
Like a candle

"Who is that?"

Nathan raised the question to which Avia had no answer. Her heart was broken into pieces over the realization that dawned on her.

Beabianca was here to stay. The moment she shared with Joem fleeted as soon as it happened and Beabianca was back in the picture.

She was breathless.

That was supposed to be the first day of the rest of their lives but instead, it was the worst day ever. Joem was sending her mixed signals all day. One moment he was the person she used to know and the next he was Beabianca's lover.

She clenched her hands at the hems of her dress. Fighting the pang in her heart, putting on a brave face, and pretending not to be hurt.

"Mr. Jonquire, do you mind telling us why you didn't arrive with your wife," the press that had managed an invitation found an opportunity to question Joem. "And what is your relationship with Miss Bea?"

The questions flowed in. Joem posed for photos with Beabianca ignoring the questions. He had no obligation to give explanations on how and why he did the things that he did. His life, his rules.

"Is it true that you love your wife since a young age?"

Joem tensed.

Beabianca shivered at the question. The interaction between Joem and Avia in her bedroom was still fresh in her mind. Her smile fell.

She made a move to walk away. Joem took hold of her hand, he pulled her back into his arms. Beabianca steadied herself by clutching Joem's shoulder.

"Bea is the person closest to my heart," he confessed to the world. His proclamation made Beabianca wince. It was hard to feel the warmth of his words when he had his lips locked with another woman not too long ago. "She is my support system and the best person I know," he complimented.

"Let me go," Beabianca said. Angered and irritated by his touch. He might have showered but Bea could still feel Avia on him. It annoyed her.

Joem obeyed and released his hold on her. "Why do you feel that?" one of the reporters asked. "And what would you say about your wife?"

Avia raised her head. Waiting to hear what her husband had to say about her. "I say so because Bea is like a candle to me. She would burn herself out to give me light," Joem made a reply. "No more questions, enjoy the party," he added.

He avoided the question to do with Avia. He focused mainly on Beabianca putting the spotlight on her. Joem ushered Beabianca to their table.

Avia's heart bled.

It was evident without a doubt that Joem was deliberately circuitous any discussion about her. It broke her heart.

"I was under the impression that Joem loved you deeply," Nathan spoke his mind.

Avia felt hurt, humiliated, and belittled. She was his wife however it felt like she was the other woman. Avia let out the breath she was holding. Bracing herself she made a move to leave. She saw no need to stay in a place where she wasn't needed.

The party was held to celebrate her wedding day. Yet, it was more of an introduction for Beabianca. Her strides were rushed. Avia wished to put distance between her and Joem more than ever.

The pain was too much for one day. She decided to retire for the night and start again tomorrow. "Avua, wait," Nathan grabbed her hand. Stopping her in her tracks before she could leave. "Are you alright?"

Avia didn't dare open her mouth. Afraid she would break down in tears if she did. Scared of losing control of her emotions and breaking into tears.

She nodded in response.

"I want you to know that you can tell me anything," Nathan offered her a friendly hand. Avia felt her eyes moisten. The man she loved was using every chance he gets to inflict pain on her. While the man she feels nothing for was offering to comfort her. It was ironic.

Their conversation attracted Joem's eyes to them. Joem felt his blood boil at how close Avia and Nathan stood to each other. His heart squeezed in pain as jealousy took root in his heart.

Beabianca noticed his intense gaze and followed the line of his sight. She was stunned to find him staring at Avia. She gritted her teeth.

Ever since Avia walked into her life that morning. She had become a background character in her own story. The one the main character doesn't notice as his eyes are drawn only to the female lead. It annoyed her.

Avia was turning out to be a thorn in her side. The root cause of her newfound pain. Each moment since her arrival in their life had been spent with her being unnecessarily angry, sad, and heartbroken. 'You are the second lead, not me,' she thought bitterly.

This didn't sit well with Beabianca. "I'll be right back," she informed Joem. Beabianca took steady steps approaching Avia and Nathan. Mischief was written all over her strides. She was tired of being the only one in pain while Avia walked around like she owned the place.

"Nathan is it," she spoke making her presence known to the two. Avia averted her gaze and turned around. Wiping a tear that slipped out of her eye. She blinked away her tears. "I'm Beabianca," she introduced herself.

"Nice to meet you," Nathan raised his hand to meet Bea's hand. The two shared a handshake before Nathan retreated his hand. Beabianca went on to wrap an arm over Avia's shoulder. She turned Avia around to look at her and smiled.

"Your husband is missing you so much. Won't you spare him a moment of your time?" she asked. Avia tensed. Beabianca was smiling at her but she didn't seem friendly in the slightest. Not that Avia would blame her for being hostile, she had crossed a line by getting close to Joem in the room earlier.

"I was about to go to bed. I am tired," Avia admitted.

"I won't be able to sleep at night with the image of you and Jj playing in my mind. What makes you think I'll give you a chance to sleep peacefully," Beabianca whispered next to her ear. "The night has just begun, don't ruin the fun by leaving," she added out loud.