
My Boyfriend is a Werewolf Alpha

Shanaya has to return to her father's hometown because she has to attend her grandfather's funeral. He planned to stay because he was avoiding someone in the city where he lived. That man is Shaka, Shanaya's lover who was caught killing her own best friend. In the village, he met a young man named Erland. Since getting to know Erland, Shanaya has been helped a lot in taking care of her grandfather's farm. Shanaya looks at the neighbor's scarecrow which looks horrifying. Something stuck in his heart when he saw that terrible thing. That night the terror began. He always heard a knock on the door at exactly 1:00 in the morning. At first, he thought that it was a disturbance from the village youths, but it turned out that something else was always coming to his house every night. Not to mention, the strangeness in Erland, which Shanaya slowly felt. Erland made him shiver with fear, as Shanaya watched the young man turn into a werewolf.

Mrs_Sukrisna · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs


Erland ran into the forest quickly. He was chasing a deer which was his father's livestock. Erland left the deer's cage open so that finally the four-legged animal could escape easily. What Erland did was a habit. If he wanted to eat, then Erland would naturally have to hunt. His father had made it easy. Because raising animals is one of the facilities that Endra has provided. 

Erland only had to take one deer and eat its heart. But if there is a hard way, why use the easy way? That's Erland's principle. Who likes a challenge. Passing the rows of trees around him, Erland continued to run after the deer he had released earlier. The young man knew very well the ins and outs of the forest because he had been in that place since the 1600s. How many trees, where are the flowers, along with which direction is north and south, Erland already knew by heart. Even if Erland's eyes were closed and he was taken to the middle of the forest, then he could easily return to the village. So he was very familiar with the forest.

The position of the deer, which had originally been running in front of him, is now starting to be followed by Erland. He smirked when he saw his prey was in sight. With a faster movement than before, he ran until he finally caught up with the deer. 

Erland then immobilized the animal and is now leisurely eating the heart of the deer while enjoying the scenery around him. The wind blew against his handsome face. His mouth was quite smudged with fresh blood. Some even dripped past the chin to the ground. In that place, it was very unlikely that there would be humans wandering around. Because Erland was deep in the forest. Never mind going into a deep forest, being on the edge of the forest has never been done by residents. 

The legend of werewolves is indeed very pervasive in the souls of their offspring. The luncheon went smoothly. Erland still makes deer hearts as a staple food. Even though his father only ate it during the full moon. Because Erland still can't control his hunger so he can reduce his staple food. Unlike Endra, who rarely consumes deer hearts. He even often participates in the meals held by the villagers. Endra can survive without eating the heart for several weeks or even months. 

Erland stopped chewing. He took a deep breath of the surrounding air. Suddenly he turned to one of the dark corners of the forest. His position, which was in the middle of the forest, did show the surrounding conditions were a bit dim. The noonday sun couldn't even reach the ground he was stepping on.

The sun's rays are covered by the towering trees which are almost tens of meters high above, to make the condition of the land and surrounding the forest become wet.

Erland stopped the meal. He looked around as if he was looking for something. It's like being aware of a threat that is not far away. The young man found nothing around. But instead, he climbed a tree that was about 50 meters high quickly. In just a matter of seconds, Erland had arrived at the top of the Centurion tree. The tree, named Centurion, has an unusual height. The Eucalyptus tree, which is located in one of the wildernesses of South America, is very tall when compared to other tree species. With this height, Centurion also holds the title of the tallest hardwood tree in the world. When he reached the top of the Centurion tree, Erland glanced around. The gust of wind did not necessarily make him falter. 

Erland's sharp eyes began to find a figure walking closer to him. Erland inhaled deeply the surrounding air. One of Erland's abilities is recognizing the scent of other people's bodies. 

"Werewolf? Who is he?" mumbled Erland who was muttering to himself. 

The human figure who was walking far beyond the surrounding forest, and was approaching him was the figure of a werewolf. Erland was quite surprised because he had never met another werewolf besides his father. The werewolf population is not very much in this world. Especially in modern times like today.

The figure that was allegedly a man was running quickly towards him in the forest that Erland was stepping on. The young man just watched from where he was standing. He was curious about the werewolf figure that was approaching him. From a distance, Erland could see what the man looked like. The figure of a man in a black fur coat moved swiftly, like the wind. His short breaths showed that his energy had been drained a lot. Erland thought that the person was from quite a distance away.

As it got closer, Erland not only smelled the scent of a werewolf from that person's body but there was the scent of another creature attached to it. "Vampire?" The distinctive Vampire blood could be smelled easily at a certain distance. Because Erland had already faced this one blood-sucking creature. Vampires had infiltrated the village in the mid-1900s. He approaches a village girl and makes it difficult for Erland and Endra to immobilize her. Of course, there are no good vampires in real life. All the vampires that Erland met were still after human blood. They will suck the necks of humans that are encountered until there is nothing left. The bite will certainly be contagious, to create a plague that must be destroyed by the werewolves. That's their job. Even though Endra was no longer part of his previous Pack hierarchy, he still didn't like the existence of Vampires and would kill them mercilessly. Erland came down from the tree. 

He was about to welcome someone who seemed to have come to the forest on purpose. Moreover, the smell of that person's body felt familiar to him. Whoever it was, whether he had bad intentions or not, Erland had to stop him before he entered the village and he might cause trouble. In just seconds, a strange figure appeared in front of him. The two of them stood facing each other even though they were 100 meters apart. Erland looked at the figure, and vice versa.

 "You've grown up apparently," the person said as if he would recognize Erland.

Erland frowned as he watched the figure in front of him carefully. 

"Who are you? Do you know me?" Erland asked curiously.

 "Of course, I know you. We've even met before. You don't remember? Ah, of course, you don't, because you were a kid then. And we haven't seen each other for hundreds of years. Where's your father? I want to see him." "Who are you?" 

"Me? Abror!"