
My cat is alive

YaboiGrey_55 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

A cat or human?

I gazed into his eyes as they sparkled.. there was a man in my house, a man- oh shit my towel .-. I quickly picked up my towel and put it back around me, this man didn't even say anything about it.. what a creep. "who are you? and how did you get into my house and why are you NAKED ?! ...


I snatched up my pocket knife from the chair and pointed it straight at him, I wasn't about to die, not just yet.. "I'm sorry" the man said. "I did not mean to scare you" he took a step closer. I death stared him in his stupid face and put the knife down. big mistake on my part. He picked up the knife and came closer to me "h-hey careful with that!!-" I peeped. He held the knife up to my neck. I was cornered.. no where to run-

The door flung open and of course who comes to save the fucking day? my stupid ass best friend named Carlos. "W-WHAT THE FUCK-" he screamed. "NO ITS NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE I PROMISE HE WAS ABOUT TO KILL ME" I shout back. He starts laughing hysterically. "why are you in a towel in front of your cat" the idiot said "I..just got out of the shower". "your cat must be scarred for life with that ugly ass body of yours!"

-.- seriously, are you fucking kidding me.


Carlos had just left after we had some lunch only for me to wonder...

was that all a dream? am I hallucinating?

Is my cat Alive?