
Chapter 42-Steam.

Sebastien's POV.

I groaned when she touched me, she already did things to my body without even touching me, her touching me was the best feeling ever, everything that happened with her was the best feeling ever, it sometimes felt like I was a virgin and I didn't know about any sexual activities at all, every little thing she did, no matter how small was the best thing I've ever experienced.

She stared at me lovingly, like I was the only thing in the world and I was the only one that could see her and we were the only thing existing on this planet.

She smiled and kept patting my hair and I loosed myself in her arms, hugging her close, I grabbed her closer and her waist as she was near, and she moaned at the touch, I could feel my cock harden and it was getting difficult for it to breathe in my pants.

I brought her down on my laps and she smiled at me, kissing my neck, I gripped the table hard and gave my neck to her, it was all hers for kissing, if she asked me to do anything for her, I could render in a jiffy without thinking for a second..

"You're turning me on." She said softly, laying kisses at the corner of my mouth and lips.

"I am, you're the one doing that." I replied breathing hard, it was hard the breathe and when she tried to adjust herself and sit well on my maps, I brought her closer when she adjusted, it felt like she was gone and my reason for existing was leaving, she grinded on me and I moaned at the friction it created,my cock kicked and I gritted my teeth to stop myself from pouncing on her.

I didn't want to hurt her and it was going to be hard getting physical with the level I am in.

"I'm going crazy Raina." I said breathlessly.

"You're driving me absolutely insane." I added.

"You're doing the same to me, why do you have to be so hot, that it's hard to resist you and I try to behave whenever we are in the same room, but it's hard, I don't understand these feelings, it's strange and weird for me, it's the first time and sometimes I feel like I'm going crazy because I keep going deeper with how I feel for you everyday." She said.

I was surprised by her confession, but I knew she didn't lie, she didn't like talking much, but when she did, she spilled lots of facts.

"Shut up and kiss me Raina, I haven't missed you since forever and I need your lips on mine." I said and her eyes widened and a seductive smile formed on her lips.

"Your wish is my command." She said and kissed me softly, I brought her hands to my neck and rammed my lips into hers, I kissed her like she was the air I needed to breathe, and she did the same too.