
Chapter 51-Maple Town.

Raina's POV.

"Hi." I paused a little when I heard his voice, he was here, the colour on my face got redder, I knew I probably looked like tomatoes.

"Hello." I said to him and he smiled.

"Thanks Gabriel, Thanks sis." He said.

"I'll tell Bruno to drop you off." He said.

"What about you and Raina?" Lyn asked.

"I'll drop her off myself, she'll spend the night at my place." I gasped and turned to him with a questioning look, he shrugged.

"Okay, lovebirds, bye." Lyn waved and left.

"And oh, one more thing." Lyn paused.

"More said you should come home and visit." Lyn waved.

"Did she really." He turned to Gabriel.

"Yeah, she did, even dad did, but dad didn't want me telling you." Gabriel said and waved leaving both of at the private Garage.

"You didn't tell me about spending the night at your place." I told him.

"I want to stay with you, we don't have to do anything you don't want, hell!!, I don't even want to hurt you, I just want to be close to you, I need that more than anything." He said.

"And if I say we should spend the night at your place, I'm sure reporters are camping close since they want to figure out our relationship." He added.

He was right, I also wanted to spend time with him, and I knew that reporters would stalk me now, they have thrown hints that I have something going on with the CEO.

I saw him stare at the people sitting at the edge close to the reporters, who smiled while he was bombarded with questions.

I knew they were responsible for whatever happened at the festival, they brought the reporters to attack Bas.

I stroked his chin softly and he growled, I redrew my hands immediately.

"I didn't say you should stop, I growled because it felt good." He sighed.

"Oh, I thought I did something wrong." I sighed.

"No you didn't do anything wrong."  He replied clutching my hands back to his chin, I laughed and he did the same.

"Let's go." He said taking me to the edge of the private Garage and held me there.

"Won't they come to your house?" I asked him.

"I have many personal houses and penthouse, I'm trying to think of one to fit us." He said.

"Okay." He said clasping me hands together.

"Which of them are you staying at?" I asked.

"The one near Maple Town." He said.

"You have a house at maple town?" I gasped.

"A penthouse." He corrected.

"Wow." I said and he smiled.

Maple town was one of the most expensive recreation center and it was private, non members couldn't enter as it protected it's users privacy a lot.

It had lot's of games and also food and drinks mostly.

"Well, I'm ready." I told him.

"I Know." He said clasping our hands together, he frowned slightly.

I turned and saw the Maple Town entrance billboard, he teleported me and his car, and we reached Maple Town already.

He drove to the gate and handed his card, he was ushered in.