
My Chaos Academia: Brotherhood (MHA/BNHA)

(Chapters 1-17 Rewritten - youtu.be/P4M4I5iswsc) I died prematurely in the least cliché way possible... Vaporized as a result of a powerful and fantastic nuclear explosion! How cool, right? But that was only the prologue of my adventure... I was reincarnated in the world of My Hero Academia as the little brother of the protagonist with a wonderful and terrifying quirk of intelligence. With great power comes great responsibility… Hah! Boring! I will use the power of my twisted imagination to have a lot of fun in this world by unleashing chaos around me while I enjoy the show eating popcorn. Sometimes a child just wants to see the world burn... A fantastic giant robot! A really cool lightsaber! Robotic tentacles! Anything my twisted mind can imagine! I'll build it! And I plan to have a lot of fun in the process! So I became the youngest S-Rank Villain in the world, created an evil organization for my amusement, and as if that wasn't enough… I completely altered the plot for my personal benefit. And the best of all! No one suspects that Izuku Midoriya's innocent and charismatic little brother is really the mastermind behind all this chaos! “I am Child Emperor! And this world will become my playground!” I exclaimed happily, raising my fists in the air in front of a terrified crowd of heroes and villains. "HAIL HYDRA!" I exclaimed defiantly from atop a gigantic combat robot as a crooked smile spread across my face. Something tells me there will be no school tomorrow... Hehe. (Currently publishing on Webnovel and Wattpad) Images and gifs are included in the story. Videos are available on the YouTube channel: EmperorTube.

Empe_ror99 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Turning Point (Brotherhood)

Chapter 17: Turning Point

POV Third Person

When a strange interference began affecting some electronic devices in Musutafu City, a large portion of the population simply didn't think much of it and went on with their lives.

When the extensive train system, including the subway, was shut down, some people began to worry.

But when the telephone signal and the internet began to fail, mass hysteria quickly spread among the population, a population accustomed to and dependent on technology.

"Hey, hero! My phone doesn't have internet! What am I supposed to do now?!"

"Without my GPS I don't even know where I am!"

"I can't use my credit cards! They don't work! Nothing works!"

"I heard the heroes are looking for the villain responsible for all this. But they're taking too long!"

"I hope the Hero Commission isn't wasting our taxes on more incompetent heroes!"

"You got something to say about that?! Hey, hero! Don't ignore us!"

"Explain to us what's really going on!"

Tamaki Amajiki wanted to be anywhere but in front of a crowd of visibly angry and stressed people. The young hero-in-training hadn't expected his internship to become so complicated in a single night, much less to have lost all communication with Fat Gum. "I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home."

However, the young hero's repeated murmurs were drowned out by the incessant honking of countless vehicles that flooded the streets, avenues, and intersections of Musutafu City. Not to mention that none of the traffic lights seemed to be working properly, causing many accidents and stopping traffic completely.

Despite this, no one seemed to notice what was happening right below them, nor the imperceptible tremors that came from the depths of the city. Little by little, the echoing of countless robotic and spongy footsteps began to be heard faintly throughout the extensive sewer and subway system.


Meanwhile, not far from Musutafu City Harbor.

"This is Captain of the Oki Mariner, all civilian vessels near the coast are to return immediately to Musutafu City Harbor." Captain Selkie warned through his ship's radio for the third time in a row, however, the response remained the same, static noise.

Next to the captain was a young woman with a serious expression. "Have you ever seen anything like this? That's not normal." Pro Hero and crew member Sirius asked seriously as she cautiously watched the radar.

In the distance, what appeared to be a thick, strange fog had covered much of the sea off the coast, making it difficult for any vessel to see and worrying the coast guard and heroes patrolling the area.

"That's not all… There's something hidden in that fog."

"That's impossible, the radars don't show anything at all… What the hell is going on, Captain?"

"I don't know."



Heroes, police officers, civilians, none of them knew what was about to happen or the devastating consequences it would bring to society. A night that would change everything.



Back in the industrial area, precisely inside the apparently abandoned toy factory.

POV Isamu

Present Mic was now lying unconscious on the ground with more than one broken bone, right under my giant robotic boxing glove. A repetitive attack from his Sonic Boom might have caused me some inconvenience later on, so I simply decided to remove him from the equation as soon as possible.

"One down, two left." I hummed, unable to contain my growing excitement as I rapidly pressed a sequence of buttons on my gamepad. Around me, Eraser Head and Midnight were trying their best to dodge my devastating and cool attacks.

"This has gone too far!" Midnight couldn't help but exclaim with obvious shock and concern on her face, quickly stepping aside and nimbly dodging my robotic tentacles that tried to catch her. "You little pervert!" She gripped her whip tightly and boldly ran in my direction.

"Midnight, don't fall for his twisted mind games! That's what he wants!" Eraser Head warned to no avail before gritting his teeth tightly, using his sturdy and trusty capture weapon to avoid being brutally drilled by my gigantic robotic drill. Perfect, that should keep him busy, at least long enough for me to take care of this furious oneechan.

Midnight knows that her quirk is useless against my gas mask, so she has decided to cunningly use her quirk and create a pink smoke screen around herself, camouflaging herself and making it a little difficult for me to see. However, she didn't know that the visors on my gas mask have thermal vision.

Come on, come closer…

"I'm not going to hold back just because you're a kid!" She exclaimed with a sadistic smile, acrobatically jumping into the air and sending her whip straight towards my gas mask. "Whip of love!"

Very predictable.

"And I'm not going to hold back just because you're a woman!"

In an instant, my robotic tentacles wrapped around her legs and arms, completely immobilizing her and keeping her suspended in the air while her powerful attack was deflected a few centimeters to my side, barely grazing my gas mask.

"What the hell?!" She exclaimed in confusion, now suspended upside down in the air and unable to move, involuntarily dropping her whip to the ground as she tried to comprehend what had happened. "Put me down right now!"

"Oki~ Doki." I hummed cruelly and pressed a button on my gamepad, causing my robotic tentacles to slam her into the ground and then she was dragged right in front of me. "You're at my mercy now, Onee~Chan." I shamelessly licked my lips as she shuddered and began to blush.

So many possibilities…

"What? What are you going to do to me?" She gritted her teeth, unable to hide her blush as my robotic tentacles held her to the ground and crawled across her body. I'm starting to think she's secretly enjoying this.

"You're lucky I'm still just a kid, but as a guy, I feel obliged to confirm whether your huge boobs are real or not… In the name of science, of course." I hummed playfully as I slowly extended my right hand forward.

Target in sight!

"What the hell do you think you're doing?! Wait a second!"

Boing~ Boing



Boing Boing Boing Boing Boing

They are definitely real!

"You're a perverted hero, Onee~Chan." I muttered, enjoying Midnight's embarrassed expression.

"You're wrong… Shameless brat." She gritted her teeth as her face was completely flushed and her heart rate increased more and more.

"Now I will take your panties as a war trophy and knock you out. Consider yourself lucky."

"Just that? I mean… I will never allow it!

"I guess you leave me no choice." I smiled slightly and quickly began pressing a sequence of buttons on my gamepad with my left hand. As a result, my robotic tentacles became more aggressive and relentless, charging up with energy and moving carelessly all over her body… even under her underwear!


Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A.

"Special move! Thunder Shock!"

Then a powerful electric shock engulfed Midnight completely, making her scream in pain… Or something else.

"Yamete Kudasai!"


"Damn, she's definitely a pervert." I muttered a little worriedly, holding Midnight's panties in my hands as she now lay unconscious on the floor with her clothes partially torn and a goofy yet satisfied smile on her face.

"Whatever, another one that bites the dust." I smiled triumphantly and threw her slightly damp panties into my spacious backpack. One more for my trophy collection!

So without further delay, I pressed a small button on my gamepad and my robotic tentacles returned back into my backpack. However, I realized too late that this had in turn caused all of my other deployed weapons to quickly return back into my backpack as well, including the drill that was supposed to keep Eraser Head busy.

I had made a small miscalculation.

"Your quirk is really scary! Eraser Head!" I exclaimed with stars in my eyes, quickly turning towards him as my smile grew even bigger. A hero capable of affecting my concentration at crucial moments can easily become an extremely unpredictable and dangerous opponent… Although right now is not a good time to think about it!

He's too close!


My first reaction was to flex my legs and place my arms protectively in front of my face, right in front of my gas mask. Immediately afterward and as I expected, his fist abruptly slammed into my stomach, forcing the air out of my tiny lungs and sending me flying into a pile of boxes in the distance.


I knew there were other options, but considering that this place would soon be raided by a large number of pro heroes and my quirk being constantly suppressed, this was a prudent choice. Or maybe I could have just cut him in half.

Anyway, a little break for a few seconds wouldn't hurt. Plus, the boxes I landed on were filled with adorable, fluffy Monokuma teddy bears. A small legion of the apocalypse waiting for my command to wake up from their slumber, hehe.

But first, I need to catch my breath… The bastard didn't hold back one bit! So cool…


POV Third Person

Eraser Head was angry, his friends had been brutally defeated before his eyes without him being able to do anything about it. No matter how hard he tried, his cunning opponent always seemed to have absolute control of the situation. Eraser Head was angry, angry at his own ineptitude and weakness as a pro hero.

So much so that for a brief moment, he had completely forgotten that the dangerous villain in front of him, the villain who hurt his precious friends, was just a little boy. The hero hadn't held back one bit, and even after that powerful punch, he doubted that it would be enough to stop that troublesome child buried under that pile of boxes.

However, just at that moment and to his relief, the rumble of a distinctive engine approaching in the distance reached his ears. He knew that sound, it came from none other than the pro hero Ingenium.

Just as Isamu anticipated, reinforcements from the heroes had finally arrived.

Tensei Ida, professionally known as the Turbo Hero: Ingenium was visibly worried. Minutes ago, his video call with his little brother had abruptly ended due to the strange interference affecting the city. Then, without much detail, he and other heroes were sent to the industrial zone where they were greeted hostilely by the low-level villains that were all over the area.

Communications were sparse at best, but the recurring explosions and the sound of a fierce battle coming from the center of the industrial zone had drawn the heroes' attention. It was hard to imagine what was really going on inside that seemingly abandoned toy factory.

So when Ingenium finally rushed into that toy factory, the hero's worries only increased. "Eraser Head! Are you okay?! What happened here?!" He exclaimed, quickly noticing the wounded and unconscious heroes on the ground.

Behind him, other pro heroes followed, including Snipe and Ectoplasm. By now, the vast majority of the low-level villains in the industrial area had already been captured, however, the situation inside the factory didn't seem to be very optimistic.

"Best Jeanist, Present Mic, and Midnight are out of action… The situation, the situation is complicated." Eraser Head replied with some difficulty, visibly exhausted physically and mentally.

"What exactly do you mean by complicated?" Ingenium couldn't help but mutter in a mix of confusion and curiosity. At first glance, there was no trace of Isamu other than a small pile of collapsed boxes and some Monokuma teddy bears lying around.

"More importantly… Where is the villain?" Ectoplasm asked seriously, assessing the situation carefully and quickly noticing that Eraser Head's gaze remained fixed on a pile of suspicious boxes in the distance, something that did not go unnoticed by the more experienced heroes.

Just a few seconds later and under the watchful eyes of the heroes, a small hand dramatically emerged from the pile of boxes, surprising the heroes who had just arrived and chilling the blood of some of them.

"Eraser Head, what the hell?"

"So the rumors were true."

"A child? That means…"

"That's the complicated situation… That troublesome boy is extremely dangerous."

"Hey, that hurt." Isamu exhaled, standing back up and completely ignoring the painful bruise on his stomach as his body shook slightly. "But, that was…" He muttered, still keeping that strange defiant smile hidden behind his gas mask.

"That was amazing!" He exclaimed with great enthusiasm, quickly catching his breath and placing his hands on his waist proudly as his technologically advanced and destructive weapons were deployed again, suspended in the air defensively above him.

"This kid… He's no ordinary villain." Eraser Head warned seriously, adjusting his glasses as the other heroes absorbed his words with great care.

Without a second thought, Snipe quickly unholstered his massive revolver and aimed it directly at the boy in the distance. "Don't move!" Snipe exclaimed firmly, though visibly uncomfortable at the mere act of pointing his weapon in the direction of a small child.

"If Eraser Head says that boy is dangerous, then we shouldn't take his warning lightly." Ectoplasm uttered seriously moments before producing ectoplasm from his mouth and transforming it into numerous clones of himself, which quickly surrounded Isamu. "You won't be able to escape from all of us!" The clones exclaimed in unison as other pro heroes were also ready to intervene at any moment.

"I don't know why you're doing all this, but if you don't stop the interference you're causing, many more people will get hurt." Ingenium muttered in a clear attempt to reason with Isamu. "So please, kid, give up and let us help you."



While this was happening, outside the factory, more and more heroes were approaching from all directions, establishing a wide perimeter and blocking any escape routes. Isamu was at a clear disadvantage and he knew it, but for some reason unknown to the heroes, he didn't seem scared or worried, in fact, he was enjoying it.

"Give up?" Isamu couldn't help but scoff shamelessly after a few tense seconds of silence under the watchful gaze of the heroes around him. "After everything I've done?" He shook his head. "That would be really stupid."

Eraser Head had long been trying to put together the pieces of this troublesome and twisted puzzle called Child Emperor. Even now, facing the cornered little villain, the hero's mind was filled with more questions than answers. He knew for certain that something was wrong, there was something he was overlooking, and from the expressions on some heroes' faces, he wasn't the only one with that feeling.

"Besides, heroes, the fun has only just begun." Isamu hummed cruelly, pressing a small button on the side of his technologically advanced gas mask, activating the intercom.

"To all Hydra forces waiting in the shadows, the time has come."

Then Ingenium's startled cry instantly caught the heroes' attention. "Aaaah!" It turned out that one of the teddy bears lying on the ground activated, suddenly hugging the hero's right leg.

"Child Emperor commands you!"

Isamu exclaimed firmly, extending his right arm forward dramatically as his heart beat faster and faster, causing the rest of the Monokuma teddy bears in the room to slowly begin to rise from the ground.

It took only a short moment for Ingenium to recognize the curious toy that clung to his leg, after all, it was a very popular toy among children, which made him sigh in relief. "No need to worry, guys, my little brother has one of these at home, they are completely…"

"Execute order 66."



And that's how those cold words set off a disastrous chain of unprecedented events. A chaotic turning point, something none of the heroes were prepared for.


It all started that night in Musutafu City…


To be continued…

“Execute order 66.”

Empe_ror99creators' thoughts