
My Business Empire

This story has been dropped ==================================== Zhang Wei couldn't believe this happened!!!! He was transmigrated to another universe. He became son of wealthy media tycoon!!! But wait, he is son born from wedlock with a maid. He doesn't have anyone's support. No one cares for him. He is obese as hell. He cannot walk without short of breath. But then system appeared. (Congratulations Host for transmigrating successfully, I am your Money Empire System!) "It really appeared!," The system gave him mission against rewards. Zhang Wei completes mission and gains unparalleled wealth. Join the journey of Zhang Wei becoming global tycoon. ==================================== This is work of fiction. Cover is AI generated. Write reviews and comments. Throw some Dwyane Rock Johnson!!! ====================================

ShoTen · Urban
Not enough ratings
38 Chs

Ch.034 => It's Sarah Kim?? This step-mother is too greedy!

Next day, Zhang Wei and Munki went to the outskirts of Jiang City to the Buddha Statue. Zhang Wei cleaned the statue, and he gained access to the system. Later, they both exercised, and Zhang Wei turned into a full sweaty monster.

He asked Munki to take him back to the mansion so he could bathe. Upon entering the mansion, he saw his stepmother, Sarah Kim, in a hurry. She was wearing a flashy dress with sparkling clouds. Her dress was short, and her face was a fountain of makeup.

"Good morning, Mother," Zhang Wei said, standing in front of her. He greeted her. His stepmother was not alone; behind her were her personal bodyguards and secretary.

"Huh!" his stepmother said, looking surprised to see him early in the morning. She knew he was doing some workout, but she hadn't seen him for a few days, and he was already looking quite thin.

"Good morning, Zhang Wei. I'm in a hurry. Can you please move so I can go?" his stepmother said, greeting him back. She composed her posture, looked at him from head to toe, and spoke mockingly, trying to shame him.

She wanted him to know that no matter how much weight he lost, he would still be fat. That's why she asked him to move. But it wouldn't have worked if it were the former Zhang Wei.

"Okay, here, you can go!" Zhang Wei said as he moved away from her. He showed her he was not affected by her.

His stepmother gritted her teeth. She looked at him with contempt but later contained her emotions as she smirked, remembering something. She laughed slightly and moved on. But as she was about to leave, Zhang Wei stopped her.

"Mother, wait!" he called her from behind. Sarah looked back to see him and asked, "What?" She showed a haughty expression.

Zhang Wei saw her face, and he couldn't help but think she was truly proud of herself. He moved forward and stood in front of her. He said this.

"Mother, yesterday, I went to Father's study. He must have informed you, right? He said I have a new fiancée, and I have to meet her at Grandfather's birthday party?" Zhang Wei spoke with a smooth tone.

"Yeah, I knew it. You are coming to the party? So what, are you trying to flaunt something to me?" his stepmother spoke. She rolled her eyes at him. She clearly hated what Zhang Wei said.

"No, I'm not. Instead, I have questions for you. Did you know that Grandfather had invited me to his birthday party every year? He also invited me to spend time with him during holidays. But from what I remember, I didn't get any invitation information. Do you know anything about that?" Zhang Wei asked.

When Sarah Kim heard his words, someone slid from her feet. It was her lie that was burst. She mumbled and bit her lips at his words.

"What are you trying to say? I know? Are you trying to blame me? I hid the invitation sent by your grandfather!" She couldn't help feeling insecure about herself. She shouted loudly, trying to gain control over the conversation.

But to Zhang Wei, she looked like nothing more than a child trying to hide her mistake.

"No, I'm not trying to blame you. I'm just asking if you know anything about it!" Zhang Wei spoke in a loud pitch. He spoke slowly and made her shut her words.

"Why would I know anything about your invitation?!" his stepmother spoke, averting her eyes from Zhang Wei.

"Instead, why don't you ask your bodyguard or the head maid of the house? I don't know anything about it, so stop bothering me!" she said, trying to act as the victim and showing that she wasn't the one who did it.

"Okay, that's what I wanted to ask. I will go ask my bodyguards and head maid," Zhang Wei said, turning back to walk towards his room.

Sarah Kim sighed, wondering when this timid boy became so intimidating. She smoothed her dress and instructed her secretary to go to the event they were attending.

Zhang Wei turned back towards his room and thought about what his stepmother had said. She was already acting strange and her behavior confirmed that she had inferred something between him and his grandfather.

"She didn't want grandfather to get closer to me, but why?"

"Munki, what type of person is my grandfather?" Zhang Wei asked.

"Young master, I haven't met him personally, but from what I have heard, he is the most humble person people have met. One of my old friends joined his security team, and he often told us glorious stories of your grandfather taking over business, giving back to society, philanthropy, and more. Overall, it's safe to say that he is a good person people love to spend time with."

Zhang Wei nodded his head and made a mental note on how to act around his grandfather. He noticed the charm in Munki's eyes when he spoke about his grandfather, even though he had never met him.

"What type of person is he to influence people he hasn't met?" Zhang Wei wondered.

"Munki, I have to go to his birthday party next week. Tell me everything that I have to take care of before I go," Zhang Wei asked.

"There is something..." Munki hesitated and avoided Zhang Wei's eyes.

"Whatever it is, just say it," Zhang Wei urged.

"Young master, before going to his birthday party, you have to be prepared. I mean, you're going to meet your fiancée, so you have to be in your best shape. Not only that, but you also have to prepare a present for your grandfather. Also, you have to do something you hate the most..." Munki paused.

"The thing I hate the most?" Zhang Wei asked.

"You have to participate in a dance ball," Munki said.

Zhang Wei felt something slip under his legs. "Former Zhang Wei hated dance?" he thought. He searched through his memories and found the perfect reason for it. When Zhang Wei was five years old, every Zhang family member would start learning basic etiquette of high-class society members, including dance. During one of the dance classes, his elder brother pranked him by taking his pants off in front of everyone, calling him ugly and fatty. He made fun of him forever after that, leaving a huge scar on former Zhang Wei's mind.

"Those inhuman siblings. They truly don't have empathy for anyone they don't like. They truly resemble their mother's teaching," Zhang Wei thought, clenching his fists and taking an oath to make things fair with his brother.

"Munki, arrange a dance teacher for me. I will start learning dance for my grandfather's birthday party," Zhang Wei commanded.

"Yes, young master!" Munki responded.

Zhang Wei then sat on his bed, thinking about what he had to do from now on. He had missions to complete and an engagement to deal with.

"Life has become more interesting now," he thought.


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