
My Cheat IS Unrivaled!

Seth, a webnovel otaku like you and me, who is broke asf, has a mother in coma, and a dead father, - and running a dying noodle shack while he's at it, is transmigrated to an eastern fantasy cultivation type world. Whoopie! Its a dream come true! He does not care how it happened, and neither does he care why. What he does care about though, is growing strong like the MCs he had read about and making sure he leads a far better life here than he did on earth. He instantly begins to find his own 'cheat' that would set him apart from the other cultivators in the sectdom, be it a thousand year old spirit herb, or a magical beast that obeys him. Why wouldn't he, when, his life manual is basically a lifetimes worth of movies, anime, and online novels? But hey, shit happens and it turns out that the 'cheat' he manages to obtain is a very unlikely one that is far more than meets the eye. Who the hell would have thought that his last name, Serpentis, wasn't just a hell of an awful name, but also the title of a very powerful clan who could rival even the gods? "Sethren Serpentis, the Prince of Serpents, and heir to the Throne of Venom... I think that has a nice ring to it." With an uncanny cohort made up of a soul broken young mistress with sort of a personality disorder, a lecherous jade beauty dual cultivator whose... questionable techniques are rather disturbing, a blind swordswoman.. for some strange reason, a wimpy excuse of a cultivator who can see the future - so she's not completely useless, and a red headed dude who might as well be the sturdiest guy alive, Seth uses the power of his cheat to... Er... do what again? Ah, I can't really remember. I guess you'd have to read the rest of the book to find out. ✌ ;-)

Renegade_Daoist · Eastern
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71 Chs


"Fuu, this kid is not gonna kill me..."

Scarlett sighed and rubbed her temples as she stared at the messy apartment. Mouldy pizza littered the floor here and there, the coffee machine had been left on and the switch was burnt, dust had formed a fine film over the chairs, floor, curtains, and coffee table, so thick that she could even write on it without any trouble, and cobwebs littered the ceiling.

"Why the hell can't he just ever clean up for himself? He should be twenty for god's sake!"

Seth had lived alone for the past five years, and the dirty dishes she had forgotten to wash since the day that she had fallen into a coma were still there.

"I have a whole lot of work to do..."

Scarlett Sevada scrubbed, mopped, dusted, and wiped the apartment for the next few months, before the messy apartment looked barely manageable. If an obsession with perfect cleanliness were to be personalised, then Scarlett .S. Sevada would be its personification. Shaking her head at the negligence of her son, she ventured in deeper. Her own room was untouched and strangely well kept. The furniture were all covered, the floor showing signs of mopping, and there was very little dust. Apparently, Seth had cleaned it everyday since the day she sold her soul to keep him safe. He had waited for her to come out of her coma, like the doctors said that she was supposed to, but she never did. Well, now she would go and meet him in the other realm and let him see her alive once again. Leaving her own room, the black haired woman walked over to the last room in the apartment. How she wished that she could knock on the door, and the nerdy fifteen year old anime otaku with dark circles under his eyes that had been gotten from meticulously reading webnovels all night, would pop his head out of the door with a faint smile on his face. But such times were long gone, weren't they?

Seth was no longer the fifteen year old schoolboy that she had left alone to fend for himself. He was now on the path to fulfilling his destiny and claiming the Throne of Venom. Scarlett sighed deeply and pushed the door open. From the state of the other rooms, she thought she jsd known what to expect, but his own room was as bad as a pig sty. Clothes were strewn around the floor, dust and cobwebs decorated the walls and curtains, the computer was left on, and a few notes were littered here and there. The dining, living room, and kitchen were months of work by themselves, but this room... She'd probably be an old woman by the time she was done. His phone was lying by the bed - which was strangely broken in two for some reason, and the yang pendant was missing. Frowning, Scarlett kicked a hoodie away and plopped on the sofa.

"Damn that stupid pendant!"

If she had destroyed it when she had had the chance to do so, then Seth would most likely have still been on earth. She packed up the clothes, deleted the computer search history, and charged up his phone.

_ring_ ring_

_ring_ ring_

_ring_ ring_

[500+ messages]

[1200+ missed calls]

[15+ new notifications]

In an instant, the device began to vibrate and ring aloud. Seth had literally just virtually vanished from the face of the earth, it would have been strange if there weren't people asking about his whereabouts. She did not have the strength or time to go through them all and then type a message for him on his home screen, but simply chose to write a message for him just in case he returns before her.

{Gone to the other realm to fetch you, but if you're reading this, then you must have conquered Serpentia and returned. On the off chance that I am unable to find you and I'm still in the other realm, then you must contact your father. P.S, There's some money on the coffee table order a pizza.

Love, mum.}

Scarlett read through the small note one more time before she taped it over his phone screen - the first place she was sure that he would look once he returned, and then left the room after closing the door. It was time for her to go to the other realm.


Almost every cultivator present glanced at the caved in skull of the gargantuan serpent, and then broke into cheers. The very creature that had laid waste to the lot of them was now lying dead on the floor. No one cared about the battered body that had fallen upon the ground, as everyone was busy in their jubilation. The stone creatures took that moment to appear, and with a smile, they addressed the large group.

[Well, well. I see that the venomous oversized snake is dead. Good for you all.]

"Yes it is, now give us our two stages cultivation increase!"

The cultivators began yelling at the stone creatures, believing that the beast had fallen due to their efforts. However, the lesser deity had an amused smirk over their concrete faces.

[Why should we?]

Many peoples faces crumpled up into something unsightly, and they began drawing their weapons.

"Because we killed the beast!"

"I lost almost seventy men while we whittled down its vitality!"

"It was our combined effort that brought down the beast! Do you really think that a kid who is merely at the Nascent Qi realm could refers such a creature?!!"

Many more voices, each one bearing their own opinion, screamed at the lesser deity from the crowd, making the entire river side sound like a women's gathering. But the lesser deities kept their amused smirk.

[Tut tut. It seems that while you all cultivated your bodies, trying desperately to ascend into godhood, you all left out cultivating your brains in knowledge.

Challenger 12, 543 was the one who killed the creature, and there's nothing more to it]