
Is there really a God?

At this point in her life Mira resorted to always going out alone...at whatever time and to any type of event. Before, her circle was comprised of many female and male friends . Apart from the death of her best friend ,many ordeals with people that were coveteous, bad minded, opportunistic or jealous towards her and her best friend Sandra even by those she had put much trust in so Mira learned to be on her own. Mira remembered walking through the club ,holding her three other girlfriend's hands ; they used this mechanism of holding each other's hand to move about in the night clubs ,through the thick crowds , to enable them to use the washrooms or buy drinks. This way, they wouldn't loose sight of each other among the huge number of other party animals. It had also turned sour with a lot the he-say , she-say which Mira thought was exceedingly immature and mind draining. Plus now that Mira rolled solo to events or clubs one good advantage was if the boys gathered round her ,all the drinks or hand outs of pocket change of fifty or a hundred dollar notes in their aim to impress her ,would be all to her. After all it was mostly hers and her best friend Sandra that would cause the guys at the night clubs to gather around them like honey makes bees gather together. Mira and a was head stoppers in fact neck turners not only on account of their american style of dressing though they they had not traveled yet and live on a Caribbean Island but also on account of their figure or bodily structure,striking beauty, joviality,loving nature, humbleness and equal rights for all mentality. The tag team of their alluring eyes and smiles that someone could sell their soul for , caused many to believe that they were blood relatives often asking them if they were sisters and they both often laugh after answering because they both knew their response was a lie. Additionally they both always smelled like perfume fruit . Mira and Sandra had both hung pineapples in each corner of their rooms a home for the great scent permeate through their bedrooms. If you were to enter their rooms ,the additional use of fruity scented candles would cause a blast of fresh fruit scent almost giving one a high. They would also lace the primary covering of their beds cinnamon , bay leaves, rosemary, nut megs and cloves after putting them in the sun to soak in ras oil purchased from 'The Black Amigo' local perfume store. You could get an ounce vial with applicator cap or roll on applicator from $5.00 and upwards at 'The Black Amigo'. Mira's favourite was the three hundred and sixty degrees by Perry Ellis . Like A n F Valmont Company, R J Clarke Drug Store, M & C Ltd company , Johnson's Hardware Limited , S and S Price Busters and the Cell , The Black Amigo had survive operations for over fifteen years in the Caribbean but this was not a custom. Stores usually had a life span of four years in St.Lucia until the curse of closing down came upon them usually due to exceeding sky high rent. Mira always thought that in order to aid the thriving and prosperity of local business ,Government leaders should intervene in the amounts that locals are charged or can be charged by property holders to rent a building for business operations. In these country achieving greatness was very very difficult due to much fight down and prejudice in every aspect of this nation . Any achieved greatness by anyone was often or mainly associated to people who sold their soul to Satan or to the Devil as some called him or her. In some modern day religions it is taught that Satan whose former title was Lucifer ,The Bright and Morning Star was actually the former wife of Tata Nzambe Yah Mpungu which is a translation of Bantu Hebrew language which means 'Supreme Creator of Heaven and Earth '. It is believed by these sect , that Like all brat wives , Lucifer had revolted with one third angels in anger against The Almighty God after he decided to make the race of human kind and set them above the angels with these certain sect of believers use Ezekiel 28 verse 13 to 18 especially the word beauty used in verse 17 to make their argument more solid . Also the book of Sirach or Ecclesiaticus ,even that entire chapter speaks about wickedness being a woman's egg. Therefore this is the basis by which they believe that Lucifer who has now been demoted to Satan was actually formally a female....turned butch as the Brits entitle the male counterpart of Lesbians. In Saint Lucia , any business person or any small establishment that expanded ,extended or started booming they would be associated to being a Free Mason ,Illuminati or someone using occult books or taking deals with the 'Jab' which means 'The Devil' in creole terms , in order to prosper. There were even some interesting success story like that of the place in St.Lucia called 'The Devil's Bridge. This is a sight where it is believed that an individual made a deal with the Devil to construct this bridge for him as he had taken up this impossible contract to build this bridge for millions of dollars . The story goes that after the devil built this bridge for this great local road contractor who did not want to seem a failure to his hire and the general public ,who gladly received his portion was supposed to in exchange for the completion of the construction of this bridge by the Devil , leave his first born child at a certain point of this bridge for payment. The 'Jab' would then come at a certain time and a certain point of the bridge and take this child as payment but smartly the man had dug a part where the child was to be offered and cemented the child there in the ground to safe guard the child from the same 'Jab' that was supposed to collect the child at a certain time as payment. Therefore when the Jab swooped with his hand at the appointed time and place that the child was to be taken it was impossible for the child to be taken by the Jab as the road contractor the child's father had cemented this child from his or waist down properly in the ground and this cementing mixture used to cement the child in had its mortar sanctified and blessed with holy water and holy oil by a Priest after a bible verse of Psalms 91 the psalms that expels any form of evil was rehearsed repeatedly over the child seven times. Therefore the Jab was outsmarted but here in Saint Lucia it was nothing to outsmart the Jab due it being highly believed that the many huge constructed houses that only stood with foundation fully constructed but with incomplete concrete surroundings were a next form of deal with the Jab for money ,wealth or prosperity by outsmarting him. It is believed that these men and women who owned these uncompleted marvelous structures would enter into a blood or life bound deal to get riches of money , their own lavish house , high status or high position from the Jab to which his agreement and deal would be 'Yes' give them the riches and allow them the status but the benefactor's soul would be taken upon completion of their own personal home as this usually included the one making the deal with the Jab to have their own lavish/luxurious house. So the trick to this deal with Jab for these individuals was after they had received their riches,higher status, fame , prosperity from the Jab since the deal was on the basis that upon completion of their luxurious home that they would have to give up their souls to him the recipients would commence the foundation of their luxurious house and lavish walls but then after drag its completion of construction until they were in their senior ages and usually haunted out of the mind by the Jab to complete the construction and they would suddenly or horrifically pass away according the rage of the Jab's disappointment with them or anger at their betrayal at the time of their brought forth demise. These individuals normally died of a sudden grave illness or from heart attack and usually passed away in their late forties and on wards. By then, they had gotten enough time to enjoy their devilish gains and enjoy to the fullest , the pleasures of this world and the luxuries of their deal that they had exchange their souls to the Jab for. There was even another very intriguing story of a Saint Lucian man who sold his soul to become a millionaire in exchange for the amount of years he was given on earth to live. This Saint Lucian man and his family had been a victim of poverty for many generations and for far too long , therefore in his view of life he had decided to be the human sacrifice for him and his family to be taken from poverty to a wealthy life and had taken this deal with the Jab to accomplish this within only three months. After becoming a great millionaire the deal was for him to die at fifty years old leaving his remaining twenty years as the devil's exchanged for his short lived gain. 'Vanity upon Vanity saith preacher! as King Solomon quoted in the book of Ecclesiastes. This Saint Lucian man held midnight celebration party and invited all his friends ,children, family members and affiliates that he had over the years endowed with money ,cars ,university education, business operations and luxurious houses and lands on his fiftieth birthday but in celebration of his death. Even his casket and the hearse they drove him to the celebration was black and gold . It was a sight of convoys of luxurious vehicles ,prestige people and their prestige attire to behold . It was the first and only live funeral party birthday ceremony held on island just like ordinary celebrations and funerals whilst he sat in a special chair on the church altar everyone had been given a chance to say their last words of admiration and appreciation even sang songs to him , there were two world wild famous singers and all . They all got a last chance to say they words of appreciation in to the pre-deceased at his funeral. The pre-deceased Saint Lucian gave his his final words after hugging and greeting and meeting everyone reading out his will in the open at ten minutes to midnight ,then at exactly midnight the loud gong of the grand father clock bell in the church rang out five times and his lifeless body drop to the floor as his spirited exited his being. The two men who were specifically hired to hold him and place him in his coffin after the stand by pathologist who was prepaid to just write a form death as if an autopsy had been carried out checked to make sure that he was dead. His body was then laid to rest and his family hoped that his soul in spite his ordeal with Satan . In other Saint Lucian folk stories , the part of the island called the Barre D'Isle , it was also said that most of these prosperous people on the island had the 'Bamboo seed' which was a very potent dark treasure that could enable one to receive or become anything in this world. To back up this deal the Obeah Mhun would even recite Isaiah 45 verse 3 which quotes " I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places that you may know that I the Lord that call by your name, am the God of Israel." As this reading was a passage of right, a universal law for the individual to possess this treasure . These individual had only gotten this seed by " "completing' the ritual of bringing a rooster as a blood sacrifice and a plain white bed sheet at midnight to the Bar D'Isle where the Jab is , deep in the heart of the Barre D'Isle. Many would not have completed this ordeal and had resorted to taken off crying or screaming out in fits of fear and temporary insanity when they witnessed the Jab's goat-like hand appear over the white bed sheet and the loud roar of a he-goat. Well the Obeah mhun was needed to gain access to the Jab and he would accompany the person that wanted to perform the ritual of obtaining this magic seed. The Obeah would summon the head Jab himself ' Satan' after opening a white bed sheet some distance between the grove and the bamboo. The hand of the person who wishes to take the seed from the heart of the bamboo from Satan's hand would only hear a roaring goat's voice after the ritual to summons the head Jab was completed. Then he or she would witness a goat like tough humanoid hand , as it appeared , he or she would have to wrestle the hand of Satan for the fallen bamboo seed that would fall out from thin air bouncing off the white bed sheet . If the individual got frightened ,the seed would disappear and the jab would possibly even break this person's hand as a repayment of daring to challenge him and loosing. If successful the person that came to wrestle with the devil's hand for this bamboo seed but did not scream, get afraid or panic and was able to take this seed from the head Jab's hand then that person would be able to use this seed to be successful at any plight of success that they would pursue. For example, even going from a bus driver to becoming a Prime Minister was possible, with this dark treasure the skies were the limit.

As for Mira she did not believe in or know of such evil , even if they were indeed true or possible. All Mira knew was the power of the words of the bible, using olive to pray, the power of prayer, the power of the annointing if Yah /Almighty Gid that breaks any yoke and the power of the blood of the Jesus Christ, which she now termed the Messiah by his Bantu Hebrew title 'Yissa Yah Kongo' which translates 'Son of the Most High of the High Places' . Mira had been raised by her mother , grand mother ,aunts and uncles even neighbours going to church, having in house prayer meetings and bible studies, deliverance prayers at Morne Fortune where the Sir Arthur Lewis Community College and the University of the West Indies is located. As a matter of fact Mira started being possessed of the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues only at nines years, which her family, church members , especially her mother was astonished and proud of. Mira was filled with God's power and anointing and at these deliverance get- togethers she loved to bind and cast out the demons and devils, gave them a true spiritual beating and sent them off to hell well bound. Mira was the only child among the adults that would anoint people and pray for them. Some were even ten years older than her age and some were in her same age group and she prayed for them ,using the accurate scriptures to bind and cast out devils and demons which they usually come out as spittle or vomit , or some would start a protest stating why they wouldn't leave the abode of the possessed individual's body. At age nine , many people had fallen under the power of the anointing when Mira would lay hands on them of course ,Mira would spend days during the week fasting and praying even leaving lunch packs home to aid her fasting so that she could be endowed with the Power of the Holy Spirit but for these past twenty seven years Mira had back slid. She had backslid very far back from the presence of God ,which her Mother always told her; it is not God that leaves our presence but is we that draw away from his presence when we sin and disobey his words and commands'. Hence the reason why that the past twenty years plus the demons were literally using the bodies of the men she had been in a relationships with to return her every blow that they received from Mira back in the days of her true holiness , righteousness ,purity and anointing from God to her on account of her offence of 'fornication' . Just as with normal life and law , demons got authority and ability to attack God's children once there was a spiritual default. Life is truly a battlefield between evil and good but most did not understand this. One thing that is sure to know , if you are going to kick a demon's butt using prayer ,fasting and scripture you should never give those demons any opportunity to get even. Mira knew there was a God and she knew that God was real but what cause her prayer life and righteousness to get cold when she become a young adult is that issued with why God allowed certain things like the death of her best friend who was more than a sister to Mira as they did everything even bathe together sometimes. It was from that day of her best friend's demise that Mira had accused God Almighty, after having a big argument with him and took the clubs and sometimes the bottle from since then but Mira's mother had never given up prayer for her. Her going to the clubs was a little before actually with great enticement from Sandra her best friends and several coaxes for her to join in. Mira always wondered maybe the death of her best friend was for her trampling the blood of Christ and following Sandra to the clubs as Satan's personal attack against her. Mariel always prophesied that one day God would bring Mira back in between his two feet and Mira would serve him faithfully and truthfully better than before. Mariel truly believe that this phase of Mira would be over one day.. even Mira passed at the bottom to her mother's house on her way to the kareoke was proof that there was a God in heaven looking over us. This big circular rock about two metres in the dimension of its width, was the three fifth portion to the two fifth portion that was position to the back of Mariel house that was left to her when her mother IE died. One of the neighbours had written on it using can spray 'The Local Beverly Hills' as here in this part of Pavee where they lived was very quiet with decent and respectable residents. Actually here in Saint Lucia the constituencies were divided in a way that there would be the ghetto part and the quiet part , where the decent minding my own business people lived. Mostly all the residents here were church goers and employed within the Public Sector and had their own vehicles too. These two fragments of rocks came to be there during the time of Hurricane Allen. Her grandmother whom one would believe to be one of the angels themselves ,as anything she prayed for shortly came to pass was bed ridden and in her home when one of the rocks in the river nearby , at the head of the river decided that it would take a quick roll or fast relocation as Hurricane Allen was convenient for this move. A rumbling,shaking and shifting , of a loud rolling and roaring sound commenced. It was the neighbours that occupied the houses higher up her grandmother's home that brought this to IE's attention. Mariel was the only child to her mother ,who had become cripple when Mariel had become age fourteen and her father was deceased by the time Mariel was only three years old. Her mother never gave much detail about her father's death to her and Mariel neither really inquired about this. Mariel, her daughter and the three neighbours in this wind ,rain,thunder and lightening was trying quickly to shift Mira's grandmother out of the house saying " IE we have to escort you two out of the house quick,quick , the river rock is coming directly to the area of your home, in fact your very bedroom ,it will smash you both onset and destroy yawl and the house and all !" In spite of this appeal , Mira's grandmother protested the more saying that the faithful God that she served , The Saviour , The Lord Jesus Christ would never allow any demon to hurl a rock from the river at her house and destroy it . That according to Luke chapter 10 v 19 we have been given power and authority over all the works of Satan . After Mariel's mother had said this to her neighbours and has vehemently and persistently pushed them away at their every attempt to rescue her, the neighbours had no choice but to abandon the cause of getting Mira's grandmother out of the house as they feared loosing their own lives. They were shaking their heads at her disobedience to their words. This eighty five year old woman still had all her strength even in her condition. They also had left Mariel because she was cleaving to her mother hugging her saying " If you go , I go with you!" Mariel started screaming at the neighbours saying they should leave her, her mother and their home to their fate. The neighbours departed holding their heads shouting "Woy!" repeatedly. They departed with melancholy in their hearts thinking to themselves that IE did not deserve to go like this. They also thought of what the community would be like without her presence and what kind of inspiration would the passing away of her life,a great prayer warrior, this way, leave behind. There is nothing like a general dying in disaster instead of his sword in his hand in victory. I E , Mariel's mother started quoting scriptures of protection such as Isaiah chapter 54 and verse 17 then she and Mariel started wailing out to their Creator in a loud voice " Have mercy on us , save us and let us not see our wretchedness Almighty Living God. The great stone which had come had loose from the river was coming at full speed and was now at one metre away from their house. In fact at the position where Mira's mother and grandmother were hugging each other now and now shouting " We plead the bloof of Jesus Christ" repeatedly and loudly at the last . As this great rock had reached half a metre away from them and their home, as if suddenly shattered by the sword of their unseen guardian angels had just cracked and split in two ; their neighbours were screaming saying " God have mercy !" to the top of their voices with the same effort and voice level of Mariel and her mother prayed , frantically and faithfully just before this happened. This shattering of the rock caused a gust of powder and small rock particles went in many directions when the rock was shattered ,making them all to cover their faces with the long 'jipons' which means skirt in creole , that was a custom for ladies to wear at that time. One part of this rock had landed directly in front of the bedroom to the back of the house where I E' s bedroom was, falling flat and shaped like a slice of a hamburger bun ,with the flatter surface of the rock position four inches into the ground. The other part of this rock had rolled unto where the steps leading to enter Mira's grandmother's house . It hand landed diagonally positioned to the piece of rock at the back of the house and as it landed it made a booming sound and cause the ground to encounter a very mild tremor. Their onlooking neighbours ,who were with their hands on their heads and their waist prior to this turning of event screaming "Bohdiay have mercy on IE and Mariel , have mercy ! " were now rushing back into the house . They found Mira 's grandmother and mother tightly holding each other, both of them holding a bible in their left hand clenched to the area of their hearts with tears of joy ,streaming down their eyes in disbelief and thanks. " They burst out in great laughter and in amazement and awe at the power of the God of IE and Mariel that was the same just as in the days of old. They started hugging each other like good friends who met after being away from each other due to being in a foreign land for a very long time. So every time Mira passed this rock fragment , at the base of the entrance to their home with the inscription ' The Local Beverly Hills' , she would sigh in amazement of how it had ended up there. To Mira ,this rock was a memorial of a true story but to her mother Mariel, the community elders and their children, this rock was a symbol and sign of a miracle ,wonder, an emblem of a living testimony. Mira had gotten to the bus stop waiting for a bus and also recalling her own personal encounters of the reality of the existence of 'The Living God. Mira recalled one day , when she and her best friend Sandra, now deceased , went out by the 'Iva' which is a local term for 'rivulet' along with Sandra's younger sister Shyan, to pick mangoes ,make mango in sauce and juice and eat their lunch which today was rice and tuna and each having boiled a pack of sausages, covered with ketchup. Mira and Sandra were both four years older than Shyan and in spite of this fact ,Shyan was more agile and quick at climbing trees and picking mangoes. Shyan was also able to climb to higher points of those huge mango trees that this gang of three scaled to pick mangoes than Mira and Sandra. Shyan was even so confident at climbing trees that she normally made a sound like a monkey and turn and flip over from branch to branch or clinging to the bough of the trees.Sandra who was business minded from a very young age had even thought of using Shyan for profit by getting tourist to pay to view Shyan pick mangoes 'acrobat style' but Mira never got around to doing so . She could imagine the great protest from both their parents as if it was a crime for children who were twelve years old or younger to have their own business under the tourism industry. In China children could become business owners at any age as long as they had the mental capacity to. Sandra and Mira would always just stare and watch Shyan do her tree and mango picking stunts in amazement. Mira had observed and watched Shyan as usual had picked mangoes and gathered her pile at the foot of the tree,mangoes that were riper ,sweeter ,more juicy and rosier than those she and Sandra had picked , therefore Mira plotted to take them secretly as her own. These mangoes being higher up were closer to the rays and the heat of the sun , hence why they were better and tastier in appearance than the others. Mira took the opportunity as Mira was playing acrobat . Sandra now sat on the tree branch eating the four juicy mangoes that she had picked and was eating the lunch they had brought along with them . Whilst they were not looking and when Mira confirmed that they were distracted , Mira quickly took the better mangoes of Shyan's pile and was exchanging it hastily with those of her pile. "Shyan would never know" thought Mira. After three had decided that they had spent enough time on their outing and decided to head back to their homes. Sandra commenced making the mango-in-sauce as it was her turn to make it . Sandra had come with the celery,parsley , garlic and peppers already grated from home and had already mixed about three table spoons of oil, two table spoons of black pepper, a table spoon of curry , a large spoon of Baron's pepper sauce, four caps of vinegar and three table spoons of salt in a half litre bottle of water. She had peeled about twenty half ripe and some green mangoes and sliced them into the bowl after using the water from the stream to wash it . Then she added the cut seasonings and the water mixture in the bowl then mixed them in the bowl together with the small slices of mango. It was their usual custom when leaving the Iva to pass the bowl from person to person and eat the mango-in-sauce on their way home.Mira and Sandra were ahead of Shyan holding their mangoes in their shirts but Shyan who was enjoying herself still ,had refuse to hear their calls to leave , and as they edged the exit of the Iva Shyan had just arrived at her mango pile at the foot of the tree. They heard her let go a loud shrilling cry saying " My mangoes!" her voice echoed in the Iva. Shyan leaving the pile there and walk towards Sandra and Mira . Shyan scanned Mira and Sandra to see who the possible culprit of her abducted rosy mangoes could be. Shyan noticed that Mira had quickly turned her head away. :It's you ,It's you give me my mangoes back right now!" Shyan demanded . Heavy waves of tears were falling from her eyes down to her cheeks and she was holding her hands out towards Mira in protest for her precious 'jucies ' demanding that Mira loosened her shirt for her to identify those red rosy mangoes that she had worked very hard to pick. Mira insisted and notioned that she would no such thing. Of course no she would never ever , ever,ever,ever,ever ,ever ,ever do any such thing. To make this declaration appear with all assurance , Mira , now dropped to her knees , holding her mango pile in her shirt 'patchey'. A shirt patchey is when one piles a good amount of fruit or any item in the middle section of the shirt they wore ,then the top would be tied to keep the item secure no matter how long the journey. The shirt worn was usually bigger than their size to hold/carry more items . Sandra sat on the ground holding her shirt patchay laughing profusely due to how Mira appeared holding her own shirt patchey. Mira looked like a pregnant woman with an oversize belly kneeling and asking Shyan for mercy. "Gassa Mira give de girl her mangoes for us to go at our homes" Sandra opposed but in a playful tone to Mira. Mira and Shyan had drawn closer to the mango tree by now. She knelt holding her shirt patchey to balance her stance and continued to say holding her right hand in the sky ,with the sincere tone of a pastor at the altar with a raised voice. "Almighty Father God in heaven , You are great and Mighty and you see all things , if it is true and I am the one that took or exchanged Shyan's mangoes with my own , as soon as I finish praying now let a great breeze of wind blow , let the leaves raise and start swirling and circle around this very mango tree where we are standing and we picked these mangoes and let a big green mango fall and hit me on the head as punishment right now." Mira knew that God heard and answered prayers for things like healing ,salvation of life ,lack of food , protection but not for nonsense like taking people's mangoes. Even though she was guilty God would never use his awesome power to entertain a nonsense like this . Surprisingly, before Mira could get off of her knees like an epic scene from a movie , suddenly a great and heavy gust of wind blew , the leaves blew slowly like the slow motion of a matrix movie ,then those fallen dried and yellow leaves leaped from the ground and circle around the mango tree suspended in a ring going round the tree then an oddly big green mango that had like tween heads or twin seeds fell and hit Mira smack on her forehead causing her to get a 'zikak' which is a local term for a lump on one's head caused by a blow. At this point Sandra was laughing so hard that she lay on the ground just before the exit crossing area of the Iva still managing to hold her shirt patchey in place. " Shyan jumped up saying it's you,it's you that took it , give me all my mangoes Mira!" Shyan was also laughing saying , God had judged the thief , repeatedly whilst she untied Mira's shirt patchey to retrieve her luscious mangoes. "Okay ,Okay Shyan you can't carry all these mangoes let me drop them home for you." Mira said whilst she giggled looking up into the sky. "Saleh ! ,Saleh ! " Sandra said as they walked back home. So this was a personal event that made Mira evidently know that God was real. The bus that Mira boarded had now stopped in town, Mira giggled to her self as she paid the bus driver who looked at Mira hoping that everything was okay with her . In this country insanity was such a plague that if someone saw you laughing alone or speaking to yourself , they would naturally conclude that you were insane. Even on the streets of St.Lucia at least every other week a new face of an individual who was insane showed up on the streets with all types of nicknames. Some of these insane people who were also regarded as vagrants were even more famous than local singers and politicians who became known by persons nation wide because the stories of their funny acts of insanity, circulated the nation. The more famous ones were Brhum Brhum, Ashbi , Jahlove and Jahkokay, who was Jahlove's younger sister. Ashbi wore several different layers of clothing with a huge head bandanna, and collected any type of metal so that he could resell them for his next fix of crack. Jahlove and Jahkokay would tag team then insult , mock or disgrace any one that they could get to in streets ,if that passer by would refuse to give them coins , food or any item that the deadly two had made polite requests for initially. Brhum Brhum would lay down in front of stores and shops with his skin pasted with dirt and debris ,shirtless with torn trousers revealing his posterior area , smelly and always muttering to himself. There were only two solutions for Brhum Brhum to leave the entrance area for business owners to access their business and open without obstruction ,apart from calling the police for assistance , who took long to attend every report except for reports of drugs like cocaine stashes or drug busts. The first way was to throw a huge bucket of water on him by which he would even scatter from the area just on the sight of the bucket of water . Brhum Brhum hated water to touch his skin to the point that he would burst into an epileptic fit if as much as one ounce of water even touched his body. The second was to simply pay him some coins or give him some food and drink . Such tokens made him retreat from the area leaving a hellish behind him ,with a huge smile on his face, muttering to himself. Or else Brhum Brhum would squat right in front the owner's business place and defecate right in front of the area if his demands weren't met; well for those business owners who knew that this super villain's weakness was water. As the bus driver placed her change into her Mira said "I am okay you know, you looking at me like I mad? Something I remembered that's why I giggled." The bus driver smiled in relief as this one was too young and beautiful to be insanity's victim. " Whilst walking to the arcade through the Capital City ,Castries, speedily to kareoke at Andrew's place located in the Arcade , Mira pondered on another event that was a next piece of sure evidence of the existence of God being real . At age sixteen Mira started praying alone on the beach on Saturdays as it was known as the original day of the sabbath. Sandra was always absent whenever Mira was into her prayers and fasting due to Sandra and her family neither believing in God or the bible , Sandra and her family believed in Mother Nature that was who ran the whole world. Apart from being indoctrinated by her parents Sandra always believed that the proof that there was no God and rather that it was us who were individually Gods. If there was truly a God why was the earth filled with all these evils like murder , pedophiles , poverty ,sicknesses and diseases? These alone was proof that God did not exist. For sure if there was a God a Big man upstairs these things would not exist ,he would have surely intervened against injustice,abomination and unfairness in the earth by now. A good God would never allow bad things to befall innocent people...impossible! Mira would prepare herself a sort of picnic basket for after breaking the the fasting and ending her prayers which usually comprised of cow heel soup, fruits -grapes or apples , coconut water ,water and a vita malt. She chose a different beach every time and this time she had chosen Trouya Beach . Mira had arrived there at 6 am on the dot and she had prayed until three pm, along with praise and worship . Mira noticed that two individuals male and female ,probably a couple were exiting the beach . Mira felt a sudden urge to urinate. In want of her privacy , Mira chose to go the part of the shore with the grove area with the strong rope vines. The ropy vines made like a sort of curtain at the end covering her from being seen. Today ,so far apart from Mira only these two individuals had visited the beach. It had been one of these days where the usual visiting citizens and tourists had decided "Nope , I'm not doing the beach today." The spot that Mira had chosen to urinate was a two minute walk away from where her bags and things were positioned. Mira could not understand how she had not noticed this very huge hanging vine and also the humped thick tree root that sprouted from the sand. As Mira walked forward she felt herself falling and in pain. The vine had gripped her right arm and twisted and pulled her and she ended up landing on her right shoulder ,dislocating it for a second time. Mira was in great pain now and she tried as best as she could to get up from the ground and scanned the beach in hope that the two individuals she had noticed exiting the beach had realized her fall or were any where close by. The two individuals were there just minutes ago but now they were gone. The pain of a dislocated shoulder was secondary to the pain of giving birth especially if one did not yet know of how to put their arm back into place. The weather changed and it started drizzling now. Even the urine by now started drizzling down Mira's inner thighs. Due to Mira's compromised position she could no longer withhold her urine. The devil is a bastard liar Mira thought ,tears were now coming down her eyes. Help she wanted to shout but Mira was in so much pain that she couldn't and who would she cry out to? Surely ,there was absolutely no one here but her. As if every nudge or budge or small movements sent strong shots of pain from her shoulder blades to her heart area...Mira felt as if she was blacking out...Mira felt as if she was going to have a heart attack...Mira knew that she was going to die. She thought that the first time that she dislocated her shoulder was bad but thankfully in comparison to now , it had happened at a more convenient time for her to get assistance as she was assisted by The Principal of the Anglican Infant School , Mrs. Perry who escorted her to the hospital and all. The first time it was due to Jude pulling away as she tried to hit him as she tried to catch her bag which had fallen of her shoulder at the same time and her shoulder blade did ' a shate' as it would be expressed in their local slang terms. Her arm and shoulder had totally malfunctioned and thanks to Mrs. Perry the school Principal who coincidentally had just locked her office to make her last round through the school compound to head home found her grimacing in pain under the steps by the waiting area. This time there wasn't anyone around to call her an ambulance or have her escorted to the hospital . Dr. Alcindor the chiropractor on shift had taught her how to put her arm back into place on her own but Mira couldn't even shift much less move her hand because every attempt to move her body cause shots of pangs of pains through her entire body. Mira was certainly convinced that she would die here. Oh what a tragic death it would be and who knows what type of psycho rapist that would up with her near death corpse and begin to have their pleasure with her one final time before all breathe exists the human body. Several bad thoughts made Mira afraid.Laying there, traumatized with pain , Mira had just remembered the reason why she had come on the beach and it was to pray. Mira was now asking God to have mercy on her and asking him to spare her life quoting blood scriptures like Revelations 12 verse 11 , Hebrews 12 verse 24 and Exodus 12 Verse 13 saying I drink the blood of Jesus Christ I eat the flesh of Jesus Christ by faith I receive life in my being. After saying these words Mira now felt strength to raise her body up. Well this was before Mira had learned that the true name of the Messiah in Bantu Hebrew Language was 'Yissa Yah Kongo'. She managed to raise her body up a little from the ground ,sand had gone in her eyes that she squinted to keep her vision in contact , but after some seconds she fell back flat on her shoulder area again and this impact intensified the pain. Mira remembered and could now hear clearly her mother's voice and her mother's words in her mind saying "If at all your prayers seem to fail just keep on calling on the name Jesus Christ " like the words of wisdom of a master that came to a failing student in these sort of Chinese, Martial Arts movies or Kung fu movies. Mira knew that she had been praying for an additional two three hours extra now because the sky was getting dark, the sun had set. It could possibly be six pm. She couldn't determine the time using her phone as the task of retrieving her phone from her bag, was extremely difficult to accomplish right now. There was still no sign of a good Samaritan . No man or woman passed by . Mira then said out faith " Almighty God you said your word the name of Jesus Christ is powerful and also before I call you that you will answer me, as I call upon your name hear me and save me by your mercy" . Tears come down her eyes causing her eyes to burn due to some of the sand particles hat had enter her eyes due to her sudden fall. Mira then called out repeatedly and possibly five hundred times the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ with great faith in her heart and mind that her arm and shoulder would suddenly shoot back into place and all her pain would cease. Maybe by now thirty more minutes had passed because the sky was completely dark now. Mira was short of breathe now. Suddenly Mira felt the bones , marrow ,tissues and ligaments contract painlessly and sharply readying themselves to go into place . Mira felt two hands ,one holding her inner arm where it was dislocated and the other on the back part of her shoulder . Within a split minute after she heard a slight popping sound. The pain felt as if it had been shoveled out of her being. Her shoulder blades , ligaments and arm socket moved inwards in harmonization and they snapped back effortlessly and painlessly into place. Mira knew that there wasn't anyone here apart from herself so she sort of became in greater fear than her former despair . Especially laying on the sand there she knew that there was no one else but herself here on this entire beach now . How could her arm and shoulder joints stretch acutely into place , she couldn't see a sign of any one how could this adjustment be possible? How could her arm and her shoulder blade go back into place and especially feeling the two warm sort of electronic static feel of large sized hands with no one else being present? Thirdly where was the person that those hands of healing belonged to? Mira cried praising the name of Yah whilst walking and scoping the area for a sign of another human or possibly angelic being present. Looking around in disbelief ,searching to see where this helper came from but there was no one, she knew there was no one else here. Mira's eyes streamed more with tears and she started worshiping God saying " God thank you,Thank you Jesus Christ ,thank you Father in Heaven!." Mira shouted to the top of her lungs which made her words echo at this private beach . The impact of her shout cause her to feel some sensitivity in the area of her right hand that was dislocated some minutes ago. She stoop up now and was already changing her clothes to head back home.It was a good thing that Mira always brought a change of clothing with her to the beach as she would often tempted to take a shoot in the nice turquoise to aquamarine blue coloured water after prayers. Though her shoulder blades were still sensitive her pains were relieved by ninety seven percent. Mira being still in shock and a bit of fear poured out the olive oil on that spot where her arm was made whole , anointing the area, using mostly all the remainder of the Olive Oil from the bottle. Mira felt the presence of the Almighty increase through her entire being as she anointed the area. She did this gesture to show reverence to God and wrote ' Thank you Jesus Christ ' with her finger through the sand mixed with Olive Oil .Mira bowed down and kissed the spot saying " Great are you Oh Yah for your mercy endureth forever, repeatedly five times ,whilst on her knees as she always ended her prayers with these words. Her phone read 7:07 pm and as she left the beach she was still turning behind still looking to see the person , Angel or God responsible for helping her and putting her arm back into place but there was still no trace of anyone. Colosians chapter 1 verse 15 reads ; 'The Son is the image of the invisible God, the first born over all creation' . Therefore Mira knew and believed according to this passage , that she witnessed the real love and salvation and the real power of 'The Invisible God'. Mira was now sat at her favourite spot at Andrews bar and restaurant taking a sip of the shot of Campari that she had ordered . It's slight whack and sweet taste made her snap to reality. Campari is a local spice rhum with a slight bitter taste that kicked in at the end which taste much better with some orange juice or condense milk and some ice but Mira always drank hers straight . No one ever chose to occupy Mira's favourite spot once she was in the building as she was one of the great famous celebrities at this joint. Especially due to her performing the songs 'Listen, Halo , Freakum Dress by Beyonce here at this bar ,receiving standing ovation upon standing ovation of the small crowds that gathered here to socialize. The sort of live performances Mira gave had earned her a lot of respect in these parts to the point that she and the owner Andrew ,had developed a very close friendship and good rapport with each other. Andrew the bar owners and others always called out "Hey Mira " or "Nice to see you again Mira " as she waltz into the place. Andrew had mandated that her face drink was on the house with a complimentary fish and fries or chicken and fries . Green Fig and Salt fish is the national dish of Saint Lucia but in these past years or end times as the elders called it , the national dish had unofficially become 'Chicken and Fries' . This is what the younger Americanized generation would mostly purchase to eat. This was not a generation that could or even cared about a national dish except if it was being cooked by the grand mother or mother, for them to enjoy.Andrew the bar owner and others Andrew appeared and Mira had kissed him on either side of his cheeks , the first sip of her Campari sent her buzzing then she chose the first song that she would sing for the night and it would always be " Don't walk away from me" by Whitney Houston. Mira always nailed it too with tears in her eyes in memory of her best friend Sandra whom she had lost due to a very nasty car accident many years ago. Her performances were always accompanied by clustered clapping and blowing of whistles by the other Kareokers and patronizers. Mira also did moves and facial expressions too so her singing kareoke were like mini live stages performances. The reason why Mira loved singing kareoke at this particular kareoke bar was because it edged the water of the Castries Harbour exactly where the cruise ships ,ferries and water taxis docked and departed from. It was busy with all different races and always a mixture of locals and foreigners . The scenery of the harbour entrance from the view of the restaurant and bar especially when one had an alcoholic beverage was breathe taking, smoking cigarettes and marijuana was allowed on the side . Mira always felt like her favourite singer in the V.I.P. section here and boy did Mira have the voice of a great singer too. This place was like second to home to Mira she felt appreciated , accepted and loved genuinely here. Andrews place was the joint to relieve all frustration in Mira's opinion ; the view ,the rhum , the scenery of the harbour, the sunsets ,the mixed cultures of people who stopped here was like a whole other type of joyous congregation. Mira was always in tears when she chose this piece by Whitney Houston. Whitney Houston, Beyonce, Nikki Minaj , Doja Cat and Jada Kingdom were the song artist she mainly liked. Mira also like 'Always' by Bon Jovi the beginning of that track just made one feel extremely calmed. She would play it repeatedly almost every night before going to bed when she was in her early twenties but Mira's favourite artist was none other Beyonce aka Queen B. The reason was that Mira admired the fact that in all Beyonce's singing career there was never once a sex tape or sex scandal or any other type of scandals...ever. Mira loved her goofy , happy, freed up personality of the set of music and the fact that Beyonce though being a great singer ,unlike Mira, had stayed in a relationship married to another giant in the music industry Jay Z , for so long ...with children without being separated. So these are the factors that made Mira love Beyonce above them all. We all know the norm ,most female artists or famous actresses had a good rapport of bad dating experiences , or some type of sex tape or sex scandal. Beyonce though she used many revealing costumes and outfits to perform but she kept her dignity as a woman in the main areas. Mira viewed as a respectable and phenomenal artist. Hence the reason Mira listened to her songs Diva,Girls run the world , Listen , Sweet dreams and King already almost every morning before leaving her home for the shop or whilst opening the shop to give her a certain hype, to carry out through the day after her usual prayers and praises to God for the morning. Mira was called to sing her track and she always cried whilst or before she sang this one. It was as if she could see Sandra passing away before her face when she sang this one. Everyone including the owner would always be waiting in anticipation as this was the closest local version of this song " Don't walk away from me" ever heard. Some people even cried along with Mira as she sang this one. They could see the tears falling from Mira's face but if only they could see the scene that always replayed in Mira's mind as she sang this song . Mira remembered her best friend Sandra driving her first Suzuki swift her dad Mr. Champy bought her for her twentieth birthday. Mr.Champy had even painted fuschia pink , Mira and Sandra's favourite colour , with a unicorn trail print to the left rear of the vehicle. Sandra who held her licence for three years now and could even drive her father's truck and his tractor , had started the Suzuki swift and left with her girlfriends that she summonsed to celebrate her party with her . It was her twentieth birthday party and they had booked the Indies Night Club to throw the party. Even the ribbon that Sandra's father stuck on the vehicle to show that the vehicle was fuschia pink in colour and it fluttered in the wind as she drove off. Mira of course who sat at the passenger's side of the driver's seat. Leanna , Sherise and her sister Shyan and her friend squeezed in the back seat. The Indies Night Club was located in the famous high end part of the nation , located in the North of the Island called Rodney Bay . Back home, upon being given her gift ,Sandra had shrieked with gladness and she had hugged her father tightly he thought he would have probably have stifled had Mira and Shyan not removed her from him. Her words "Thank you Daddy" were as if they echoed then she held up the keys and made a fist shape ,lunging her arm and fist in the air as she, Mira and the gang shouted " By the power of the unicorns" and they departed giving Mr. Champy her mother the Queen Elizabeth hand wave. There was already a crowd there when they arrived. Sandra's parents and her brothers , her elder sister who had left before them to set up and organize the event ,handle the door ,the serving of food and drinks , cleaning and so on. Her father had obviously sneaked back to the house to drive her gift to her after they had set up. It was all in Fushcia pink, foam party. As Sandra , Mira and the rest of the gang entered the club , the MC welcomed Sandra on stage so that every body sing happy birthday to Sandra and wish her well. Sandra had noticed that the gift table had stacked up well and this made her feel even more illuminated with joy . Sandra had discreetly requested gifts from all her invites and there were like sixty of them here by now. This party had to be done for her eighteenth birthday but business wasn't as now for her parents during that time. After they sang happy birthday to Sandra,being locals they all knew the customary song that would follow after. The local Dennery segment music genre 'Happy Birthday 'song by two local artist ' Drizzy and Bunun' . This song sent the crowd into thrills and great joy as the intro usually did . It sent crowds into fits of mad joy whenever it was played on a boat ride , hotel , club , house party ...anywhere. Sandra hearing this track was now with a champagne glass in hand 'taking a grind' on the MC who was also the guy that she was currently dating name Nathaniel. They both were kissing and going off into fits of joyful shouts with the crowd. Nathaniel was dark skinned with dread locks and a stallion of a man,exceedingly handsome. Sandra pulled Mira closer to them . Mira would normally do something goofy to add joviality or raise the screams and the laughter of any crowd where they went out to. It was Sandra 's begging Mira at age eighteen to go out to the club that had caused Mira to take a good taste of partying and started having less taste for church and prayer meetings . Oh how Christians are normally easily convinced by sinners to turn from God but it was impossible for Christians to convince sinners to turn from reveling and frivolity. Mira suddenly did dirty wine to the beat , with her back either to Nathaniel's back then Sandra's back ,back and forth in crouched position then she shot under them or between their legs rather on her hands and knees and started wining frantically beneath them adding a twerk to the beat. Wining was what they normally termed grinding in the USA. This sent more screams and whistling out from the crowd and every one burst they own moves. That night what had caused Mira to meet her untimely demise in the accident was the fact that upon all the food at the party Sandra had tasted and enjoyed like bread fruits balls, green fig salad, corn pie , roasted pork ,chicken and fish fingers that no one remembered to bring Sandra's cake. The cake was baked a huge size like one third the size of the actual car gifted to Sandra for her birthday and was made to the exact detail of it. Since Sandra noticed that every one was very occupied and how her parents looked extremely exhausted decided that she would go collect her cake on her own. Nathaniel urged her not to bother and that he would have gone to collect it now on his own but Sandra wouldn't listen. Who would listen upon just receiving a vehicle as a birthday gift? As it was her birthday Sandra had ordered her younger sister Shyan to accompany herself and Mira to go to 'Sweet Delicacy Cake Shop' also located in Rodney Bay . This cake shop had available service for dropping off clients forgotten cakes to venues up until midnight or would allow the client to come in to collect in on their own . It was 10:45 pm and Nathaniel urged Mira for him to use white Hilux four wheel drive but Mira had grabbed his keys from his hands and dropped them in her purse saying " I am driving MY CAR to collect the cake gassuh . " Gassuh is a general unisex title for sir or madame or to address anyone in local terms . Nathaniel playfully ran after her until he arrived at the Suzuki swift and said " Boy ,that's a bad ride Boss Champs get you there ,woy ! " Sandra now blushed and replied "I know". After taking photos in front the vehicle this Famous Four all dressed in fuschia pink the party's theme colour was driven by Sandra who was headed to Sweet Delicacy Cake Shop to collect her protege birthday cake. Shyan popped on the track ' Who run the world ' by Beyonce . Shyan and Mira who were at either side in the passengers seat at the back with their elbow on the window pane rocked themselves to the track just like at the commencement of a music video. Nathaniel who sat next to Mira rocked his head also . The four sincerely looked as though they were really shooting a music video for this song. Sandra had gotten the area in the round about of the Rodney Bay Marina area which had a barricade fixated there by the ministry of infrastructure connecting the edge of the Marina to avoid cars from plunging into the water of the marina in case of accidents. Sandra who was very good at driving was now daring that she could do a three hundred and sixty degrees around the entire circle of the round about now . Since now all roads were clear and there was no sign of traffic on the road. Nathaniel protested and he was very upset about the idea , Mira also. Sandra did not believe that God was real but to build an argument that would get Mira to agree for her to pull her three hundred and sixty degree spin stunt around the round about reminded Mira of the time Mira had charged from the end of the patio and jumped down unto the concrete area of the ground beneath them and leading from the patio entrance. Sandra digressed as she reminded Mira of how instead of legs, feet and hips breaking from the impact of the concrete part below had bounced like a ball from the paved concrete then landed loud causing the impact of her stomach to the concrete to make a loud belly flapping sound. Mira had to take that jump because of the stubborn Shyan who had insisted in putting the ladder up on the patio that new years eve night after their barbecue on the patio to avoid any 'zobies' which is the local term for vagrant from climbing the roof to access and have their way with them . Mira had protested that in the morning when they would have woken up to leave this sleep over party, the ladder being very long and heavy if pulled up that night would just fall, due to not having an anchor person to position it at the bottom, would collapse to the part below. They used the ladder to access the patio because Mr .Champy had not done the stairs from the ground to access the patio and this is exactly what happened the following morning. Every attempt of Mira and Sandra to put the ladder to the grounding below failed as they tried to position the ladder in a way for them to get down from their sleep tents. Mira had really needed to ease her bowels and she knew that there would be no end of defecating in a plastic bag or defecating from the roof to the ground many feet below,stooping. The gang of girls at this barbecue would have given her jokes about this until when they would all reach in their eighties and Mira was not having that. Instead of a lifetime of hackles Mira had chosen the risk to 'long jump' from the patio to the distance seven metres below. Mira had gone far back towards the ledge of the patio to take speed so that she could run and jump off the patio , like a nerved wrecked confident athlete she took a deep breath, ran swiftlt to the edge of the patio ,then lunged off from the edge keeping her legs in cycling motion as she descended seven feet below ...she could almost hear the cheers of her fans from the stands on the patio . Instead of Mira's legs ,hands or key breakable on impact areas of her body being broken ,her body miraculousy bounced from the paved concrete area beneath her , she then heard the ten speculators on the roof Shyan and Mira exclaim " Woooooooohhy!" as she bumped 3 feet from the ground which was accompanied by the sound of a loud echoing 'Baaaaaaaaap ' sound which echoed. It was like witnessing a live movie being filmed. Mira had laid on the ground for like three minutes straight ,unharmed and uninjured as her body and mind made a recollection of how she ended up lying on the concrete pavement right now. Sandra was calling with fear " Mira ,Mira , Mira !" Mira was then laying on the floor remembering how Sandra call out to her was similar to the call out by Reggi or some other character to Sanka in the movie 'Cool Runnings' ..." Sanka you dead man? " which which her best friend and her sister and seven other friends had tear drops falling as they called out to her. They thought Mira was gone. This scene of the movie than flashed in her mind ,made her body that was lying on the ground , seeming deceased , to begin to tremble with loud laughter . After a short pause and sigh, her friends and best friends the roof had started laughing. Sandra , Shyan and Mira were tapping the metal of her vehicle they laughed at they finished reviewing this memory. Sandra then said mockingly confident " Well the same God that made your body bounce off from the ground like a ball ,instead of allowing your legs or arms to break, that you believe in will protect me Mimi." Sandra and other home people often called Mira this nickname. Nathaniel had just removed his hand from his face after laughing at this account of Mira's life saving jump and he then caressed Sandra's face in an attempt to change her mind from doing pulling this stunt. Mira protested with him saying " Yes not tonight Sandra Babe . It's Friday the highway and round about here is too risky!!" Shyan was of no opinion and she only wanted to be getting back with that birthday cake by now to continue enjoying the celebration and party hype. "Myra don't do it " Shyan said but loosely . Shyan didn't really intervene because she had seen her sister pull this stunt successfully with their father's truck at that , she was confident that her sister could pull it off. " What the big deal " thought Shyan. Mira and Nathaniel still protested that in spite of the road being clear it was a busy Friday night and Mira shouldn't dear attempt this. Sandra was somewhat high and tipsy off the marijuana they puffed and passed in the vehicle earlier , on their way here ,well excepting Mira and the champagne they drank at the car park. A special bottle just for the birthday girl Sandra. "Okay , Okay" Come get out you will drive us there .. " said Sandra shaking both sets of keys in her hands but as Nathaniel was about to exit to exchange seats and roles , She pressed the auto lock button for all the doors of her cute Suzuki Swift brand new 2005 model to be locked . Sandra pulled the ignition to reverse and hit the gas turning the steering wheel in the opposite direction which had now circle the inner circle of the round about that was four feet from the entrance way . Sandra was thrilled and laughing hysterically . She had done two hundred and eighty degrees of the three sixty angle turn of her madness. This swirl movement of the vehicle sent Shyan , Mira and Nathaniel jerking in all different directions . Nathaniel was urging Sandra to stop at the top of his voice ,very angry at this point . "Sandra a shaking vehicle is coming !" shouted Shyan. Sandra believeing she could have been the truck to it especially on her birthday ,as personal birthday gift, pressed the gas and swayed the steering now back swiftly from its contrary position. Sandra's vehicle had now completed three hundred and thirty degrees of the three hundred and sixty degree turn around the round about. Sandra was lost in joy and payed no mind to what Nathaniel and Mira or her sister was saying.