
My Brother Is My Mate

'It can't be possible, You can't be my mate' I said trying to resist the urge to be in his arms. My brother's arms! My mate's arms! Josh and I had grown up as siblings. He was older with 4 years and he was supposed to be paired because he couldn't find his mate. I had always dreamed of the day that I was going to meet my mate or to be paired. I never thought that I was actually going to be surprised by the moon goddess.

BaggyJeans · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Forbidden Feelings

As I slowly regained consciousness, the soft light filtering through the curtains casting a gentle glow across my room, I couldn't shake the lingering haze of exhaustion that clouded my thoughts. 

The events of the previous night played out like a vivid dream, the sharp edges softened by the weight of fatigue that pressed down upon me.

A faint rustling sound drew my attention, and I watched through half-lidded eyes as my bedroom door creaked open, revealing the familiar silhouette of Joshua standing in the doorway. 

His presence alone seemed to electrify the air, sending a shiver of anticipation coursing through me as his scent enveloped me like a warm embrace.

"How are you feeling, Bell?" His voice, soft and tender, washed over me like a soothing melody, banishing the remnants of unease that lingered within me. With a gentle smile, he made his way to my bedside, his movements fluid and graceful as he settled himself beside me.

I nodded in response to his question, unable to find the words to express the emotions that churned within me. Instead, I found solace in the comforting weight of his arms as he gathered me into his lap, his touch sending more tingles and making my toes curl.

As I nestled closer to him, the tingling sensation that had begun to stir within me intensified. Unable to resist the pull of my instincts, I leaned in closer, my nose instinctively seeking out the intoxicating scent that lingered on his skin.

The moment my mouth and his skin met, a jolt of electricity shot through me, igniting a firestorm of sensation that left me breathless with anticipation. 

Driven by an overwhelming need for closeness, I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him closer as if trying to merge our very souls. I was straddling him so I could feel things.

The heat of his skin against mine caused a throbbing between my legs.

In that fleeting instant, our bodies pressed together. I wanted more contact and so I reached for the hem of his shirt, fingers trembling with anticipation as I eagerly stripped away his shirt revealing the sculpted contours of his chest beneath.

I took off my top and I had no bra on so my breasts were bare and the cool air of the room caressed my skin making my nipples hard. I laid on his bare chest for heat.

With a desperate need for closeness, I rubbed my breast against him with increasing frequency, each movement driving us both to madness. 

I stared into his eyes as he stared at me with so much hunger. His hands were on my Butt making me rub against the bulge in his trousers.

The contact had me arching My back, I wanted more and so I rubbed more.

My breath came out in gasp and I held onto him. I didn't know I could feel like this and It would be so good. 

He kissed her roughly, raw with passion. He consumed me—his sounds, his scents, his touch, his taste.

My nipples were hard, deliciously abrading his chest. The friction...so good. 

His hands that were on my butt held my breasts and he pinched one of my nipples then the other before laying me gently on my bed and then his mouth covered my other breast.

"I never knew..." I said between gasps as I arched my back. I held onto his head as his teeth grazed my nipple.

He stopped to look up at me before blowing on the nipple making it more hard to contain my whimpers. "You never knew what? That you could feel this way? I can make you feel more."

He reached between my legs, then slid his fingers between my legs. One press against my panties and I gasped loudly.

He took off my panties after my skirts and then stood up to take off his jeans but then stopped. I looked up to him and he was panicking and that was when I heard my parents as they entered the house.

I immediately scrambled to find my clothes. I ran into the bathroom since I couldn't find it and locked it. I had only my panties on.

I looked into the mirror and stared at myself. My lips were swollen and I was breathing heavily and I was also shaking.

Guilt immediately filled me. I allowed my brother to touch me and I liked it. My thoughts were interrupted by my parents and my brother's voices.

"Where is Bella?" My mother asked. I could tell that they were outside my room.

"She's taking her bath. She's fine" Joshua answered her. I guess he didn't let them in due to the scent they could get if they entered the room.

They could also get my scent from him. They wouldn't have a meaning for it after all I hug my brother every time. I blocked out their voices.

I brushed my teeth hastily and took my bath scrubbing my body vigorously to get rid of any scent.

I came out with my towel wrapped around me. My room was empty and my clothes were neatly arranged on my bed.

I dressed up and moved to the dining. My dad was sitting with his plate already empty. Joshua left immediately I sat down close to him.

My mom smiled at me. It was the smile she gave me any time Joshua shunned me. This time he wasn't trying to avoid me he was trying to resist touching me and the thoughts warmed my heart.

"Bella, are you the Alpha's mate" She asked me I choked on my bread and grabbed my juice to push down the bread that was stuck in my throat. 

My dad Palmed my back as I coughed, It was his way of soothing me. The juice didn't help.

"My mate is not an Alpha. Feeling pain during shifting was just different because I thought too much about shifting. My mate is not an Alpha." The last part was to convince myself.

Joshua couldn't be an Alpha. We were siblings and our father wasn't answering Alpha, he was the beta.

"We have to meet the Alpha tomorrow," My dad said.

"No, she would not," Joshua said from the stairs he must have come when I was choking. "She just said she wasn't mated to the Alpha. Leave her alone."

My dad stared at him and then at me. I looked at anywhere but him.

"Is there anything going on that we should know about? Who is your mate Bella?" My dad asked he already looked annoyed.

"If it isn't the Alpha who is your mate?" He stood up to wash his hands. "We will meet the Alpha tomorrow. He could be your mate."

He left after he kissed my mom and then Patted my back.

"Are you sure you are even my parents? You do not listen to me" I shouted as he left the house. He paused but then continued walking to his car.

"Mom, are you even my mother? First, you agreed to Dad's Idea to marry me to the Mateless daughter of his best friend and now you are forcing the Alpha on your daughter." Joshua spat out angrily.

Mom gasped as she looked taken aback by what Joshua had said.

"Yes, you are not my son. No son of my will question me about being his mother." my mum shouted as she pointed at him.

Joshua was fuming and he walked up to his room came down looked at me and walked out of the house.

I wanted to go after him but I couldn't because I needed to question my mother. She was joking because Joshua was my brother I had seen his baby pictures. Joshua looked like our mother.

"Mother, are you serious right now? How could you say such a thing?" I was also angry at what she said and I wanted the truth.

"It's t..." She stopped, hesitated but then walked out on me.

"He is my mate mom," I said to her but she was already long gone.