
My bully-Jelena story

A failed swimmer and an expert swimmer. Would be a great match. However that failed swimmer's bully is the expert swimmer. And she needs his help. Ain't that great?

Mahjabeen_Shah · Celebrities
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20 Chs

part 4

Part 4

"She knew she was killing him, but he slit her wrist and dug her in the mud. "

Selena's POV

After school

"SELENA GET CHANGED, JUSTIN AND HIS FAMILY ARE GONNA BE HERE SOON! " I heard mum scream from downstairs in the kitchen and I let out a growl.

Why does she have to remind me every 2 seconds that the devil is coming to my house?        


I remember.

It's literally engraved in my brain.

And in my bloody phone.

Oh my god.

I have the devil's phone number.

And that's the least of my problems.

I quickly go to my closet and pick out a dress that would be suitable for me to wear in front of the devil and including my mom.  

This is humiliating for me.

I'm literally getting ready for the person who bullies me everyday and hates my gut.

Ok not to be cocky but I looked HOT.

Justin cant say anything bad about this.

Wait, I don't even care what he thinks.

I think.

I checked my watch, ok I have half an hour left. Well in the mean time, I can do my make up and hair.

Wow getting dressed up nice aren't we?

Ok true but I actually wanna make my mom happy by pretending I care.

I apply mascara on my eyelashes and pink lipstick to my lips, duh. And then quickly straighten my hair cause it looked like a mess and then I looked like this.

Ok kidding 

My make up actually looked like this

I went downstairs and saw my mom looking at me with her eyes wide open.

"You look really beautiful Selena, do you like Justin or something that you're looking like this?" she questioned pointing at me and I think I just swallowed my puke.

Yh, me getting ready for Justin.

In her dreams.

Wait when aren't I beautiful every day?

I furrow my eyebrows. "I just thought I should dress nice today, even though I look amazing every day mum" I said walking towards her and raising my eyebrows at her comment of Justin.

She rolls her at me. "Whatever, Just make sure you don't do anything weird ok when Justin and his family come here" mom says and I let out a gasp.



When do I act weird? 


I was about to say something to her but suddenly the doorbell rang meaning the devil had arrived to my angel house which was suppose to be devil free but my mum is friends with the devils mum so this isn't gonna be devil free home anymore.

Which I can deal with.

I saw my mum patting down her dress causing me to giggle at how cute she wanted to look but she took a breath and then opened the door revealing Justin and his mom behind him with his siblings next to him.

Oh great more people

"Hi Mandy, how are you?" Pattie asked hugging my mum and me and I let out a smile before glancing at Justin.

I looked to see he was wearing a short sleeved t-shirt and white trousers on.

Wow talk about the devil in disguise.

I looked down at his tattoos on his arm and how I felt the need to touch them.

Wait what?              

I looked back at Justin and saw he had a smirk on his face.

Shit he saw me checking him out.

"I'm fine Pattie, Selena why don't you take Justin and his sister and brother to your room?" My mum asked and I look at her with my eyes widened.


No he's gonna see my teddy bear collection.

Yes ok I have a teddy bear collection, deal with it.

I for a smile. "Um sure" I say even though I wanted to scream but instead I mentally groaned and went upstairs to my room.

I looked behind to see Jasmine and Jaxon run past me and heading straight for my teddy bears.

I frown. "These are sooooo cool" Jasmine screams hugging Mr fluffy Bear and I bit my lip at how I tightly they were suffocating My fluffy and Tubbleton.

I force a nod. "Ok be careful with those, they're really special too me" I sternly say and they both quickly nod with a giggle and instead they decided to jump on my bed causing me to shake my head laughing.

Wait where's Justin. 

I turn around and saw Justin looking through my drawers.


I jump at him. "Justin what are you doing?" I asked closing the drawers causing him to let out a groan at my raised voice.

He looked at me in confusion.

"Excuse me I'm your guest and I don't think its polite to scream at your guests" He said quivering his lip and I stick out my tongue childishly.

Polite my foot.

I sighed. "Well no one likes it, if you go through there underwear drawer without asking" I said scoffing at him and he looks at me before letting out a laugh.

He licks his lips. "Why, do you wanna go through mine?" He asked with a smirk and I look at him with my eyes bobbing out of their eyes sockets.

Actually did I?


no I don't.

"You so do" I heard him whisper as I could imagine the smirk but I ignore him and sit next to Jaxon and Jasmine beause unlike Justin they actually don't say stupid things.

I look at them. "Are you guys dating?" Jaxon asks looking at me and Justin.

Yeah I take that back.

I felt a present next to me. "Yeah we are" Justin said causing me to look at him surprised.

Wait what he say?

"No we aren't" I say hesitating to let out a growl and an elbow to the stomach whilst looking at Justin angrily and he looks back at me confused.

"Yeah we are, aren't we Selly bear?" Justin asked with a pout as he places his arm around my waist and I felt his breath against my neck.

I close my eyes for a sec. "Erm you guys sure look like one." Jasmine says laughing and I shake my head biting my tongue as it wanted to let out a curse.

Boy what's his game now.

"Wow Justin finally got a girlfriend" Jaxon laughs and this time I couldn't help but let out a giggle.

"Shut up" I heard Justin whine against my neck and I tried to turn my head but he had his lips kissing my shoulder.

Shit what the hell is he doing?

"SELENA AND JUSTIN DINNERS READY" Mom shouts causing me and Justin to both jump up and hit each others head. We both let out a groan and I rub my head in pain.

Is his head made out a metal as well?

I stand up pulling my dress down and I feel Justin's breath on my back. 

"Like you'll ever be my girlfriend" Justin whispered in my ear with his other hand rubbing his head die to the head bump before walking downstairs with Jasmine and Jaxon.

"Like you can get me" I snapped back behind him hoping he heard but I don't think did.

This dinner isn't going to go well.
