
My brave Lizzie

Elizabeth had an accident that left her paralyzed from the waist down. The result also left her Agoraphobic which means fear of going outside. She lives in her brownstone house which was souped up by her family for wheelchair access. Her life turns flipside after one of her neighbors leaves and is replaced with a former marine with PTSD.

Ghaadha · Urban
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16 Chs

Chapter 6

Ollie came over with Uncle Ben. They both stayed while I was taken out as part of my therapy. I wore dark glasses and kept my eyes semi-open. I pushed the wheelchair around the neighborhood for half an hour. I waited outside as my therapist smiled at my progress. The screamer came over to talk and Ollie asked me who he was. I introduced him, "This is the screamer. He lives across the street. He seems to think that my house is an extension of his. He keeps bringing his friends over like this is his grandma's house." Ollie laughed as he gave me a weird look. He turned around and left without saying anything else.

I finally got off the wheelchair and had partial fear of the outdoors. I still spied on the neighbors and wrote down their movements. When I had time I could study the patterns to figure out how to deal with them when I start interacting with them. The screamer would be seen occasionally but he keeps his distance.

I would be extra careful where I would go and how long I stay there. Mom came over to take me to the salon for a beauty treatment. My sternest uncle was placed on guard in case HE shows up. The stylist cut my hair and shaved half of it. She also curled it and had it dyed three shades of blue. I looked amazing. I even got a few henna tattoos.

I walked out of the cruiser to see the screamer talking to uncle Max and he seemed dejected. He saw me and he looked shocked. He said nothing about my new look but asked if his friends could come over to watch football this weekend. I told him to get a job and buy a TV. He must have selective deafness because he kept talking. I stood as tall as possible so I look him in the eye, "Are you deaf?" He gave me a look of utter shock, "My hearing is perfect" I tilted my head, "So why is it when I say no to your request you seemed to practice deafness. No matter how many times you ask my answer won't change. This is not your grandmother's house so stop asking to bring your friends over. Get a job, buy a TV and be content with what you have been given." He stood still and I asked him, "If your hearing is perfect repeat then what I said" He froze for a moment and gave a sigh of resignation, "Why is it when I say no to your request you seemed to practice deafness. No matter how many times you ask my answer won't change. This is not your grandmother's house so stop asking to bring your friends over. Get a job, buy a TV and be content with what you have been given." I gave him a nod, "About turn and get off my property and stay on yours" He walked away without saying another word.

The next night I was getting ready for movie night when I heard a knock on the door. I check the security camera and saw it was HIM. I spoke through the mail slot. "I told you to stop pretending this is your grandmother's house. This is house and I don't exist to entertain you so go away before I call the police. I have family in all departments of law enforcement and they will not take kindly to trespassers." He seemed to think that I can be dissuaded till I called mom. He kicked the door as hard as he could and mom sent a squad car. His friends watched as he was arrested. They left to get him out.

He showed up the next morning as the maid arrived and tried to sneak in. I asked what was his damage was that he seemed to suffer amnesia. He left without a word. I called Auntie and asked if she could switch the window panes on the ground floor completely black. I told her the blackout sheets aren't enough to keep the screamer out. She obliged within seconds and the windows were replaced by the time HE came back from work. When he saw the new modifications he came to announce his displeasure. He was satisfied that he couldn't enter my house because he could see the TV from his telescope. I sometimes open the blinds to let sunlight in. But now he couldn't see inside in a thousand years.