
Chapter 120- Family.

Raina's POV.

The food was really delicious, it made me think of how Bas was a really good cook too, I smiled as I ate the chicken, my brother was also munching on the chicken like his lifeline was meant on it.

Even though I hadn't gotten my memories yet, but accepting them as my family and they also accepting me as their family made me light-hearted and warm, I felt like I belonged after how many years of being lonely after my human parents left the world.

"So, this tracker was the one who helped me find out about your relationship with Raina." Bas said and everyone turned to the tracker, my mom smiled at him while sniffling softly, my dad stood up to him and patted him on the back.

"He loves chicken like my love here." Bas said as he turned to me, I choked on the water I was about drinking.

"It's okay, slowly." He said with a mischievous twinkle in his mouth, I knew he was doing this purposely, but I was suddenly feeling shy and more embarsssed with him Calling me his "love" while my parents, my real parents were around, it made me much more shy than I had imagined.

"So, she's your mate yeah?" My father asked staring at Bas who nodded.

"Yes, she is, we've gotten engaged, was planning to bring her here, so we could complete the marriage rituals and rites." Bas said and my father nodded thoughtfully.

"I've always wanted my daughter to be married to you, this feels like the wish of the mother coming true, this is amazing." My mother said and everyone laughed.

"I'm happy your wish came true, your daughter is all I ask for." Bas said kissing my hands and I could feel my cheeks burn with the amount of blush I could feel.

"Stop." I told him softly and he shook his head.

"Is there anyway she can get her powers and memories back?" My mother asked the tracker and he nodded.

"For her memories, it'll come soon, staying here, will trigger them back, and hopefully it comes back with her powers." The tracker said and my mother and Father nodded.

"I have to throw a welcoming party, you've been gone and now you're back." My mother said excitingly.

"Oh alright." I nodded.

"Then, I will be called in, I'm planning this party." Lyn said while squealing with happiness.

"Of course, I can't do the planning, I'll just see everything you've planned once you're done." My mother said to Lyn and she nodded.

"Well since we're all done with eating," my dad stood up, "would you like to see your childhood room?" My father asked and I nodded.

I wanted my memory back, and I needed something that could help me connect on a much more high emotional level with my family and memories seem to be the key to that, I smiled as I thought of how I was, I imagined what type of childhood I had, and I hoped to remember some of them, if not soon, but a little faster.

It made me so happy that I had a life here, that I had where I belong, I had Bas and his family and my real family, I wasn't alone in the world anymore, I had people to call my own, and people I could relate with, on an emotional level, the happiness I got that made me cry a lot, even when I was comforted by the Reason for this happiness, I couldn't stop the tears from falling down, I was so happy that I got the opportunity to live a normal life,with my family.

Only knew how hard it was for me when my human parents died, how I struggled on my own, how I was shamed, abused, insulted, neglected just because I didn't have anyone to call my own, I didn't even know how I kept pulling strong till this day, how I managed myself, how I kept moving on, how I didn't let the bad whispers of people who called me an orphan, who made me feel terrible everyday, I didn't belong and art was my only source of comfort, that's why I worked hard as a waitress, a delivery girl, just to send myself to school to learn what I loved, and I made sure I didn't lack anything I wanted, I worked hard for it, even though it seemed unreachable, I tried touching the sky for it, I don't know how this fighting spirit in me kept going strong but I was happy I never faltered.

I sighed as I felt myself becoming angry over again, thinking about how hard I had it, and how life was terrible for me, made me realize that I was stronger than I thought, I pulled through, and I was stil strong and appreciative of every good thing that came to my life, sometimes the good thing scared me, but Bas was the one who pulled away that doubt, he made me believe that everyone deserved something good in life.

I remember how sketchy I was when we dated and, and how I was scared he was going to die, because I felt like everyone who were close to me ended up dead, like my human parents, but I didn't know I had people who felt my absence, who took care of me and protected me from the tried to harm me, I smiled as I remembered Bas telling me this; "everyone, human, or a supernatural creature, deserves every form of happiness, and no matter how scared you are when you're happy and when you think everything will go down the drain, remember that you're deserving of every love, and everything in your life and the best moment is coming, you'll get more and also be more happy than you've ever been."

I wiped the tears from my eyes as I paused, my father stared at me with a wide smile on his face, I smiled at him too.

"Are you okay?" He asked softly and I nodded.

"This is your room." He said as he opened the door, I Chuckled at the first thing I saw, the room was still kept clean, but if felt like everything was the way I left them, it wasn't even arranged, it felt like they just dusted it off and left it the way it was.

I saw my drawings all over the wall, I was surprised how pretty Talented I was, my lecturers in the university told me I was gifted, born with this talent, now I understood why they said that, they were right after all.

I smiled as I saw a write up; "Hi, I'm Kathryn Veneta, the Talented and beautiful daughter of Mr Troy Veneta and Mrs Beatrice Veneta, the little sister of Dylan Veneta, an a true born artist as Father my best friend said, I love myself and my family." I laughed as I read it, I even drew them close to me and in the drawing there were flowers of love I gave each drawing.

I paused as a memory surged into me, I suddenly remembered running back from my school and writing this down, and how I pasted it in my drawing book, the front page, I suddenly remembered how my parents laughed when they saw, they told me they were proud of having me as their daughter.

I paused at the surge of memory I just got, I looked to my father and he smiled at me, it's like he knew that I just got a memory, the tracker was right when he said that my memories would come back little by little.

"You remembered something?" My father asked and I nodded.

"Yes I did, I remembered writing it." I said with a smile and he chuckled.

"That's good , I'm sure the rest of your memories would be back soon." He said and I smiled and nodded.

He went to the door, paused and turned staring at me with whistful eyes, I smiled at him, waiting for anything he had to say, but he kept staring at me for a while without saying anything.

"Are you okay?" I asked. And he sniffled.

I saw the tears trail down his eyes and I went to him giving him a hug.

"I'm so sorry, I've tried to pretend and keep it down, but I can't do that, I'm someone who loves saying my mind when it's necessary." He said and I smiled, I must have gotten that quality from him.

"I'm sorry we gave up, we didn't find you anymore, we thought you were dead, I'm so sorry, you must have been alone, after your human parents died," he paused swallowing and I patted his arms encouraging him to say more, "I kept thinking of it, and I couldn't stop thinking, I'm so sorry." He said and I nodded.

"It's okay, I'm alright now, you've found me, I'm still alive , I'm safe, that's all that matters." I said.

"And I don't hate you, or mom, or my brother, you did what you had to do to save me." I said hugging him.