
My Boss Is So Arrogant

"Marry me!!" Rose stared at the person who was sitting infront of her crossing his long legs.She gripped the fabrics of her dress.Her nails were digging into her soft flesh but she was not concerned about it at all.If she was some other girl,no wonder she would be very happy and consider herself lucky but she very well knew the person infront of her was not less than a devil. "What if I don't agree?Will you kill me?" Rose said coldly staring directly at his charming grey eyes without any fear in her voice. The next moment,she discovered he was very close to her.His long slender finger started stroking her face giving her a shudder down her spine, "You will...Because you have no choice sweetheart.." He mumbled in her ears.. ****************************************** Meet Rose Wesley.... Her beautiful face,kind nature and sweet appearance will surely charm you.Recently she graduated from business school.Unfortunately on the day of her farewell party she offended an arrogant man.But when she went for an interview, she discovered that her boss was someone that she already met.Fate made her met with the man she offended before. He is Kelvin Kyle,CEO of Kyle corporation.Number one business tycoon who is considered to be the most dangerous,ruthless and powerful figure in the country.And as expected he started making things difficult for her in different aspects. Would ever be their hatred for each other converted into love or any conspiracy???? What will happen when she comes to know the true face and motive of Kelvin!!!! Things will be more complicated when an Italian Mafia boss will head over heels for her. Also a hidden enemy who will blackmail her with her buried secret that she kept hidden from the world for years.... Life is very difficult when you are unaware about your surrounding.Specially a bunch of enemies... Things are not always like that we see through our eyes.Sometimes it's very difficult to identify who is the villain and who is the hero....... Will her life change for welfare or become more difficult??? [Currently I am editing the chapters.There may be few mistakes,spelling and grammatical errors, in the book.Please ignore my mistakes until I am done and support my book :-)]

AnonnaRahman13 · Urban
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383 Chs

I want to eat you Rose

"So I owned you Miss Wesley!" Massimo curled his lip.

Rose narrowed her eyes.Massimo was extremely  handsome about this there was not any room for doubt but still she didn't like him.Especially his hawk like eyes are making her so uncomfortable.But she decided not to express it.She threw a gentle smile at him.

Massimo Morgan reached her neck and tried to remove the necklace.But the necklace was stuck into her hair.His face was so close to her neck that she could feel his warm breath on her bare neck.She was feeling very awkward and uncomfortable.

Finally,he succeeded to remove the necklace.Everyone clapped their hand and congratulated him.

He took the mike and said,"So Mr Wesley,may I take your daughter for a date?"

David eye contacted him and a grin appeared immediately on his lips, "Of course.She is yours!"

Rose felt very miserable.Without her consent,David arranged a date for her.She could feel that there was something that was not right.She glared at her uncle helplessly but it was of no use.She already  knew that.She sighed helplessly.

Massimo Morgan took her hand and went to his car Rolls Royce.Maybe he is extremely rich according to his appearance Rose could tell that.Otherwise donating so much money and affording an expensive car like Rolls Royce is not possible for some ordinary businessman.

He opened the car door for Rose.She thanked him for his kindness and sat in the front seat.He sat on the driver seat and started driving.

"You look beautiful." Massimo complimented her without staring at her.

"Thanks." Rose threw a forceful smile.

"Am I that ugly that you are ignoring me?" Massimo said with a smirk over his handsome face.

"Huh....!!! I am sorry. I don't mean that....."Rose said immediately.

"Come on...I was just joking.Don't be so nervous." Massimo said, staring at her while his one hand was over the steering wheel taking the control of the car.

Rose nodded.They reached a restaurant.As per she knows,it was one of the most expensive restaurants in the city.These people spent the money here for one meal,she could  manage a month for herself by this.Rose exclaimed.This rich people!!!!

The whole restaurant was empty.A blonde waitress with a good figure came to greet them.

"Good morning,sir.Please come with me.I will show your table."

They reached the table and sat there.

"Sir will you order now or later?"the waitress asked.

" Later.Just bring a wine bottle here for now."Massimo said.

"Okay sir." 

Rose was feeling nervous.She never came on a date like this.

"So you are adopted!!!" Massimo asked.


"What happened to your parents?"

"When I was three they faced a car accident and didn't survive.David was my father's brother.So he adopted me." Rose said in a breath without looking at him.

"That's so sad.I am sorry!"

"It's okay.Its been a long time though."

"You are a tough woman...I see!"

Rose smiled looking downwards.

"And I like tough women." Massimo smirked.

Rose looked at him,narrowing her eyes.

"Sir your wine!Will you place your order now?" The waitress asked.

Rose looked at her.The waitress flipped her hair and already opened two of her buttons on the chest.She was trying hard to catch the attention of Massimo.But unfortunately  Massimo was barely looking at her.


"Sir what do you want?Here is the menu card."

"What do you want to eat Rose?" He handed the menu card to her.

Rose took a look at the menu card.Everything was so expensive.A cup of coffee was hundred times more expensive than a normal restaurant.

"You better order for me.I think you know what is good here." Rose said.

" I want to eat Rose." Massimo said with a smirk on his handsome face.

"What!!!!!" Rose blurted out.

"I mean Rosemary mousse.This is my favorite here"

"Oh!" Rose's face relaxed.

"Bring Rosemary mousse,beef steak,chicken cutlet and cashew nut salad for both of us."

"Okay sir."

After dinner they made their way outside from the restaurant.They went toward Massimo's car.

"You don't need to bother to drop me.I can go on my own,Mr Morgan."Rose said.

" Who said it's bothering me!It's my pleasure to drop you.and there is no way I can leave a beautiful woman in the middle of the road at this late hour.And please call me Massimo."Massimo said smiling.

"It's okay.But really trust me I can manage." Rose smiled helplessly.She really wanted to go enough.Today was already very hard and there was full of drama.

"I really don't like to hear no." Massimo's face stiffened.His voice was suddenly very cold.

Rose nodded.This man had a very bossy attitude.And surprisingly he was very much alike to someone that she already knew.

Maasimo opened the door for Rose again and they sat on the car.They reached Rose's apartment.Rose was about to open the door but Massimo grabbed her wrist and stopped her.He came out and opened the door for her.

"Thank you,Mr Mor....I mean Massimo and your car is very nice," Rose complimented his car.

"It's my pleasure,beautiful!"

Rose was about say him goodbye and heading towards her apartment then suddenly Massimo hugged her.He placed one of  his hand on her bare back and other hand on the cheek and placed a kiss on the the corner of the mouth and threw a devilish smile on the person standing behind the bush close to Rose's apartment building.

"Hope to meet you soon,My Rose." Massimo freed her from himself and left the place leaving Rose speechless.

And if Rose would check the abandoned place behind her apartment,she could see her boss Kelvin Kyle was standing behind the bush.Actually he wanted to win the bidding at any cost but suddenly his phone rang.It was an urgent phone call so he couldn't ignore it. But he instructed his bodyguard to attend the bidding and told him to win the bidding at any price.

But when he came back he saw that Massimo had already won the bidding.His hand was on the Rose's neck trying to remove the necklace.He was suddenly having the urge of throwing a punch on Massimo's face.But it's not the end and even he took her to a date.Kelvin Kyle followed them and waited outside the restaurant for the whole time.And no need to mention,his mood was also not pleasant at all.

How dare she!How could  she go on a date with a stranger  like Massimo!Did she even know about him!How dangerous is Massimo....

He saw them leaving the restaurant.He again followed them towards Rose's apartment.He hid behind the bush close to her living place.He saw Massimo touching her bare back and kissing her that made him even more mad.He was extremely jealous.How dare he!How could he touch his beloved secretary!!!

"Massimo!!You are dead!And Rose you.....You will be absolutely punished!.Just be ready for your punishment sweetheart!"

Kelvin Kyle clenched his fist.