
Chapter 1- Accidental Meeting.

"Raina's POV"

"Please write your name here miss" a voice said. I wrote my name quickly, immediately she said so, I was so eager to work here at EBC. It was a dream come true, I thought happily, and I am going to make sure I enjoyed my time here, while I work.

"You can join others in sitting" she gestured to the waiting room, "a staff will come direct you all on what to do" she added firmly.

"Thanks so much" I replied with a beam.

"I would've said you're welcome, but I've done nothing special to you here,I'm just doing my job" she said

"I know that, but not everyone is this nice" I said added immediately.

"Okay, if you say so, I'm Tina by the way"she smiled.

"I'm Raina, it was nice meeting you" I walked away to the waiting room.

I met the other newly employed staffs, some where already in groups discussing and some were sitting down surfing the web with their phones.

I sat close to the edge of the waiting room, glancing at the interior decoration, I was in awe of how the beautiful the waiting room looked, the walls were designed with tiles that had little black stripes, in contrast to the White tiles, the ceiling was neatly painted.

"Wow, if the waiting room, could be this beautiful, I wonder how our offices would be" I said a little too loud drawing attention from most of the newly employees waiting.

Lowering my head, I glanced at the floor, avoiding the glances I got from them, I could hear snickers coming from some of them.

"I'm sure she's one of those local daydreamers who got a job here by mistake" someone in the group I saw while coming in said, earning laughter from them.

"Great, just great!!, what a way to start my first day at work". I adjusted my sleeves nervously praying hopefully for the staff who'll assign our duties to come save me from this embarrassment.

"You shouldn't let what she said get to you" I looked around to find who said that and I stared at a very pretty blonde haired girl with honey brown eyes, she smiled warmly at me.

"I'm Evelyn, it's nice to meet you, you are?" She asked.

"I'm Raina, nice meeting you too, and thanks for the words of encouragement" I gestured her to the seat close to me.

"Thanks, I'm happy to talk to someone who isn't a snob like those over there" she pointed at the group gaining their attention.

"Shh, they'll hear you" I said softly.

"Well, I said it so they will" smiling mischievously she turned and stared at them, daring them with her eyes to talk back, they turned away nervously and I wondered what was wrong, and why they were so scared of her.

"Evelyn Edmondo" A short man with glasses called out, earning a gasp from the room and little surprise from the group she talked to. I wondered why they were shocked, but her name sounded familiar, I couldn't just place it right now.

"Raina West" 

"Yes sir" I walked up to him and stood close to Evelyn.

"Daniella Rush" he searched through the room.

A good looking girl with medicated glasses came forward and stood close to us.

"You three will work at the design department, you'll join the other workers there, since your resumes fit more to the design department" He said. He gave us a piece of paper and Evelyn started walking to the Elevator.

Coming out from the elevator, I realised we were at the second to the last floor(the 9th floor) ,we walked into a corridor, and I wasn't ready for the sight that I saw, it was so gorgeous, the floor was designed with marbles, the walls were painted with grey and white. The paintings hung on the walls were so aesthetic, I gasped, I never believe I will work here, during my internship days,I worked at the ground floor . I never got upstairs, the interns were never allowed up, they told us we'll earn the right if we were staffs of the company.

I saw a seat with my name on it, Evelyn's name was written in the next seat close to me,and Daniella's sit next to hers. 

Everyone stared at Evelyn, some bowing at her. I stared at them like they've grown two heads wondering why everyone were being respectful and careful around her.

She sucked in her breathe and glanced at them, mumbling words I couldn't hear. She sat down with a huff and rolled her eyes dramatically.

"We welcome our new addition to the design family" a man said with little excitement. 

"I'm Mr Johnson Stone, and I'm the head of the design department, welcome once again to the department" he introduced himself.

"We thrive to be the best and we always top other departments in sales and delivery every year for the past fifteen years, and we will continue to hold that spot with our results and hardwork" he added.

"We also do not tolerate laziness, and we expect results from every one who works in this department" he added sternly.

"The notice board posts daily tasks for everyone here, so you'll check your daily tasks and get to work, and make sure you'll submit them in my office before closing for the day" he left.

"Please do you know where I could relieve myself?" I turned to Evelyn.

"And why will you assume I know where that is?" She smiled at me.

"Well, it looks like you do" I replied.

"Just take the elevator to the last floor, and ask whoever you meet first, and you'll be directed to the restroom" she laughed.

"Thanks" I left her.

Entering the elevator I smiled thinking about how I've achieved my goals and how I already like it here and it was just my first day of work.

Walking out of the elevator I rammed into something hard and I heard a wince and gasp.

"What are you doing here" I heard a deep voice ask.

I looked up, meeting a familiar pair of honey brown eyes and a face so handsome, a sharp jawline, I could swear it was carved by gods, it could even cut through someone if used as a weapon .He had perfectly trimmed eyebrows and a little scar at the end of his brows, that little imperfection couldn't hide how gorgeous he looked. He had beautiful long lashes and a full lips.

His facial hair was neatly shaved. And his deep  brown hair slicked back. I could feel his abs through the shirt he wore. I looked up and wondered how tall he is,that I had to stare at him. I was 5"8 and if he was this talk he must've been around 6"1 or 6"2.

"If you're done swallowing me whole with your stare, can you tell me what you're doing here" He smirked. I sighted a dimple forming in his cheeks, and I thought it was so bad he was ridiculously fine and he had dimples too.

"Uhm, do you know where I can find the restroom" I swallowed nervously, blushing so hard that I was caught staring at him.

"Definitely not here, there's a restroom here, but you can't use that " he answered impatiently.

"Then tell me where I could find a restroom then" I asked him curtly. "I was directed here, by Evelyn, and she knows this place".

He scoffed when he heard Evelyn's name, squinting his brows at me, which was so attractive that I couldn't stop gaping at him, I can't believe I could have a crush this quick and easy, when I've only just met him.

"Only family and close friends are allowed access to this floor, and employees who come here are those I give permission" he said leaving from me to the edge of the elevator immediately it opened, staring at me with a look in his eyes I couldn't understand.

I felt a very weird connection around us but I didn't understand why I felt drawn to him.

"And I didn't remember inviting any employee here" he added.

I gasped as I came to the realisation that I'm staring at the CEO of EBC. Magazines didn't do him justice, he looked more better in person I thought with a blush, I gave myself a mental note that if I wanted to work here without issues I shouldn't be thinking about the CEO this way.

"You must like being punished, because I love punishing employees who don't follow instructions" he added with a beam and a twinkle in his eyes.

"I won't be punished for a mistake I didn't intend on making" I answered back quickly, before regretting the words that left my mouth.

He stared at me like I had two heads then he laughed darkly. He stopped the elevator before it opened and jammed it buttons and it took us back to the last floor immediately. He pulled me to the last floor and closed the elevator immediately.

I gaped at him and shivered wondered what the heck I got myself into.

"Great, just great" I said and he stared at me with a smile so mischievous, and I knew I was in big trouble.