
My Boyfriend in the Mirror

Have you ever imagined how it's like to have a ghost boyfriend? Rose, a 25 year-old girl, moves in a new house, but she didn't know her love story starts from a mirror.

Rose_911 · Teen
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2 Chs


"So, have you found the place you've been looking for?"

"Yes, but I don't think it will last long."

"What's the matter?"

For a second, I regained my conscious and thought that talking about it is not the right thing to do. People will call me crazy or just anxious of all the changes of my life, especially since knowing about my childhood, probably. I can't talk about this to no one, not yet...

This is my friend, Kayla. We've met while working at the same company. She seems bossy from the outside, but actually she is so friendly and nice once you get to know her. I owe her much since she helped me since I started this job one year ago. She has been working there for more than 5 years so of course she is more experienced than me.

"Umm... Nothing to worry about. I guess am just trying to adjust to the new place that's all."

"If you ever need any help, just call me. Also, I would like to see where you live. So, you better invite me for a meal or I will, myself."

"Hahaha... I know you're not waiting for my invitation. You always do what's in your mind anyways. It is getting late now, I better leave. I'd like to take my days off in bed, I'm so tired."

"Would you like me to call you some company to keep your bed warm?"

"Thanks, but I like it cold as is."

Kayla doesn't mind being with anyone as long as they fulfill her desires. On the other hand, I believe in love and will be devoted to that one person am falling for so hard. So, am not as brave as her to do one night stands.

Kayla and I started to get up and went to restaurant parking lot to go home by her car. It was midnight. The sky was clear and you could see the shining stars with the moon bright light. The air was so refreshing that I wanted to feel its breeze a little longer, but soon we arrived to my apartment. I greeted Kayla farewell and went up to my apartment building.

My apartment is in the last floor and it is the only one in the floor unlike the other ones. I grabbed my keys and opened my front door, and for the first time in a while there's no one here to welcome me home. Actually, it doesn't really bother me anyways. I didn't feel welcomed in my grandparents' home either so it is doesn't make any difference. Well, at least that's what I thought it would be.

I took off my shoes and got to the bathroom to take a real quick shower. And when I got out, I washed my clothes and let them to dry, dyed my hair and decided to go to sleep. I went to the bed and covered myself with sheets, turned my phone off and closed my eyes to sleep, or that's what hoped to happen at least.


Since I came here to this place and at midnight, while trying to sleep, I hear his voice coming out of that old mirror in my room. At the beginning, I thought it is just my mind playing jokes with me because am tired or something, or maybe am starting to get some hallucination as a side effect of my miserable life. So, I decided to ignore it and not to think about it, but he does not just stop.

This keeps happening every day and I'm losing my mind and it gives me chills. I don't want to respond to that sound, because if I do, I'll fall in a madness trap that I know I won't get out of. I decided to start a fresh life and am not ready to ruin what I just started to have.


I still hear his voice calling my name. I don't want to do something I regret, but if I just respond this time, will he leave me alone?