
My Boyfriend Is A Dragon

A young boy named Bai Wu was saved and adopted by a thirty-something police sergeant named Xu Lan. It was love at first sight for Bai Wu, and once he started getting older, his heart yearned for a taste of the forbidden fruit - the romantic love of his adoptive father. The question is, will Xu Lan ever reciprocate? With deranged serial killers, parallel dimensions, time warps, dragons, and a bit of ancient black magic, Bai Wu and Xu Lan are caught in a series of crazy adventures while discovering what they truly mean to each other. This is a story of lust and madness!

Chubby Strawberry Sauce · LGBT+
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272 Chs

The Cusp of Public Opinion

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"Let me in! I want to reveal your true colors, spending the taxpayers' money without doing your job. You can't even protect your own partner. Who do you think you are?" Shen Xiang rounded up a group of people and started shouting emotionally downstairs. He became even angrier after seeing Bai Wu.

"Xu Lan! Xu Lan, come out here! I know you're in there! Don't be a coward and hide! I need an explanation today! Wendi did this to help you guys, doesn't your conscience hurt, hiding like that?"

Shen Xiang kept calling on Xu Lan's name. Bai Wu also kept staring at this beautiful lady. Finally, Bai Wu has had enough and pulled Shen Xiang upstairs while the bodyguard followed closely.

"You! What are you doing! Don't think that I will be afraid of you. I can tell you, I told the press before coming over. If anything happens to me, you guys will be in deep trouble!" Shen Xiang warned fiercely while she tried to keep up with Bai Wu.