
My Boss Who chase's me

I wished death was inevitable in life I would have always been nice to everyone in life. Emma couldn't take it anymore,she wants something hard and rough. He stood up and carried her up stairs and they entered a room. Then without seeing it coming he grabbed me and kiss me so intense. I didn't understand what was going on. He held me so tight as we kept on kissing. I could feel my body being to concur to the situation. His hands go down my ass. He squeezed it tightly and I could feel the kiss begin to evolve as we moved. He raised me up  placing me on the bed. He took off his shirt and took off mine as well.  He grabbed my breasts and played with it as he saw fit. I moaned feeling the sensation welling inside me. He put his hand under my skirt and moved my panties to the side and being to tease me. He rubbed the surface of  p***y softly Which arouses me every now and then.  After a while he put a finger in me and moved it back and fort. I was in cloud nine, I grabbed his hand following the movement not wanting him to stop. Then he takes off My skirt completely so he could have easy access before leaning down a little now facing my p***y. "Aaaaaaaaaaahh  aaaaaahh....." I was enjoying the electric wave that was going through me. I could feel his tongue rubbing my clit I moaned with pleasure "Oh yes, right there.oh! Don't stop now" my body began to shake,I was3 approaching orgasm when he stopped. He turned me around to back him. He unbuttoned his pants and took it off completely. He whipp his cock on my ass and placed me in an arch position " Once I start is going in hard and fast no one will save you, you will beg for Mercy" I was too intoxicated to care about what he was talking. He put his harden cock all up inside me. I moaned "aaaaaahh " Urggh" He moaned with pleasure too. His thrusts were alot harder.i heard every slap if his waist on my ass going hard and the feeling was nice. okay am new to writing do have been writing a lot of books for myself but I don't really publish any of it but I just have to sort of know trying to help my ideas and see what I post to came back so right now I would love everybody on webnovel to please support me with what they can in any way you can please I need your support on this book please I'll be uploading my chapter bit by bit cuz I'm still working on it well the story is all about a lady who's really into her boss at the office but the boss can't seem to get enough of her please enjoy the book as you read it I hope not to bore you out but hope you find it interesting by reading the book thank you and God bless you all I love you guys

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Family meeting

It was a sunny Saturday afternoon when Alex gathered his family in the cozy living room of their charming house. Family gatherings like these were always filled with warmth and excitement, and this particular meeting was no exception. His parents, Mark and Sarah, sat on the plush couch, their faces expectant, while his siblings, Emily and Lucas, occupied the armchairs. Alex, a driven and ambitious young man, stood in front of them, a confident smile on his face, as he prepared to unveil the exciting new business opportunity that had come their way.

"Alright, guys, thank you for taking the time to meet today," Alex began, his voice tinged with enthusiasm. "I have some news that I believe will change our lives for the better."

Curiosity sparked in his family members' eyes as Alex delved into the details of the venture - a unique opportunity in the local market that promised growth and potential success. As he painted a vision of what they could achieve together, his heart swelled with pride at the thought of leading his family towards a brighter future.

"I've done my research," Alex continued, his voice steady and full of conviction. "I truly believe that this business venture has the potential to bring us financial stability and success beyond our wildest dreams."

His parents exchanged proud glances, their hearts full of admiration for their son's drive and determination. Emily and Lucas nodded in agreement, their faces alight with excitement. They knew that Alex had always been the one with the keen business acumen, the natural leader of the family.

But just as Alex paused to take a breath before revealing another piece of news, a sense of nervousness crept over him. It was time to share something deeply personal with his family, something he had kept close to his heart for far too long.

"I have something else to tell you," Alex said, his voice softer now, tinged with vulnerability. "Something that I've been hesitating to share."

He looked at each of his family members in turn, his heart pounding in his chest. With a deep intake of breath, he continued, "I've met someone. Someone who has changed my life in ways I never thought possible."

His family's eyes widened in surprise, their attention fully captured now. Alex took a moment to compose himself before finally revealing the name that had been on his mind ever since he had met her.

"Her name is Samantha," Alex said, a shy smile playing on his lips. "And she is the most incredible woman I have ever known. I want you all to meet her, to see for yourselves just how amazing she is."

His parents and siblings exchanged knowing smiles, their hearts full of happiness for Alex. A new chapter was beginning, not just in their business endeavors but in Alex's personal life as well. They could sense the love and excitement that filled the room as Alex spoke of Samantha, his eyes shining with affection.

Amidst the discussions of the business plans and the prospect of meeting Samantha, the air buzzed with anticipation and joy. The future seemed promising, and Alex couldn't wait to introduce his family to the woman who had captured his heart.

As the evening wore on, the discussions about the business venture continued, each family member contributing their ideas and thoughts. It was a night filled with optimism and hope, a sense of unity and shared purpose binding them together. The prospect of working together as a family towards a common goal filled them with a renewed sense of purpose and determination.

However, just as they were about to conclude the meeting on a high note, Alex's phone buzzed with a new notification. Curious, he glanced down at the screen, his brows furrowing in confusion as he read the message that had just come through.

His eyes widened in shock as he turned to his family, his expression a mix of concern and urgency. "We have a problem. A big problem," he said, his voice grave.

His family members looked at him, their expressions mirroring his concern. The room fell silent, the air heavy with tension as they all braced themselves for whatever obstacle lay ahead. The mirthful atmosphere of moments ago had dissipated, replaced by a sense of apprehension and uncertainty.

And as the realization of the impending challenge set in, Alex couldn't help but feel a surge of anxiety and determination. The path ahead might be fraught with obstacles, but with his family by his side, he knew they could face whatever was coming together.

With that ominous statement hanging in the air, the room plunged into silence, each family member lost in their thoughts and worries. The future might have seemed bright just moments ago, but now, the shadows of uncertainty loomed large, casting a veil of unpredictability over their carefully laid plans.

The clock ticked ominously in the background as the family sat in contemplative silence, wondering what twists and turns awaited them in the journey ahead. The situation had left them on the precipice of a new chapter, their fates intertwined in a delicate balance between hope and fear.

As the night stretched on, with the moon casting its ethereal glow through the windows, a sense of foreboding settled over the family, a storm brewing on the horizon, ready to test their bonds and resilience in ways they had never imagined.

The rest of the evening passed in a blur of anxious anticipation and whispered conversations, the weight of the impending problem heavy on the family's shoulders. Each member grappled with their thoughts and fears, the unknown looming like a shadow over their hearts.

As the night drew to a close, and the family bid each other goodnight, Alex couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled in the pit of his stomach. He knew that whatever awaited them would test not just their resolve but also their unity as a family.

In the days that followed, the family was consumed by a relentless cycle of meetings, discussions, and preparations for the new business venture. Despite their best efforts to focus on the task at hand, the specter of the looming problem lingered in the background, a constant reminder of the challenges they faced.

With each passing day, the tension in the air grew palpable, the once harmonious atmosphere in the household now tinged with a sense of urgency and unease. Alex, driven by a fierce determination to overcome the obstacle that lay before them, threw himself into finding a solution, his mind consumed by thoughts of the impending crisis.

Meanwhile, the rest of the family rallied around him, offering their unwavering support and encouragement. They knew that their strength lay in unity, in standing together in the face of adversity, no matter how daunting the challenges that lay ahead.

But as the days turned into weeks, and the problem remained unresolved, a sense of restlessness began to creep into their hearts. The knot of uncertainty tightened with each passing moment, and the family's resilience tested to its limits as they grappled with the unknown.

And just when they thought they had a glimmer of hope, a new revelation shattered their fragile peace, sending shockwaves through their carefully constructed plans. The ground beneath them shifted once more, and the family found themselves teetering on the edge of a precipice, their future hanging in the balance.

As the days stretched on, the once unbreakable bond between them now strained under the weight of a secret that threatened to tear them apart. And as the shadows of doubt and betrayal loomed large, the family stood at a crossroads, their destinies intertwined in a web of lies and deception.

And so, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the deserted living room, the family sat in silence, each lost in their thoughts and fears. The overhaul situation had left them on the edge of their seats, the veil of uncertainty shrouding their once-bright future in a cloak of darkness.

What awaited them on the other side of this tumultuous journey? Would they emerge stronger, united in their resolve to overcome adversity? Or would the threads that bound them together unravel, leaving behind a trail of shattered dreams and broken promises?

Only time would tell, as the night stretched on, the eerie silence of the empty room echoed their fears and uncertainties, a poignant reminder of the fragile nature of love and family, in a world fraught with challenges and betrayals.