
My Brother's Rival

New rule: Opposite charges attract, Like charges are toxic. I'm just a sweet little girl. He's the new boy that charges the air with danger. Terrifyingly, the danger get's me high. Ash had very bad reasons to follow his 'was best friend in hell' to a new town. What he didn't expect was the innocent little sister. If they were related, surely she had a wild side too? Slight change of plans.

Pearson_BJ · Urban
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40 Chs

Part 35: Wait A Minute

"What in hell do you..."

Hush Ash placed a finger across his lips and beckoned for Devyn to come closer.

As though in some sort of trance, Devyn took steps forward and peeped into the room Ash was just vacating. Adey was peacefully asleep on her bed, her hair fanning around her head as though it was purposely done for a photoshoot.

"We don't want to awaken that sleeping beauty before time now, do we?" Ash then gently pulled the door close and stirred Devyn away.

"Who the fuck let you in here?" Devyn shook Ash's hand off him. "Do you think this is a fucking pub where all sorts of tramps can storm into?"

"I would have thought so if I hadn't known my girlfriend lives here, she's no tramp. Right?"

"What do you want?"

"Nothing much, just three things." He held up a finger. "That was a lousy act from your side sending the filth after me earlier." He held up a second finger. "I think well both need a glass of strong liquor."

He went into Dave's room and found a glass and bottle of brown liquor. He offered Devyn a glass and when Devyn refused, Ash emptied the glass into his mouth.

Devyn's phone rang.

Ash poured another glass and raised it towards Devyn. "I suppose that is my third point."

Eyeing Ash, Devyn answered the call.

Expressionless, Devyn turned on his television and browsed just in time to hear a news reporter in front of a busy scene say;

"... hours ago. Detective Suarez allegedly aided criminal X in covering up the robbery and attempted murder and framing Traceigh Kaniesky for a fee of approximately half a million which was paid in cash. The conspiracy reached the higher ups in the police units and detective Suarez had been on a run since lunch hour.

It is believed that the fear of life in prison compelled the detective into committing suicide. The approximate amount of half a million cash found in detective Suarez's apartment as well as traces of emails which he had used to communicate with the unknown mastermind X was taken into police custody."

Devyn turned off the television and stared at the blank screen silently.

"I think you wouldn't mind having a drink with me now." Ash offered him a drink. Accepting it, Devyn downed the burning liquid in one go. Ash said, "Here, have another glass."

Devyn downed the second glass in one go.

"Have another one, again," Ash offered and Devyn accepted it, pausing for a moment before emptying the glass. Ash offered another glass. "Have some more. Don't worry about me dear, I'll just get myself another bottle once you finish this one."

Accepting the fourth glass, Devyn hurled it across the room smashing the television screen.

"That's right, do you feel better now?" Ash brought his face in front of Devyn's and asked softly.

"Better your ass." Devyn shoved at Ash's face. "Did you have to kill him? Tell me, fucking cunt. Did you have to fucking take his life?"

"Oh," Ash feigned a disappointed face. "You're such a drama bitch. We both know you don't give a shit about anyone's life. Everyone's just a puppet in your dream house."

"Puppet or not, they are mine. You fucking have no say in their lives." Devyn growled.

"You might be forgetting a crucial point here, Rhys." Ash brought his face close to Devyn's and growled back. "You're my fucking trash, everything you play with is mine."

Devyn glared back.

"And don't think about keeping Addison away from me again. That girl's life depends on me, I might as well order her to kill you and get hundred percent feedback. Remember," He raised the bottle at Devyn. "Plan your next step wisely."

Ash walked to the bottle cabinet and put the glass in place of the bottle he was drinking from. He smiled at Devyn, "Rest on your loins, darling. I'm thinking about calling you next time to restock my drink cabinet. I love your taste."

Before Ash could pull the door open, it was opened and four people stood just outside. He smiled. "Hi,"

Ash heard the cracking sound of a broken nose before it occurred to him that it was his own, his face turned down due to the intensity of the blow. Touching his hand to the nose that was beginning to slowly bleed, Ash turned to Devyn and laughed lightly.

"Your new lover might just have broken my nose because he caught me coming from your room Rhys, can you believe it? Or is it...? Wait a minute," With that he turned back to Matteo.

"Hey, you're that other... Matteo, I didn't expect you'd be curled up in some rabbit hole mourning. I was right." He turned to laugh with Devyn but stopped with a wince when pain pulled at his facial muscles. Facing Matteo, Ash said. "I understand I might have just killed your father but why should you try breaking my nose ?"

Before anyone could respond in any way, Ash delivered a blow to the side of Matteo's chin and watched as his eyes widened before he fell to the ground.

Shaking his hand to wear away the numbness that was starting to develop, Ash rolled his shoulders and glanced at his bottle then at Devyn. He painfully smiled at the two identical humans cradling Matteo's form and lifted an eyebrow. "Knocked out, is he now? I'm awesome, am I not?"

He walked out of the room muttering. "Why the fuck did he have to hit my face. Cunt."