
Chapter 332: "Space axis collapse failed, experiment failed, request for destruction."_5

"Have they gone mad?"

"The concept of a one-dimensional creature refers to a creature that only has length in space and its characteristic is having only two notions, forward and backward. They can only move along a straight line without the notions of 'left' and 'right'. Crabs are generally considered creatures with features of one-dimensional existence."

"As for two-dimensional creatures, they are defined as organisms that have only length and width in space without thickness. Their features are having only the concepts of up, down, left and right. They lack a holistic understanding of the XYZ axes. Ants are also generally considered as having the features of two-dimensional creatures."

"Three-dimensional beings, like us, have both area and volume in space."

"As for four-dimensional beings, they have added a time axis based on the XYZ axis and can traverse freely along the timeline. This is as natural as walking for us."