luck, I think I'm going to like her a lot. Erik and this spirit? Do what?"

"This is for you to find out." - Erik talk charmaly and opens the door.

"Ooooaaaaaaaaaaa you can open doors?" – Victor asks in wonder.

"I can, but relax then I can't go very far from you, something around 5 meters, nobody sees me, smells or notices me, so it's safe." – Erik says guessing his plans.

"Damn Erik, okay, so let's get down to business." – Victor gets up from bed and speaks – "Sheet."

------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------ Name: Victor

Race: Human Dragon Lord - Age: 3

Level: 1 - Next Level: 0/100

Class: Newbie Mage - Title: The Gamer

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HP: 200/200 (13/min) MP: 140/140 (14/min) SP: 200/200 (13/min)

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Strength: 10 Vitality: 10

Agility: 10 Intelligence: 10

Wisdom: 10 Charisma: 10

Luck: 10 Spirit: 10

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Free Attribute Points: 0 Coins: 0

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Titles: [The Gamer] – His life is like a game. Skills can be learned, developed, and created with extreme ease, whether through books, drops, souls, or purchased from the [store]. Being the Gamer gives you three abilities, [Player's Mind], [Player's Body], [Observe], and [Create and Destroy Instant Dungeon]. Each being that you, your summons, or companions kill will be dropped/loot. Each time the Gamer levels up he gains +10 Free Attribute Points, which can be used for every attribute, minus Spirit.

[Newly Awakened Mage] - Having gone through its first magical awakening, your body handles Mana better by granting the bonuses:

• Root magic skills develop 10% faster.

• Root magic abilities are 10% more effective.

[Malreosborn] – As a born Malreos your body is special, empowered by mana, increasing amount and recovery. Malreosborn is excellent Artificers, even if subconsciously you still demonstrate talent and genius in the field. Grants the bonus:

• Your Sub-Class [Artificer] is twice as effective.

• Being Malreosborn mana runs through his veins, +20% Mana and Mana recovery.

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Class: Novice Mage - A novice mage past the first magical awakening, grants the young mage two abilities, [Basic Mana Manipulation] and [Basic Mana Absorbing Technique], and one title, [Newly Awakened Mage]. A Novice Mage also receives the bonus.

• +20% Mana and Mana recovery.

• +1 in Intelligence and Wisdom per LevelUP.

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Race: Human Dragon Lord Clan Malreos – you are directly descended from a dragon lord of ancient Valyria, a magical warrior race famous for being dragon knights, Clan Malreos is famous for its magical craftsmen and powerful sorcerers, the Clan Malreos were the best at old Valyria magic items, most lords tried to be in the good favor of the Malreos, no one wants an enemy that can enchant marble-sized bombs or feed an army of weapons and armor and mighty servings for men and dragons. Clan Malreos offers the player:

• Sub-Class [Artificer] is unlocked.

• Grant the title [Malreosborn].

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• Player Body (MAX) – Grants a body that allows the user to experience the real world as a game. Sleeping in a bed restores HP and MP and recovers from all the harmful effects that afflict you.

• Player's Mind (MAX) allows the user to think calmly and logically. Allows for a peaceful state of mind.

• Observe (1/100) - observes objects, situations, and people, allowing the user to quickly gather information. The higher the skill, the higher the info obtained.

• Mana Control (1/100) Passive/Active - This allows the Player to control and manipulate their Mana more easily and accurately for various purposes. Effect: -0.55% Mana cost.

• Mana Absorption (1/100) Passive - Allows the Player to absorb Mana. Effect: +1.1% Mana regeneration.

• Create and Destroy Dungeons Instant (1/100) Active - Creates a dimension with time dilation that takes the player to several other dimensions or dungeons, these dungeons have several challenges for the player to improve and strengthen.

• Personal Dimension With Temporal Dilation (1 day to 4).

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"Fuck Erik, this is a lot." – Victor yells in surprise – "This personal dimension is very broken, I'll have a lot of fun with the artificer, Malreos clan in, maybe I'll pay a visit to old Valyria, alias Erik here talked about a store, where is she?"

"Well, there's still a few things to show, but let's leave that for later." - says Erik looking towards a room - "We have something to deal with now, come." – he leaves towards the room he was in looking at.

"Wait, wow I remember now, Mr. Kall, the man who took me off the streets, he was sick, and after all that screaming, he didn't come here, I hope he's okay." – Victor runs to Erik, who has already opened the door, a stuffy room awaits us, more bookshelves, a wardrobe and a large chest next to a desk, on the floor was a huge rug and on top of it a double bed a little bit, in that bed was Kall, the kind gentleman who welcomed me a few months ago, now he lay pale without breathing, he died in his sleep, heart problems he spoke. Victor couldn't help it and was sad to see the death of the one who welcomed him.

"Erik, let's bury him." – Victor says discovering it – "Can you get it?"

"Can I." Erik wraps him in his sheet and lifts him and walks towards the exit. It was a beautiful day, Kall's garden shining in beauty along with its healing herbs extremely well cared for, Victor led Erik to a giant tree that was about 12 meters from the entrance of the house, Kall told him that it was his ancestor who had planted it, it would be a good place to bury it.

Victor chooses the location and counters a bit, using [Mana Manipulation] he concentrates on molding it into a shovel, after a few seconds a shovel forms, and guiding it with mana control he starts digging, minutes later a rectangular three-foot hole forms, Erik gently places it in the hole.

"I didn't know him much, but I knew him to know he would like to be buried here under the tree of his house, he loved this place, after decades of serving nobles as maester here he can finally rest from politics, intrigue and noble filth. Here he can finally receive eternal rest and will join his family. Follow in peace Kallen may the judges be fair." - Victor says covering Kall's body with dirt along with Erik. When they finished Victor placed the piece of land with carefully cut grass, and placed it on the grave, closing it.

"Let's find a rock for him." - Victor says out towards a lake not less than 30 meters away. Finding a good stone of about 1 meter, Victor again uses [Mana Manipulation] to make a chisel and hammer and with mana control, he engraved – "Here lies Kallen kind and warm sir, may he finally find the peace." – Victor asks Erik for help to lift the stone because he can't and doesn't have enough mana for that.

Erik places the makeshift tombstone on the edge of the grave, he turns to Victor and asks. - "And now?"

"And now we adapt and strengthen, we are in a dangerous world, where everything wants to kill you, we have to prepare Erik, I'm a magician, I must get used to using this to my advantage." - He says looking at the house.

"We must, there are several ways to strengthen Mr. Kall left us a lot of theoretical material, medicine, apothecary, and alchemy. Even in his room, there are some interesting things. But for now, he looks at it." – Erik points, and two windows appear.

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• Mana Crontrol (2/100) Passive/Active – This allows the Player to control and manipulate their Mana more easily and accurately for various purposes. Effect: -1.1% Mana cost.

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"It seems that each level decreases the cost by 0.55%. It will take a while to reach a 100, and it probably won't reach -100% reduction, but it will be excellent anyway." – Victor looks at the first window and then moves to the second and is very surprised.

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• Eldritch Magic (1/100) Passive/Active – This is a tangible light-based spell that emits sparks and burning energy that is capable of emitting not only light but also heat. Being highly versatile, it can be used to generate tangible energy buildings such as weapons, shields, tools, and multipurpose, as well as being used to cast spells conjuring specific formations and patterns with fiery energy. Such formations can be cast in various ways, arrays of intricate holographic symbols commonly appear as discs projected in front of the caster's hands, and others may appear as rings or bands surrounding the caster's arms. Likewise, certain spells can manifest as an aura of archaic energy that emanates from the caster's hands and forearms. Furthermore, this form of magic can be channeled into the body to bypass physical handicaps and limitations through sustained concentration.

--[Creation of non-complex brews and shields.]--

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"That's amazing Erik." - Victor says surprised - "this will make our life much easier, as long as there is mana, we will never be unprepared."

Erik laughs – "And now my friend?"

"And now we will begin our story." – Victor says while looking at the sky, thinking about what adventures and stories await him.

Sorry for the delay again, I had a lot of college stuff to do, and writing is very complicated, but I will keep my word and not drop this book. Hope you like it. So, until next chapter. Stay safe.

“Always leave them wanting more”

Phineas Taylor Barnum

HerPinguscreators' thoughts