
My boyfriend's best friend

Anjola_Faith · LGBT+
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11 Chs


I was hoping that tonight's event would

be good and special, and the banana

incident won't happen again. I just

wanted to be serious this time.

I love Max and I was fine with what

we have right now but I also have

needs and I needed him to fulfill them

right now no matter what. I had been

keeping this sexual frustration for a

year already. It was more than just


As soon as l arrived at my apartment, I

took off my clothes and wore the dress

I bought in the mall. It was a glittery

tight black dress that barely grazed my

mid-thigh without a strap, and was very tight around my ass.

I loosened my long and wavy light

brown hair and grabbed my purse

before exiting my apartment then took

a cab going to our favorite restaurant. I

already texted Max that I would wait

for him there and that I already made a

reservation yesterday.

I didn't mind waiting for the first hour

because l was enjoying the view of the

dark beach that was sparkled with

different colors of lights from where |

was sitting. My mood was still good. I

was still waiting for him because |

believed he would come.

Maybe he was just stuck in the traffic

or he took time to buy me flowers and surprise me. But the next hour made

me start to feel worried.

Where was he?

I took out my phone from my purse and

decided to send him a message to

remind him that I was still here waiting

for him to arrive to celebrate our first

year anniversary.

Three hours had passed but I still didn't

get any response from him. It was

almost 10 in the evening and the

waitress kept coming back to ask for

my order and for the nth time, I refused

to take an order

I looked around the restaurant and

some people already left the place. I slghed heavily. I couldn't believe Max just did this to me.

I gave up at 11 and decided to leave the

restaurant with an uneasy feeling. I

didn't know if it's because I didn't eat

anything or because of my frustration

towards Max.

I ruffled my hair and pulled it in

irritation. I felt so upset but worried at

the same time because something bad

might have happened to him.

I wrapped my coat around my body

and checked on my phone hoping that

he would at least text or call me to tell

me what's happening.

I went out of the restaurant and called a cab to get back to my apartment. My eyelids were heavy and I almost fell asleep when I received a text message from Miggy.

"Sorry, can't make it tonight. Let's

celebrate our anniversary next time!

I felt like my heart wanted to explode at

this very moment. I read his text again

and again. He didn't even bother to call

me? God! What the hell was he


I didn't realize that tears already

escaped from my eyes and they were

dropped down on the screen of my

phone. I wiped it with my thumb and

brought it to my chest hugging it like

my life depended on it.I felt upset with myself now. Maybe he

thought l was just going to ask him to

have sex with me.

I sighed sadly and looked out of the

window. The rain suddenly poured

down heavily. Even the weather was

crying with me. I sniffed and cried out

in silence.

The cab driver averted his eyes at my

reflection in the rearview mirror.

Concern was written on his face.

"Miss, are you okay?" he asked me

politely. "Did you break up with your


I shook my head and gave him a

dismissal smile. I quickly dialed Jenny's number but to my dismay, I was sent to a voicemail. I think she was busy too.

Not now, Jenny, please...

I groaned after trying a few calls. I think

it was useless to call her. It was So

upsetting that my boyfriend and my

best friend were both busy when I

needed them and the rain made it

worse. It seemed like the earth hated

me so much.

After arguing with myself if l should or

shouldn't go to the nightclub, I decided

to follow what my mind was screaming.

Have a party and enjoy the night alone,

l arrived at this famous nightclub in

town alone. I walked towards the

entrance taking off my long coat,

showing off my body confidently.

All I wanted right now was to have fun,

meet a hot stranger, dance all night

long, release my stress, and maybe...

release my sexual needs.

I chose to take a seat at the bar counter

and immediately ordered blended

whisky and watched the bartender

pour the liquid in my crystal glass with

ice cubes.

I looked around, watching every soul

and body dancing and jumping to the DJ's throbbing music. The floor pulsed

beneath my feet, and the heat radiating

from the mass was inescapable.

My eyes once again roved over the

tightly packed crowd. They reminded

me of penguins huddled in the cold-

on crack.

I realized it had been a long time since l

have fun by myself like this. Since

having a steady relationship, I didn't

really care much about going out. I

didn't go out as often as I used to.

I sipped my whisky until it ran out and

ordered again. The DJ changed the

music and it was my favorite this time

from David Guetta's song. I smirked as I

turned my head once again to the crowded dance floor and narrowed my eyes when a group of hot guys was shaking their bodies into the beat of the music.

"Screw my boyfriend!" I mumbled to

myself and made my way to them,

pulling up my dress a little bit so I

could show off my honey thighs.