
My Boss Is So Arrogant

"Marry me!!" Rose stared at the person who was sitting infront of her crossing his long legs.She gripped the fabrics of her dress.Her nails were digging into her soft flesh but she was not concerned about it at all.If she was some other girl,no wonder she would be very happy and consider herself lucky but she very well knew the person infront of her was not less than a devil. "What if I don't agree?Will you kill me?" Rose said coldly staring directly at his charming grey eyes without any fear in her voice. The next moment,she discovered he was very close to her.His long slender finger started stroking her face giving her a shudder down her spine, "You will...Because you have no choice sweetheart.." He mumbled in her ears.. ****************************************** Meet Rose Wesley.... Her beautiful face,kind nature and sweet appearance will surely charm you.Recently she graduated from business school.Unfortunately on the day of her farewell party she offended an arrogant man.But when she went for an interview, she discovered that her boss was someone that she already met.Fate made her met with the man she offended before. He is Kelvin Kyle,CEO of Kyle corporation.Number one business tycoon who is considered to be the most dangerous,ruthless and powerful figure in the country.And as expected he started making things difficult for her in different aspects. Would ever be their hatred for each other converted into love or any conspiracy???? What will happen when she comes to know the true face and motive of Kelvin!!!! Things will be more complicated when an Italian Mafia boss will head over heels for her. Also a hidden enemy who will blackmail her with her buried secret that she kept hidden from the world for years.... Life is very difficult when you are unaware about your surrounding.Specially a bunch of enemies... Things are not always like that we see through our eyes.Sometimes it's very difficult to identify who is the villain and who is the hero....... Will her life change for welfare or become more difficult??? [Currently I am editing the chapters.There may be few mistakes,spelling and grammatical errors, in the book.Please ignore my mistakes until I am done and support my book :-)]

AnonnaRahman13 · Urban
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383 Chs

Lizzy's car is crocked!

"Ummm....Okay Mr.Massimo..." She hesitated for sometimes.She didn't know why she was feeling very uncomfortable.She was having the urge to flee from there.

"I need to go back.Thank you very much for saving my passport." She stood up.

"Miss Lohan,are you scared of me?" Massimo Morgan smiled.This girl last time acted like a spoiled brat,now seeing him face to face she is trying to escape.As if she is a very gentle kitten.

"No....why would I scared of you?" She instantly defended.Though she was feeling scared of him inside,but she can't let him know that.

"Then why don't you have breakfast with me!"He asked her for breakfast.

She was about to open her mouth.But he already cut her off.

" Please don't say you already have your breakfast.I know already it is very early in the morning.You leave for here without having your breakfast.''He stated.

She just smiled weakly.He was right.He didn't have her breakfast.But she is not feeling like to have the breakfast now.Everything inside her stomach is now spinning.She is feeling nauseous.Thats why because maybe she is very nervous.The guy sitting before her had a very kind of different aura that is not normal.

He called his servant and told him to place the breakfast for them.

"So tell me about yourself...." he asked, staring at her brown eyes.

"There is nothing interesting about me to tell.I graduated from business school recently and currently started working as a model." She averted her gaze from him.She was feeling like if she stared at him more time she would be burnt into ashes.

"Good.So you want to continue your career as a model?" He said to her.

"Actually kinda the same.I love this industry..." She smiled.

"Best wishes for you then...."

The servant placed breakfast for them.Both of them sat to eat.Lizzy was hesitating.Massimo placed a piece of egg poach in her plate.

"Hope you don't mind!!" He gave her a genuine smile.Though his smile is genuine,Lizzy is feeling quite restless.She just wanted to go home now.For this she needs to eat fast now.

She nodded.Then she took a spoon and a spoonful of egg stuffed into her mouth.

"You didn't tell anything about yourself..." She asked.Just eating in silence is very awkward.So she decided to have a conversation with him.

"Mine is more boring.I am a businessman and always remain busy." He placed a piece of fried chicken into her plate.

"Thank you..."She took a look at his side.He already ate two fried chicken,one egg and a piece of bread while she was struggling with only one egg.

" You have a very little appetite."Massimo Morgan said.

Lizzy faintly smiled.She had a huge appetite.She and Rose often competed in eating pizza.Pizza is their favourite.But today she was feeling different.

"Now I should go.." Lizzy said.She already ate breakfast with great difficulties.She never felt how she felt today.The person in front of her had a huge impact on her.

"Okay.See you again Lizzy...." Massimo Morgan smiled.

She left hurriedly for her home.Finally she got her passport.Now she needed to leave her as soon as possible.Either she will obviously pass away here.

She went toward her car and got into in.She tried to start the engine but it was not taking start.She tried for a few times but the car was refusing to take the start.She came out from her car and went toward the road.She needed to take a cab now.

"Need lift?" A sports car appeared before her.The window of the car opened and from inside Massimo Morgan asked him.

"No,thanks.I will take a cab." Lizzy said.

"For taking a cab you need to walk at least for twenty minutes.No cab or taxi is allowed in this area."

"It's okay.I can walk.Don't bother please."

"I won't bother.It's my pleasure to give you lift." Massimo Morgan smiled.

Lizzy got into the car.

"Thanks Massimo.My car was not taking start." Lizzy smiled at him.

"You are welcome,my lady!!" Massimo Morgan curled his lips.

He very well knew that her car was not taking the start.Because the cause of it was him.When she came to meet him he set his men to cut the wire of the car engine!!

Now the car is crocked and he got the opportunity of giving her a lift.He wanted to go on further more conversation with her,but her attitude was like a afraid kitten toward of him.So he couldn't but do it.May be on this purpose he got some more time to spend with her.

First time he saw her in the ramp show,he felt that there is something different inside her.May be spark in her brown warm eyes.Next time she tripped over him,instead of saying sorry,she yelled at him.He didn't feel bad.Instead of it,he was kind of felt funny.Her bubbly personality caught his attention.

"I will send your car after repairing.Donr worry." He said to her.

"Thanks again."

"It's my pleasure again." 

Lizzy stared at him.He was now dressed on an Armani suit.His hair was combed in backward direction.His grey eyes were now fixed on the road.He was looking extremely handsome in this professional outfit.She averted his gaze from him.But how much handsome he is,yet her inside was telling her stay away from him.It was the first time,she saw a handsome guy and decided not to flirt with him.

If there is something like a gent killer.She is that.She just liked to flirt with men,then dated them for sometime and after that she broke their heart.There were many successful rich men who were begging for her hand for marriage.But she neither trusts in love nor marriage.