
My Chimeric System

The world went to ruin at the start of the 22nd century when the aliens, dubbed Otherworlders attacked the Earth. Different alien races that seem to have developed an interest in Earth and want to claim it for themselves. This led to a chain of wars between the invading aliens with the humans caught in the middle of it trying to defend Earth. It was a difficult time for the human race as the war was one-sided, favouring the outworlders who are superior in terms of strength and technology. Their presence led to the occurrence of unnatural phenomenons which further doomed the Earth like the appearance of dungeons and beasts, but in their desperation to survive, humans awakened abilities and discovered strength which gave them a fighting chance in the war, and access to use and improve on the technology gotten from these aliens, ushering in the New Age. The age of abilities and technological advancement for the human race. In the world of abilities and technology where everything is determined by strength or wealth, Ian Yaeger is a sixteen years old boy with a sickly medical condition which causes him to faint at random times in the day. He lived a life of isolation and ridicule, until........ [System activated.] [Syncing with host....] [Race: Chimera] [Life expectancy: Ten months.] Everything changed with the appearance of the system both for good and bad. Follow Ian on his journey to discover himself and create a destiny like no other. PS: Also, the art on the cover isn't mine. I would gladly take it down if the owner asks me to. Thank you for giving my book a chance and I would appreciate whatever corrections and critics you can give to help improve my book. Just please give it a try. I promise it won't be a waste of time.

StarzX · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Roommates Dynamics


They are inaudible but he could hear them.

As his consciousness returned, he could hear them a little bit better but they still sounded incoherent to him.


Ian drew in a sharp deep breath as he sat up quickly. His chest felt tighter, he was out of breath and he was sweating profusely as he tried to make sense of his surroundings.

[Energy has been fully replenished.]

[Energy: 100/100]

He slowly relaxed as his eyes got used to his surroundings. The sight of the red and ash-blond hair told him he was in his room so he could rest easy.

"How did I get here?" he asked. That was when it dawned on him that he could see them from his bed. "There was supposed to be a wall here. What happened to it?"

"Which question do you want to be answered first?" Blake asked.

"The wall is a sliding wall so we slid it into itself and we got an anonymous note in our classes to bring you to the room after class and watch you until you wake up. We were gonna be held responsible if anything happened to you," Flint answered as he did his situps.

Ian cocked an eyebrow. "By who?"

"That's what we'd like to know," Blake answered as he glared at Flint. "I would have wanted that information before giving you the answers to your questions."

"I don't know anyone who would do that," Ian shrugged, choosing not to tell them about his new class and mysterious teacher. They aren't exactly friends and they only helped him because of the note so he doesn't owe them any explanation.

"Really?" Blake asked tilting his head. "You mean someone just hurt you enough for you to be unconscious in the infirmary?"

"You could say so," Ian shrugged again, much to Blake's annoyance.

"I think you are lying," Flint said nonchalantly as he continued his situps. "302, 303..."

"Do you ever not workout?" Ian thought.

"See?" Blake said. "Even he thinks you are lying and believe me, from the little interaction I've had with him, I can tell that he's pretty dumb."

Ian immediately took a glance at Flint to see his reaction but he surprisingly didn't seem offended as he was more concerned with his workout.

"Why are you looking at him?" Blake asked. "Wanna see if he's mad?"

Ian chose not to answer that.

"I've said that I don't know," Ian sighed as he laid back on his bed. "I don't know what else you want from me and why do you even care about it?"

"Because I think you are hiding something," Blake argued.

"And what's it to you if I'm hiding something?" Ian asked, turning around to glare at Blake who glared right back.

"Would you both shut up with that lover's quarrel?" Flint groaned. "I'm trying to work out here."

"You, shut up," Blake hissed. "Aren't you worried that your roommate is hiding things from you? Things that could potentially be dangerous?"

"I don't really care about it," Flint shrugged. "Whatever troubles he gets himself in is none of my business and if it eventually finds its way to me, I'll just beat up whoever dares to attack me because of him."

"You talk like you're an all-powerful being," Blake scowled.

"And you talk like a scared bitch," Flint shot back. "Even though you are supposed to be the strongest in the room. Or maybe you aren't scared, you are just a nosy, controlling brat who probably has rich parents and believes he should be on top of everything and everyone around him."

A deep frown appeared on Blake's face as he stomped over to Flint and grabbed him by his neck.

"Stop!" Ian yelled. "What are you doing?!"

Flint, on the other hand, was calm and continued his situps even with Blake's hand tightening around his neck. A little discomfort began to appear on his face as Blake's hand got tighter and his movements slowed down a lot, but he kept his defiant gaze on Blake who seemed to get even angrier with his actions.

"You are gonna kill him!" Ian yelled again but made no effort to try to stop Blake physically. He knew he wouldn't be of any help in that department and he had been on the receiving end of a slap from Blake before. It was an experience he never wished to have again. If Flint who was a lot stronger than him was doing nothing to help himself, then Ian didn't feel the need to help him either.

"Don't you EVER talk about my family!" Blake warned and eventually let go of Flint as the latter's body had already gone limp on the floor even if he was still glaring at Blake.

Flint took in a huge breath and went into a coughing fit as he tried to fill his deprived lungs with the much-needed air.

"I knew you couldn't kill me," Flint smirked. "Not here."

"Do not dare me," Blake hissed.

Flint moved his head from side to side to get rid of the sore feeling in his neck as he rubbed on the skin that seemed to be a little scarred from from Blake's fingers digging into it.

"Enjoy this feeling of power while you can," he smiled. "Soon, I'm gonna surpass you and I'm gonna hurt you. I'm gonna hurt a lot more than this."

"That day will never come," Blake replied angrily as he drew out his wall to cover his bed.

Ian looked at Flint for a few seconds and kept eye contact even when Flint looked at him with that sinister smile.

"Ah," he sighed as he also decided to cover his bed with his wall.

He laid in bed as he thought about the events that just transpired. He could feel it. Those two were leagues ahead of him in strength.

"I need to work harder if I wanna stand on the same level as these guys," he thought. "And I need to aim even higher than that. To be able to protect myself from any and everyone. To do that, I need to level up as quickly as possible. I have only nine days left to reach level 10. I can't be taking it easy like this."

"Wait a minute," he thought as it dawned on him. "What were these guys' names again? Did we even introduce ourselves?"

He didn't even know the names of his roommates.

He already slept a ton and he didn't feel sleepy right now so he decided to be a little more productive and meditate instead of going back to bed.

"Some roommates we are," he sighed as he sat down to meditate.

Thanks to @Bunnytaoist & @DaoistLZZAn4 for my first two power stones. Thanks for to everyone for reading and following Ian's journey, however slow it may seem, haha. Vote, comment and follow if you can. I'll really appreciate it.

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