
Chapter 1

Female lead : maye

Male lead : Kim

place : marriage hall

May went to a marriage a waiter pore a

water on her. She turn of her left side there was a handsome boy. she ran away from that place and she standing near of a pillet and she thinking about her Childhood friend Kim.

A small girl ( maye) running back of a truck .

from the truck a little boy trowing a chain.

now maye seeing that chain.that little boy trow from the truck.maye friend truly calling

maye to come to the marriage hall the marriage was started.so maye went back to the marriage hall.the marriage was completed . maye went her home and asking to her mom how is that handsome boy came to marriage.her mom said her you can't remember him he is you childhood friend Kim.

maye said good night to her mom and went to her room and thinking about the Kim.

Next day morning maye went to her school and sitting in her place and thinking about something. the class teacher introducing a new boy. name Kim maye turn a saw that boy he is that boy the childhood friend of maye.

teacher said Kim to sit near to maye. he sate near to maye. maye said good morning to Kim

but he not reply to her.

In interval maye friend truly saying that the new boy Kim is so handsome I like him. you only need to help me to talk with him. maye saying that he is not taking to any one. I said a good morning to him he not even reply me.

truly is not leaving maye.so maybe said ok to help her.

teacher announcing that there is a bride and groom dressing competition.in notice board there is the pairs. maybe friend truly saying that I need to pair with Kim . but maye is also thinking that she also needs to pair with Kim. in notice board they wrote maye and Kim as pair. the truly was upset with her pair

her pair is the class leader joy.