
My Calamity and sin system

Living as a human Delcan's life was shitty, being treated like a beast and always being called a demon but now the funny thing is that he became one. ________________________ "Why" "where am i" a voice sounded in a place filled with nothing but darkness. "worry not mortal for you are in my domain" a voice sounded, it was thick and deep. "I wasn't worried" sounded the voice of male human. "Hmmm that is why I am so interested in you, you have no respect for your past God or any gods, you believe only in your ability I think you fit the role" said the deep voice. "why should I have any respect for a so called God that couldn't do anything for me and even if he did it was only a favour I would pay back I would never worship anyone" the human voice said in disdain. "haha, I like that then if I gave you this chance to live again would you repay my favour even if I was a devil?" the deep voice said seemingly laughing in an evil manner. "Yes I would I always repay favours........." ---------------------------- And now his journey had began he had signed a deal with the devil what kind of harem journey awaits him when he finds out the real reason his soul was summoned?. DISCLAIMER- THE BOOK COVER IS NOT MINE, KINDLY MESSAGE ME IF YOU WANT DOWN, NICE TITS THO.

Dreamy_winter · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Enslavement (R18)

Hello and thanks for reading um this story may look familiar to a novel that you may know and the reason is that it was where I got my inspiration from but I promise for chapter 10 upward is completely different.


<Name- Aurel Rein> <Asmodeus>

<Age- 16>

<Bloodline- common low level>

<Demon rank- unranked>

<Birth mark- dominant>





<Mana- 20>

<Intelligence- 150>

<Job class- None>

<Ability: [Corruption (basic) ] [Lust] [Enslavment] [The mask]>

<Skills- [Power boost (basic]] [Regeneration (Max)]

"Hmm, common low level huh I hope I can create my bloodline I don't want to be owned by anyone," Aurel thought.


Ability: [The mask]

Information: user can take on the appearance of any living being at will it also conceals aura.

Rank: Ancient

Pros: Can take any desired form of any living being and can conceal mana, affinities, energy, and even magic.

Cons: Can not take on the appearance of non-living objects. Stats will be reduced according to appearance.


"Hmm, an ancient ranked skill.." Aurel thought why the system decided to give him such a skill for free.

<Host will be compensated for the recent event>

<Host can select any five things in the shop for free>

<Host still has two gift crates in vault>

Aurel didn't have time for these things as he was really stressed right now but it was for his good he had to do them.

"Open the gift boxes," Aurel said after thinking about it.

<Ding, congratulations host you have gotten progenitor's bloodline>

<Ding, congratulations host you have gotten the title Supreme war lord>

"Hmm, I have an idea about who these gifts came from," Aurel thought.


[Progenitor's Bloodline]

Information: Be your creator.

Pros: Become a progenitor and Reborn.

Cons: ???

Skills: [Eyes of incubus] [Devour]...

Ability: [Supreme lord's presence] [Supreme bloodline suppression] [Supreme corruption] [Supreme enslavement]...


"Hmm this..." Aurel didn't know what to say although he said he didn't want to have the bloodline of another demon this was just overkill and he loved it.

<Bloodline will take effect only after all stats are above 100>

"Hmm that's fair," Aurel thought, he would have liked to purchase things from the shop with his free purchase but he was too lazy to do so.

Aurel stood from the bed and headed to the rest room it seemed this was her room and he was lying on her bed.

Opening the door he saw a young female naked in a bathtub, her face had turned red due to her being ashamed and shy.

'Are bathtubs supposed to be in this era?' the shocked Aurel thought not minding the naked female in it.


Soon a scream followed and Aurel was on the floor with a bruise on his face although it was quickly healed.

"i-i'm so sorry," said the young woman with a red face, "yeah it's no prob- wait you're an elf?" Aurel said upon noticing her pointed ears as she the used her hands to cover them.

"i- please forgive me," said the young lady elf as tears welled up in her eyes, "what's there to be sorry about it's amazing," Aurel said as he stood up.

"um, can I touch your ears?" Aurel asked it was kind of his dream to meet a real-life elf.

She nodded and he raised his right hand to feel it and she blushed, he was a little taller than her so he decided to look down at her face but he was distracted by two big melons, it seemed the white towel she wore was pretty loose.


The young elf moaned as she felt something on her stomach looking down at the trouser Aurel wore a brother was trying to go somewhere, "U-um me are y-you okay" she stammered.

Before Aurel knew it he groped her breast and sucks her pink lips.


She moaned from the pleasure she was feeling, Aurel was sure that the Lust ability was working.

Aurel then removed the towel and he could see her perfectly shaped breasts with wonderful pink nipples 'I don't think I can hold back' Aurel thought looking at the lustful body in his front.