
My Boyfriend Is A Dragon

A young boy named Bai Wu was saved and adopted by a thirty-something police sergeant named Xu Lan. It was love at first sight for Bai Wu, and once he started getting older, his heart yearned for a taste of the forbidden fruit - the romantic love of his adoptive father. The question is, will Xu Lan ever reciprocate? With deranged serial killers, parallel dimensions, time warps, dragons, and a bit of ancient black magic, Bai Wu and Xu Lan are caught in a series of crazy adventures while discovering what they truly mean to each other. This is a story of lust and madness!

Chubby Strawberry Sauce · LGBT+
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272 Chs

Xu Family’s Call

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Xu Lan was furious!

It was better not knowing. After he heard about his whereabouts, he felt that his blood pressure was rocketing, as if he was about to vomit a liter of blood out. Motherf*cker! This Xiao Xiao already had a boyfriend that she was about to marry, they even met their respective parents! Even then, she still thought of seducing Bai Wu?

"Xiao Xiao said…"

"Xiao Xiao said! Xiao Xiao said! You just can't have enough of Xiao Xiao these two days huh?" Xu Lan sprung up at once, both of his temples were pulsing. He was shorter than Bai Wu by half of a head, he was even more frustrated as he lost on his demeanor.

Bai Wu pursed his lips and did not utter a word. He wrung his hands nervously and lowered his head.

"Since you're not going to the cafe, you'll follow me to work tomorrow," Xu Lan said while he pinched his temples. He could not bear to be angry at Bai Wu after seeing his expression.