
My Bratty Wife

[WSA 2024 ENTRY] [WARNING: MATURE CONTENTS AND SLOW BURN] Suzy, a 21st century real estate agent woman, finds herself inexplicably transported to a ruthless noble family in a bygone era. Thrust into the role of the ostracized Cassandra, Suzy grapples with navigating courtly intrigue and a loveless arranged marriage to a cold, by the book, calculating Duke, Ryan. As a mysterious figure surfaces, threatening the kingdom, Ryan is tasked on investigating the happenings around. Suzy uncovers a web of secrets that challenge everything she thought she knew about Cassandra. Can they solve the historical puzzle while facing their growing feelings for each other (the Duke who is already becoming head over heels for her) in a world determined to keep them apart? Dive into this captivating slow-burn romance woven with historical intrigue and suspenseful mystery. [SPOILER: He fell first, fell harder, fell madder and she fell later.]

Cameron_Rose_8326 · History
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125 Chs

Chapter Twenty Six

The carriage rattled to a stop in front of Madame Helena's quaint shop. Suzy, a hint of anticipation bubbling in her chest, adjusted her hat and stepped out, Doris trailing behind.

The familiar chime of the shop bell announced their arrival, and Madame Helena herself appeared from behind a rack of vibrant fabrics, a wide smile gracing her lips.

"Duchess!" she exclaimed, her voice warm and welcoming. "It's so wonderful to see you again! And you, Doris."

Doris curtseyed politely. "Good morning, Madame Helena," she greeted.

Suzy offered a smile. "Good morning, Madame. We're here to see the new dresses."

Madame Helena clapped her hands together with delight. "Ah, of course!" she chirped. "Follow me, my ladies. I've been working tirelessly, and I can't wait for you to see what I've come up with!"

She led them through a passage of colorful fabrics, the air thick with the scent of silk and lace. Suzy couldn't help but grin at the sight – leaving the castle for a fitting felt nice.

Finally, they arrived at a secluded area behind a heavy curtain. Madame Helena, pulled it back, revealing a stunning array of dresses. These dresses, while still elegant and appropriate for a Duchess, were lighter, more modern interpretations. Some had delicate floral patterns, others featured clean lines and bold colors. Each piece embodied a sense of grace and sophistication, yet somehow managed to retain a youthful vibrancy and Suzy's flair.

Suzy gasped, a wave of surprise and delight washing over her. "These are… these are incredible, Madame!" she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Madame Helena beamed. "I took a bit of liberty, Duchess," she confessed. "I know you yearn for some… innovation in your wardrobe. So, I tried to create pieces that are both 'modern' and appropriate for your position."

Suzy's appreciation deepened. It was clear that Madame Helena not only listened to her but also understood her unspoken desires. No longer would she have to endure Ryan's complaints about her "improper" attire. These dresses were a delightful middle ground, a way to express her individuality without causing a stir.

There were formal gowns for balls and social events, elegant tea dresses for afternoon gatherings, and even a few casual dresses for more relaxed settings and everyday dresses. Suzy found herself drawn to a beautiful golden yellow dress – the color complemented her auburn hair perfectly, and the flowing fabric promised both comfort and style.

But then, a few garments tucked away at the back caught her eye. They were nightgowns, made of the most exquisite silky satin, adorned with delicate lace trimmings. Suzy gasped, a blush creeping up her cheeks.

"I… I didn't know you made lingerie," she blurted out, surprised by her own boldness.

Madame Helena, momentarily stunned by the unfamiliar term, looked at Suzy with confusion. "Lingerie?" she echoed, her brow furrowed.

Suzy immediately regretted her outburst. "Oh, it's nothing," she stammered, her voice flustered. "I… I apologize. I just… didn't know what came out of my mouth."

Madame Helena, ever astute, picked up on Suzy's discomfort. She chuckled softly, her smile reassuring. "No offense taken, Duchess," she said kindly. "But perhaps you'd like to explain? These are simply sleepwear – nightgowns, if you will."

Suzy couldn't help but admire the delicate garments. She reached out and gingerly touched the smooth satin, the cool fabric sending a shiver down her spine. The lace trimmings were exquisite, adding a touch of sensuality to the otherwise practical attire.

"They're… beautiful," she admitted, her voice barely a whisper. "Thank you, Madame Helena. For everything."

The fitting took up most of the morning. Doris, meanwhile, battled to fit all the new dresses into the carriage. With a final wave of thanks and a promise to return soon, Suzy and Doris boarded the carriage, a wealth of new clothes tucked safely away.


The carriage rattled to a stop in front of the castle, the familiar sight doing little to dampen Suzy's spirit. As Doris helped her alight, Suzy couldn't stop herself from humming a cheerful tune.

"Doris," she said, "bring me the thickest blanket you can find. And quickly, please."

Doris, surprised by the unusual request, simply nodded and scurried off to fulfill it. Suzy, meanwhile, wasted no time in making her way to her room.

Moments later, Doris reappeared, a hefty woolen blanket draped over her arm. "Here you are, milady," she announced, placing it on the plush armchair in the corner of the room.

Suzy shook her head. "Not for the armchair, Doris," she said, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "For the floor."

Doris blinked in confusion. "The floor, My Lady?" she echoed, her voice laced with concern. "But why?"

"Just trust me, Doris," Suzy replied with a wink. Heading over to the wardrobe, she began rummaging through her new collection. A daring idea had sparked in her mind during the carriage ride home, and she was determined to see it through.

Her eyes landed on an old oversized nightwear. A daring plan took root in her mind. She would put it to good use.

With nimble fingers, Suzy transformed the nightgown into a makeshift exercise outfit. The loose bodice became a comfortable top, the flowing skirt gathered and tied below her knees like makeshift shorts. It wasn't perfect, but it would do.

Once she was "dressed," she spread the thick blanket on the plush carpet, creating a makeshift yoga mat. Taking a deep breath, Suzy began the sequence of stretches and poses she vaguely remembered from a book she had once read.

Just as she was lowering herself into a downward-facing dog position, the door creaked open. Doris had peeked in to check on her lady's well-being.

The sight that greeted her eyes sent a jolt of panic through her. Suzy, contorted in an awkward position, her backside facing Doris, looked like something out of a nightmare.

"My Lady!" Doris shrieked, a horrified gasp escaping her lips. "What… what are you doing?!"

Suzy, startled by the sudden noise, lost her balance and tumbled to the floor with a surprised yelp. She scrambled to her feet, her cheeks burning with a blush that rivaled the color of her makeshift outfit.

"Doris!" she exclaimed, exasperation coloring her voice. "You scared me half to death!"

Doris, however, was far from reassured. Her eyes darted between Suzy and the blanket, her voice trembling with fear. "Are you alright, milady?" she stammered. "Did you fall? Are you hurt?"

Suzy couldn't help but let out a frustrated groan. Here she was, trying to do something good for herself, and Doris thought she was having some kind of seizure. Taking a deep breath, she forced a smile onto her face.

"Doris, I'm perfectly fine," she reassured her loyal maid. "I'm not hurt, I promise. I'm just… exercising."

Doris's brow furrowed in confusion. "Exercising? But you look like you're in pains" she echoed, her voice laced with disbelief. "And… and why in that… that nightgown, My Lady?"

Suzy hesitated for a moment, unsure how to explain the concept of yoga to a lady who viewed exercise as something only men engaged in. "This," she gestured towards her makeshift outfit, "is just… comfortable clothing for moving around."

Doris eyed her skeptically. Suzy, sensing her need for further explanation, continued, "Think of it like… stretching. They're supposed to be good for you, for your body and mind."

Slowly, a flicker of understanding dawned on Doris's face. "Like the stretches the young lads do in the courtyard before their sword practice?" she inquired tentatively.

Suzy grinned. "Exactly! Only this is… different stretches. From a place called India."

Doris wasn't entirely convinced but seemed willing to accept Suzy's explanation for now. "Well, as long as you're not hurting yourself, My Lady," she said cautiously.

As Suzy finished her Yoga, she shed the makeshift exercise clothes. "Doris," she called out. "Prepare a bath for me, please. And bring some of those sweet pastries the cook made in the morning."

Doris, who had finally calmed down after Suzy's unconventional exercise session, hurried over. "A bath, milady?" she echoed, a touch of surprise lingering in her voice.

Suzy nodded curtly. "And while you're at it," she added, a mischievous glint flickering in her eyes, "set up the tea things and some pastries on the balcony. Fresh air and a little indulgence sound perfect right now."

Doris, sensing Suzy's need for a quiet escape, nodded readily. "Of course, milady," she said. "Anything for a little peace and quiet."

Later, after a luxuriously warm bath and a refreshing change into a comfortable dress, Suzy stepped out onto her balcony. The setting sun cast the castle grounds in a warm, golden glow, and the gentle chirping of birds filled the air. Doris had arranged a small table with a delicate lace tablecloth, upon which sat a steaming pot of tea, a plate of delectable pastries, and a book Suzy had been waiting to delve into.

With a content sigh, Suzy settled into a comfortable chair, the cool evening breeze carrying away the remaining tension that had plagued her for days. She poured herself a cup of tea, the warm aroma filling her senses and calming her mind. Taking a bite of a pastry, she savored the sweet taste, a moment of pure indulgence.

For the first time in days, Suzy felt a sliver of peace settle over her. It wasn't a solution to her problems, but it was a small oasis of calm in the storm. Reaching for the book, she opened it to the bookmarked page and began to lose herself in the captivating story.

The tranquility, however, was short-lived. Just as she was becoming fully engrossed in the book, Doris appeared at the balcony door, her face etched with a hint of apprehension.

"Milady," she began hesitantly, "Davis just informed me that His Grace… he wishes for your presence in his study."

Suzy's sigh, this time one of deep frustration, echoed through the balcony. "So much for peace and quiet," she muttered under her breath.

Looking up at Doris, she forced a smile onto her face, albeit a strained one. "Thank you, Doris," she said, her voice laced with resignation. "Please excuse the untouched tea and pastries. Perhaps I can enjoy them later."

Doris, sensing Suzy's disappointment, offered a sympathetic smile. "Of course, milady," she said kindly. "I'll make sure everything is kept fresh for your return."

With a final wistful glance towards the peaceful sunset, Suzy rose from her chair, the book abandoned on the table. Her newfound sense of peace had been shattered, replaced by the ever-present shadow of Ryan and their unresolved issues. Squaring her shoulders, she left the room ready to face Ryan and whatever new conflict awaited her in his study.