
#Meal Agreement

Chapter (117)


After walking and taking the elevator to get down to the lower floor for about 5 minutes, Lui finally arrived at the lower floor, in the apartment lobby. Then Lui looked around looking for where Reyhan was waiting for her.

"Reyhan where? He said he was waiting for me in the lobby." Thought Lui who was still looking for Reyhan.

"Ah..." Suddenly Lui screamed because her eyes were closed by someone from behind her body.

Then that person led Lui to walk slowly out of the apartment.

"This hand is the size of a man's hand (Lui thought, and thought to herself) W... who are you ?!" Shrieked Lui who felt unfamiliar with him a hand, and also didn't understand the smell of that hand that smelled like a woman's fragrance, who closed her eyes, then Lui asked.